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Gradle:jar 任务 - 从

[英]Gradle: jar task - override from


  • 照常处理所有课程;
  • 仅包含特定资源并将它们放入 jar 内的自定义文件夹中。

我已经制作了自定义 jar 任务,它执行我想要的操作:

task customJar(type: Jar) {
    dependsOn classes
    group = 'build'

    // everything except resources process as usual
    from sourceSets.main.output - sourceSets.main.output.resourcesDir

    // and process resources to custom place
    from(sourceSets.main.output.resourcesDir) {
        include 'docs/**'
        include 'messages*.properties'
        into 'custom-folder'



tasks.create(name: "jar", type: Jar, overwrite: true) {
    // ... custom jar spec


Replacing an existing task that may have already been used by other plugins is not supported

jar任务的简单配置不起作用,因为它已经在 JavaPlugin 中配置:

jar {
    // jar is already configured
    // with `from sourceSets.main.output`
    // so it will include everything
    // AND create a custom folder

    // does nothing
    from sourceSets.main.output - sourceSets.main.output.resourcesDir

    // adds processed resources into 'custom-folder'
    // in addition to all resources processed by default behaviour
    from(sourceSets.main.output.resourcesDir) {
        include 'docs/**'
        include 'messages*.properties'
        into 'custom-folder'

所以,我需要的是from jar的配置重写(覆盖)默认值。 是否可以?


tasks.create(name: "myJar", type: Jar) {
    // ... custom jar spec

jar.enabled = false //if you want to disable the default
build.dependsOn myJar //ensure this always runs


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