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MetaMask Web3:有什么方法可以确保网站用户连接到特定的网络?

[英]MetaMask Web3: is there any way to make sure website user is connected to a particular network?

我正在开发一个在 MATIC.network 上使用 MATIC 令牌的应用程序。 我想确保用户使用 MetaMask 连接到 this.network,这可能吗?

现在,在我的 html 页面所附的client.js中,我只有以下内容:

let accounts, web3, contract;

if (typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined') {
  console.log('MetaMask is installed!');
} else {
    alert("Hello! Consider adding an ethereum wallet such as MetaMask to fully use this website.");
accounts = ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' });
web3 = new Web3();

问题是,如果用户试图与网站的其他功能进行交互,他们可能会尝试使用 ETH,这可能会使他们失去令牌,并且无法使用该功能。 所以我想提示他们进入 MATIC.network。

有没有办法让他们自动进入 this.network,而不需要他们手动将其放入 MetaMask? 有助于减少摩擦。 在此处输入图像描述

这是我一直在我的后端server.js上为此应用程序使用的 MATIC.network:

const WEB3_PROVIDER = "https://polygon-rpc.com" 
// https://blog.polygon.technology/polygon-rpc-gateway-will-provide-a-free-high-performance-connection-to-the-polygon-pos-blockchain/

if (typeof web3 !== 'undefined') {
    web3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider);
    console.log("web3 already initialized.");
} else {
    // set the provider you want from Web3.providers
    web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(WEB3_PROVIDER));
    console.log("New web3 object initialized.");

您可以使用您的 web3 实例( web3 文档)像这样检查用户网络:

const yourNetworkId = '137'
.then((networkId) => {
  if (networkId != yourNetworkId) {
    // MetaMask network is wrong
.catch((err) => {
  // unable to retrieve network id

为了以编程方式添加网络( 元掩码文档):

    method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain',
    params: [{ 
        chainId: web3.utils.toHex('137'),
        chainName: 'Polygon',
        nativeCurrency: {
            name: 'MATIC',
            symbol: 'MATIC',
            decimals: 18
        rpcUrls: ['https://polygon-rpc.com'],
        blockExplorerUrls: ['https://www.polygonscan.com']
.then(() => console.log('network added'))
.catch(() => console.log('could not add network'))

如果您想以编程方式设置 Metamask 网络( Metamask 文档):

    method: 'wallet_switchEthereumChain',
    params: [{ chainId: web3.utils.toHex('137') }],
.then(() => console.log('network has been set'))
.catch((e) => {
    if (e.code === 4902) {
       console.log('network is not available, add it')
    } else {
       console.log('could not set network')

您还可以在 Metamask 上侦听chainChanged事件以检测用户何时更改 Metamask 网络( 元掩码文档):

ethereum.on("chainChanged", () => {
    // if network was wrong, you can open a modal to disable activity and ask
    // user to change network back to Polygon or even change it yourself on 
    // user clicking a button, but i don't suggest setting network by yourself
    // without users permission because users may using other dApps on other
    // networks at the same time which changing network immediately on chainChanged
    // would be a bad UX

为 metamask.networks 写一个映射。 你可以在这里找到所有链: https://chainlist.org/

const NETWORKS = {
  1: "Ethereum Main Network",
  3: "Ropsten Test Network",
  5: "Goerli Test Network",
  42: "Kovan Test Network",
  56: "Binance Smart Chain",
  137: "Polygon Mainnet",
  1337: "Ganache",

设置你的 target.network

// matic chain 137
const targetNetwork = NETWORKS[process.env.TARGET_CHAIN_ID];

const getNetwork= async () => {
      const chainId = await web3.eth.getChainId();
      // handle the error here
      if (!chainId) {
        throw new Error(
          "Cannot retrieve an account. Please refresh the browser"
      return NETWORKS[chainId];


const connectedNetwork=getNetwork()
const supported=targetNetwork===connectedNetwork

如果supported=true你连接到 right.network


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