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JavaScript 获取月的最后一天 - 基于年、月和日

[英]JavaScript get last day of Month - based on Year, Month and day

我需要一个 JS function 来获取本月的最后一个日期。 例如,我需要得到本月的最后一个星期三。

我将传递年、月和日作为 arguments。

getLastDayOfMonth('2022', '02', 'Wednesday');

function getLastDayOfMonth(year, month, day){

     // Output should be like this


    (this is last Wednesday of the month, according to the arguments- Year, month and Day)


 const normaliseDay = day => day.trim().toLowerCase() const dayIndex = new Map([ ["sunday", 0], ["monday", 1], ["tuesday", 2], ["wednesday", 3], ["thursday", 4], ["friday", 5], ["saturday", 6], ]) const getLastDayOfMonth = (year, month, dow) => { const day = dayIndex.get(normaliseDay(dow)) // init as last day of month const date = new Date(Date.UTC(parseFloat(year), parseFloat(month), 0)) // work back one-day-at-a-time until we find the day of the week while (date.getDay().= day) { date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1) } return date } console,log(getLastDayOfMonth("2022", "02", "Wednesday"))



 /* Return last instance of week day for given year and month * @param {number|string} year: 4 digit year * @param {number|string} month: calendar month number (1=Jan) * @param {string} day: English week day name, eg Sunday, * Sun, su, case insensitive * @returns {Date} date for last instance of day for given * year and month */ function getLastDayOfMonth(year, month, day) { // Convert day name to index let i = ['su','mo','tu','we','th','fr','sa'].indexOf(day.toLowerCase().slice(0,2)); // Get end of month and eom day index let eom = new Date(year, month, 0); let eomDay = eom.getDay(); // Subtract required number of days eom.setDate(eom.getDate() - eomDay + i - (i > eomDay? 7: 0)); return eom; } // Examples - last weekdays for Feb 2022 ['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday'].forEach(day => console.log(day.slice(0,3) + ': ' + getLastDayOfMonth('2022', '02', day).toLocaleDateString('en-GB',{ year:'numeric', month:'short', day:'numeric', weekday:'short' }) ));


new Date(year, month, 0)

利用月份是日历月份而日期构造函数月份索引为 0 的事实,因此上面将日期设置为 3 月的第 0 天,即解析为 2 月的最后一天。


eom.getDate() - eomDay + i - (i > eomDay? 7 : 0)

减去eomDay索引以到达前一个星期日,然后添加天数以获得所需的日期。 但是,如果超出月末(即i大于eomDay ,因此增加了eomDay减去的天数),它会减去 7 天。


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