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Flutter:当使用 ferry (graphql) 客户端令牌过期时如何刷新令牌?

[英]Flutter: How to refresh token when token expires with ferry (graphql) client?

如何在渡轮(graphql)客户端中的 flutter 中使用刷新令牌检索新令牌?


  "data": {
    "auth_login": {
      "access_token": "ey...",
      "refresh_token": "Ua...",
      "expires": 900000

我试图用 fresh_graphql 来完成它,但它不起作用。 authenticationStatus 始终未经过身份验证,但令牌始终合法。


import 'dart:math';

import 'package:ferry/ferry.dart';
import 'package:ferry_hive_store/ferry_hive_store.dart';
import 'package:fresh_graphql/fresh_graphql.dart';
import 'package:gql_http_link/gql_http_link.dart';
import 'package:hive/hive.dart';

Future<Client> initClient(String? accessToken, String? refreshToken) async {

  final box = await Hive.openBox<Map<String, dynamic>>('graphql');

  await box.clear();

  final store = HiveStore(box);

  final cache = Cache(store: store);

  final freshLink = await setFreshLink(accessToken ?? '', refreshToken);

  final link = Link.from(
      [freshLink, HttpLink('https://.../graphql/')]);

  final client = Client(
    link: link,
    cache: cache,

  return client;

Future<FreshLink> setFreshLink(String accessToken, String? refreshToken) async {
  final freshLink = FreshLink<dynamic>(
    tokenStorage: InMemoryTokenStorage<dynamic>(),
    refreshToken: (dynamic token, client) async {
      print('refreshing token!');
      await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
      if (Random().nextInt(1) == 0) {
        throw RevokeTokenException();
      return OAuth2Token(
        accessToken: 'top_secret_refreshed',
    shouldRefresh: (_) => Random().nextInt(2) == 0,


  await freshLink
      .setToken(OAuth2Token(tokenType: 'Bearer', accessToken: accessToken));

  return freshLink;

任何解决方案,即使没有 fresh_graphql,也将不胜感激!


  1. 创建一个继承自 AuthLink 的 CustomAuthLink。

     import 'package:gql_http_link/gql_http_link.dart'; class _CustomAuthLink extends AuthLink { _CustomAuthLink(): super( getToken: () { //... // Call your api to refresh the token and return it //... String token = await... // api refresh call return "Bearer $token" } ); }
  2. 使用此自定义身份验证链接来初始化您的客户端。

     ... final link = Link.from([freshLink, HttpLink('https://.../graphql/')]); ... Client( link: _CustomAuthLink().concat(link), )...
  3. 我不确定您是否还需要 freshLink。 您可能想删除它并将HttpLink(...)直接传递给.concat(...)方法。


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