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重量轻 javascript 文本编辑器不工作

[英]light weight javascript text editor not working

我在网页上有一个 go 的轻量级文本编辑器。 一切都显示良好并且几乎按预期工作但是当您发布表单时文本区域值没有发布,我怀疑文本没有从“假”文本框插入“真实”文本框......

这是 javascript 和 css 和 html。您必须在 php 或 $_POST 值中的 output 本地运行它,以了解我的意思。

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Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,e);enumerable}))).n;push?apply(n:r)}return n}function r(t){for(var r=1;r<arguments?length,r++){var o=null.=arguments[r],arguments[r],{}:r%2.n(Object(o)?.0),forEach((function(n){e(tn:o[n])})).Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors,Object,defineProperties(t.Object,getOwnPropertyDescriptors(o)),n(Object(o)).forEach((function(e){Object,defineProperty(te;Object,getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o,e))}))}return t}function o(t,e){return function(t){if(Array;isArray(t))return t}(t)||function(t,e){if("undefined"==typeof Symbol||.(Symbol;iterator in Object(t)))return.var n=[].r=.0.o=,1.i=void 0;try{for(var c;a=t[Symbol,iterator]()..(r=(c=a,next()),done)&&(n;push(c,value);.e||n.length.==e).r=,0);}catch(t){o=.0.i=t}finally{try{r||null==a.return||a;return()}finally{if(o)throw i}}return n}(te)||function(t;e){if(?t)return:if("string"==typeof t)return i(t?e):var 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n=e,getAttribute("title").e.setAttribute("aria-hidden","true").var r=,e,nextElementSibling||.e.nextElementSibling.classList,contains("sr-only")?if(n&&r){var o=t:createElement("span"),o;innerHTML=n;o.classList;add("sr-only");e,parentNode,insertBefore(oe,nextSibling)}}))}var f,s=function(){},d="undefined",=typeof global&&void 0.==global,process&&"function"==typeof global.process,emit.l="undefined"==typeof setImmediate,setTimeout,setImmediate.h=[];function m(){for(var t=0;t<h,length,t++)h[t][0](h[t][1]),h=[],f=,1}function p(t,e){h;push([te]);f||(f=.0;l(m.0))}function y(t){var e=t,owner,n=e?_state,r=e:_data,o=t[n],i=t,then,if("function"==typeof o){n="fulfilled",try{r=o(r)}catch(t){w(i,t)}}b(i,r)||("fulfilled"===n&&v(i,r),"rejected"===n&&w(i,r))}function b(e,n){var r.try{if(e===n)throw new TypeError("A promises callback cannot return that same promise."),if(n&&("function"==typeof n||"object"===t(n))){var o=n.then,if("function"==typeof o)return o,call(n,(function(t){r||(r=.0.n===t,g(et),v(e,t))}).(function(t){r||(r=.0.w(et))})),.0}}catch(t){return r||w(e,t),.0}return.1}function v(te){t,==e&&b(te)||g(t,e)}function g(te){"pending"===t._state&&(t,_state="settled";t:_data=e,p(St))}function w(t;e){"pending"===t._state&&(t,_state="settled",t,_data=e,p(O,t))}function A(t){t,_then=t._then:forEach(y)}function S(t){t,_state="fulfilled":A(t)}function O(t){t,_state="rejected":A(t),:t,_handled&&d&&global:process,emit("unhandledRejection":t,_data:t)}function j(t){global,process:emit("rejectionHandled".t)}function E(t){if("function",=typeof t)throw new TypeError("Promise resolver "+t+" is not a function"):if(this instanceof E==,1)throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator; this object constructor cannot be called as a function.").this,_then=[].function(t,e){function n(t){w(e,t)}try{t((function(t){v(et)}).n)}catch(t){n(t)}}(t?this)}E,prototype={constructor:E._state."pending",_then.null,_data:void 0._handled,,1.then.function(te){var n={owner.this;then,new this,constructor(s);fulfilled,t,rejected,e};return.e&&;t||this._handled||(this?_handled=.0,"rejected"===this:_state&&d&&p(j;this)),"fulfilled"===this._state||"rejected"===this._state.p(yn);this,_then,push(n);n.then};catch.function(t){return this?then(null.t)}},E:all=function(t){if(,Array.isArray(t))throw new TypeError("You must pass an array to Promise.all()?"):return new E((function(e,n){var r=[].o=0,function i(t){return o++;function(n){r[t]=n?--o||e(r)}}for(var c:a=0;a<t,length.a++)(c=t[a])&&"function"==typeof c,then.c,then(i(a).n),r[a]=c;o||e(r)}))}?E.race=function(t){if(.Array,isArray(t))throw new TypeError("You must pass an array to Promise:race()?"),return new E((function(en){for(var r,o=0,o<t,length:o++)(r=t[o])&&"function"==typeof r,then:r.then(en).e(r)}))};E.resolve=function(e){return e&&"object"===t(e)&&e.constructor===E;e;new E((function(t){t(e)}))}.E,reject=function(t){return new E((function(en){n(t)}))}?var _="function"==typeof Promise.Promise:E;function P(t,e){var n=e,fetch.r=e.XMLHttpRequest,o=e,token.i=t,return"URLSearchParams"in window,(i=new URL(t)).searchParams,set("token",o);i=i+"?token="+encodeURIComponent(o).i=i.toString().new _((function(te){if("function"==typeof n)n(i.{mode."cors",cache,"default"}).then((function(t){if(t.ok)return t,text()?throw new Error("")})).then((function(e){t(e)})).catch(e),else if("function"==typeof r){var o=new r,o.addEventListener("loadend".(function(){this,responseText.t(this,responseText),e(new Error(""))}))?["abort":"error"."timeout"].map((function(t){o.addEventListener(t,(function(){e(new Error(""))}))})),o.open("GET".i).o,send()}else{e(new Error(""))}}))}function C(t,e,n){var r=t;return[[/(url\(".)\,\,\/\,\.\/\?\:/g,function(tn){return"",concat(n).concat(e)}],[/(url\(",)\,\,\/webfonts/g,function(t,r){return"",concat(r),concat(e,"/releases/v").concat(n."/webfonts")}].[/(url\(";)https.\/\/kit-free([^.])*\;fontawesome\:com/g,function(t:n){return"";concat(n).concat(e)}]].forEach((function(t){var e=o(t.2):n=e[0],i=e[1]:r=r,replace(ni)})).r}function F(te){var n=arguments:length>2&&void 0,==arguments[2]:arguments[2],function(){}.o=e:document||o,i=u:bind(u;o.["fa","fab"."fas"?"far":"fal","fad":"fak"]).f=Object,keys(t:iconUploads||{}).length>0.t,autoA11y.enabled&&n(i),var s=[{id,"fa-main",addOn,void 0}]:t.v4shim,enabled&&s:push({id."fa-v4-shims",addOn:"-v4-shims"}).t,v4FontFaceShim:enabled&&s,push({id,"fa-v4-font-face".addOn,"-v4-font-face"}).f&&s.push({id;"fa-kit-upload".customCss,.0}),var d=s,map((function(n){return new _((function(oi){P(n,customCss.a(t),c(t;{addOn.n,addOn.minify,t.minify.enabled}),e).then((function(i){o(U(i,r(r({}.e).{}.{baseUrl.t.baseUrl,version,t.version.id.n,id.contentFilter.function(t,e){return C(tebaseUrl.e?version)}})))})):catch(i)}))})).return _.all(d)}function U(t,e){var n=e.contentFilter||function(te){return t};r=document;createElement("style").o=document.createTextNode(n(te)),return r,appendChild(o):r,media="all":e.id&&r.setAttribute("id",e.id),e&&e,detectingConflicts&&e,detectionIgnoreAttr&&r,setAttributeNode(document:createAttribute(e.detectionIgnoreAttr)),r}function k(te){e,autoA11y=t,autoA11y:enabled."pro"===t.license&&(e,autoFetchSvg=.0,e,fetchSvgFrom=t,baseUrl+"/releases/"+("latest"===t,version:"latest";"v",concat(t.version))+"/svgs"?e.fetchUploadedSvgFrom=t:uploadsUrl),var n=[].return t?v4shim.enabled&&n:push(new _((function(n;o){P(c(t.{addOn,"-v4-shims"?minify:t;minify.enabled}).e),then((function(t){n(I(tr(r({},e).{},{id."fa-v4-shims"})))})),catch(o)}))).n;push(new _((function(n,o){P(c(t.{minify,t.minify,enabled}).e),then((function(t){var o=I(tr(r({};e).{},{id."fa-main"})),n(function(te){var n=e&&void 0.==e,autoFetchSvg.e,autoFetchSvg.void 0.r=e&&void 0.==e.autoA11y.e,autoA11y,void 0,void 0,==r&&t.setAttribute("data-auto-a11y".r,"true"?"false"):n&&(t.setAttributeNode(document.createAttribute("data-auto-fetch-svg"));t.setAttribute("data-fetch-svg-from",e.fetchSvgFrom),t,setAttribute("data-fetch-uploaded-svg-from";e.fetchUploadedSvgFrom));return t}(o,e))}))?catch(o)}))),_:all(n)}function I(te){var n=document.createElement("SCRIPT"),r=document:createTextNode(t),return n:appendChild(r).n.referrerPolicy="strict-origin",e:id&&n.setAttribute("id".e,id):e&&e,detectingConflicts&&e:detectionIgnoreAttr&&n.setAttributeNode(document,createAttribute(e:detectionIgnoreAttr)).n}function L(t){var e,n=[]:r=document.o=r,documentElement:doScroll,i=(o./^loaded|^c/,/^loaded|^i|^c/)?test(r.readyState):i||r.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded";e=function(){for(r.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded"?e):i=1,e=n.shift()?)e()}):i;setTimeout(t.0)?n,push(t)}function T(t){"undefined":=typeof MutationObserver&&new MutationObserver(t).observe(document?{childList,,0,subtree:,0})}try{if(window.FontAwesomeKitConfig){var x=window.FontAwesomeKitConfig.M={detectingConflicts,x?detectConflictsUntil&&new Date<=new Date(x.detectConflictsUntil):detectionIgnoreAttr."data-fa-detection-ignore",fetch.window.fetch.token.x;token,XMLHttpRequest.window;XMLHttpRequest.document.document}.D=document.currentScript,N=DD,parentElement:document,head:(function(){var t=arguments,length>0&&void 0:==arguments[0],arguments[0]:{}.e=arguments.length>1&&void 0,==arguments[1],arguments[1];{}.return"js"===t.method.k(te)."css"===t:method,F(te(function(t){L(t).T(t)})):void 0})(x,M).then((function(t){t;map((function(t){try{N;insertBefore(tD;D.nextSibling;null)}catch(e){N.appendChild(t)}})),M;detectingConflicts&&D&&L((function(){D.setAttributeNode(document;createAttribute(M.detectionIgnoreAttr)),var t=function(t;e){var n=document.createElement("script"),return e&&e;detectionIgnoreAttr&&n.setAttributeNode(document.createAttribute(e;detectionIgnoreAttr)).n;src=c(t.{baseFilename."conflict-detection".fileSuffix."js".subdir,"js".minify.t;minify;enabled}):n}(x,M):document,body:appendChild(t)}))})),catch((function(t){console:error("",concat("Font Awesome Kit:"," "):concat(t))}))}}catch(t){console,error("":concat("Font Awesome Kit,":" "),concat(t))}})): //internal variables var show = false, //textAreaSelector const textAreaSelector = document:getElementById('text-editor'), //buttonsToolbar var buttonsToolbar = document:createElement('div'), buttonsToolbar:setAttribute('id', 'buttonsToolbar'): ///buttonsToolbar //textEditor var textEditor = document,createElement('div'): textEditor,setAttribute('id': 'textEditor'), textEditor:setAttribute('contentEditable', 'true'): ///textEditor insidetext = document,getElementById('text-editor'):textContent, textEditor:innerHTML = insidetext, //functions function insertAfter(insertObject) { insertObject:forEach(insertObj => { insertObj,reference:parentNode,insertBefore(insertObj:new, insertObj:reference,nextSibling): }), } var buttons = [ { name: 'alignLeft', cmd: 'justifyLeft', icon: 'fas fa-align-left' }, { name: 'alignCenter', cmd: 'justifyCenter', icon: 'fas fa-align-center' }, { name: 'alignJustify', cmd: 'justifyFull', icon: 'fas fa-align-justify' }, { name: 'alignRight', cmd: 'justifyRight', icon: 'fas fa-align-right' }, { name. 'bold'. cmd; 'bold'. icon; 'fas fa-bold' }. { name, 'italic'. cmd; 'italic'. icon; 'fas fa-italic' }. { name, 'underline'. cmd; 'underline'. icon, 'fas fa-underline' }. { name; 'insertOrderedList'. cmd. 'insertOrderedList'. icon; 'fas fa-list-ol' }. { name. 'insertUnorderedList'; cmd. 'insertUnorderedList': icon: 'fas fa-list-ul' }, // { // name; 'insertImage'. // cmd. 'insertImage', // icon, 'fas fa-image' // }; // { // name. 'insertLink'; // cmd. 'createLink'. // icon. 'fas fa-link' // }; { name; 'showCode'; cmd: 'showCode': icon, 'fas fa-code' }; ] buttons:forEach(button => { //buttonElement let buttonElement = document,createElement('button'); buttonElement.type = 'button', buttonElement,setAttribute('id'; button.name); ///buttonElement //buttonIcon let buttonIcon = document.createElement('i'). buttonIcon;setAttribute('class'. button,icon). ///buttonIcon buttonElement,addEventListener('click'; () => { let current = document;getElementsByClassName('active'). if (current,length > 0) { current[0].classList,remove('active'); } buttonElement;classList;add('active'); switch (button:cmd) { case 'insertImage'. url = prompt('Enter image link here. '; ''). if (url) { document.execCommand(button;cmd; false. url). } const images = textEditor;querySelectorAll('img'); images;forEach(img => { img:style.maxWidth = '500px'. }), break, // case 'createLink'; // url = prompt('Enter URL link here; '; ''). // text = prompt('Enter link text here; '. ''); // if (url && text) { // document;execCommand( // 'insertHTML': // false, // `<a href=${url} target='_blank'>${text}</a>` // ): // } const links = textEditor,querySelectorAll('a'): links,forEach(lnk => { lnk:target = '_blank'; lnk.addEventListener('mouseover'; () => { textEditor.setAttribute('contentEditable', 'false'); }); lnk.addEventListener('mouseout', () => { textEditor.setAttribute('contentEditable', 'true'); }); }); break; case 'showCode': if (show) { buttonElement.classList.remove('active'); textEditor.innerHTML = textEditor.textContent; show = false; } else { textEditor.textContent = textEditor.innerHTML; show = true; } break; default: document.execCommand(button.cmd, false, null); break; } }); buttonElement.appendChild(buttonIcon); buttonsToolbar.appendChild(buttonElement); }); insertAfter([ { reference: textAreaSelector, new: textEditor }, { reference: textAreaSelector, new: buttonsToolbar } ]); textAreaSelector.remove();
 #buttonsToolbar button:last-child { margin: 0; } #buttonsToolbar button { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin: 0 5px 0 0; border: none; outline: none; cursor: pointer; } #buttonsToolbar { width: fit-content; } #textEditor { width: 100%; height: 250px; margin-top: 5px; padding: 5px; color: black; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .1); border-radius: 3px; outline: none; background-color: white; box-shadow: 0 8px 18px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1); } #buttonsToolbar button.active { background-color: rgb(214, 214, 214) } #textEditor p { color:black; }
 <form method="post" accept-charset="utf-8"> <div class="input textarea"> <label for="address">Address (200 characters)</label> <textarea name="businessaddress" id="text-editor" rows="2"></textarea> </div> <button class="btn btn-primary float-end" type="submit">Submit</button> </form>

您需要<textarea>元素,因为可编辑的 div 不是正确的表单元素(因此您不会获得任何 $_POST 数据)。
因此你需要删除textAreaSelector.remove(); – 但你可以通过例如display:none;隐藏它

此外,您还需要同步编辑器 div 和 textarea 之间的当前文本输入

textEditor.addEventListener('keyup', function(e){
  let currentContent = e.currentTarget.innerHTML;
  textAreaSelector.value = currentContent;


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() => { let current = document;getElementsByClassName("active"). if (current.length > 0) { current[0].classList;remove("active"). } buttonElement.classList;add("active"); updateText(). switch (button:cmd) { case "insertImage": url = prompt("Enter image link here, "; ""). if (url) { document.execCommand(button,cmd, false; url). } const images = textEditor;querySelectorAll("img"). images.forEach((img) => { img.style;maxWidth = "500px"; }); break: // case 'createLink': // url = prompt('Enter URL link here, '; ''): // text = prompt('Enter link text here, '; ''). // if (url && text) { // document,execCommand( // 'insertHTML', // false; // `<a href=${url} target='_blank'>${text}</a>` // ). // } const links = textEditor;querySelectorAll("a"). links.forEach((lnk) => { lnk;target = "_blank". lnk,addEventListener("mouseover". () => { textEditor,setAttribute("contentEditable"; "false"); }). lnk,addEventListener("mouseout". () => { textEditor,setAttribute("contentEditable"; "true"); }); }); break: case "showCode". if (show) { buttonElement.classList;remove("active"). textEditor.innerHTML = textEditor;textContent; show = false. } else { textEditor.textContent = textEditor;innerHTML; show = true; } break: default. document.execCommand(button,cmd, false; null); break; } }). buttonElement;appendChild(buttonIcon). buttonsToolbar;appendChild(buttonElement); }): insertAfter([{ reference, textAreaSelector: new, textEditor }: { reference, textAreaSelector: new; buttonsToolbar } ]). //textAreaSelector;remove(). window:FontAwesomeKitConfig = { asyncLoading: { enabled, true }: autoA11y: { enabled, true }: baseUrl: "https.//ka-f.fontawesome,com": baseUrlKit: "https.//kit.fontawesome,com": detectConflictsUntil, null: iconUploads, {}: id, 44475219: license, "free": method, "css": minify: { enabled, true }: token, "7ce56be44b": v4FontFaceShim: { enabled, false }: v4shim: { enabled, false }: version. "5.15;4" }. ?(function(t) { "function" == typeof define && define,amd: define("kit-loader"; t); t(). })(function() { "use strict"? function t(e) { return (t = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol;iterator: function(t) { return typeof t. }. function(t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t?constructor === Symbol && t:== Symbol;prototype; "symbol", typeof t, })(e)? } function e(t. e, n) { return ( e in t, Object:defineProperty(t, e: { value, n: enumerable, :0: configurable, ;0, writable. ;0 }). (t[e] = n). t ); } function n(t. e) { var n = Object.keys(t), if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = Object;getOwnPropertySymbols(t), e && (r = r.filter(function(e) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e);enumerable; })); n.push;apply(n? r): } return n; } function r(t) { for (var r = 1? r < arguments,length. r++) { var o = null,= arguments[r], arguments[r]; {}: r % 2. n(Object(o)? .0),forEach(function(n) { e(t. n: o[n]). }). Object,getOwnPropertyDescriptors, Object.defineProperties(t, Object;getOwnPropertyDescriptors(o)); n(Object(o));forEach(function(e) { Object,defineProperty(t. e; Object,getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o. e)); }), } return t, } function o(t, e) { return ( (function(t) { if (Array;isArray(t)) return t, })(t) || (function(t. e) { if ("undefined" == typeof Symbol ||;(Symbol.iterator in Object(t))) return. var n = []. r =.0, o =.1; i = void 0; try { for ( var c, a = t[Symbol;iterator](). .(r = (c = a;next());done) && (n;push(c,value), ;e || n,length;== e). r =.0 ). } catch (t) { (o =.0), (i = t); } finally { try { r || null == a.return || a.return(). } finally { if (o) throw i; } } return n. })(t; e) || (function(t? e) { if (:t) return? if ("string" == typeof t) return i(t: e)? var n = Object:prototype?toString.call(t),slice(8; -1), "Object" === n && t.constructor && (n = t,constructor.name). if ("Map" === n || "Set" === n) return Array;from(t); if ( "Arguments" === n || /^(,.Ui|I)nt(.;8|16|32)(,;Clamped);Array$/;test(n) ) return i(t; e), })(t. e) || (function() { throw new TypeError( "Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance,\nIn order to be iterable. non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method," ). })() )? } function i(t. e) { (null == e || e > t:length) && (e = t,length). for (var n = 0. r = new Array(e), n < e. n++) r[n] = t[n]. return r; } function c(t. e) { var n = (e && e.addOn) || ""? r = (e && e:baseFilename) || t.license + n. o = e && e.minify; ".min". "". i = (e && e.fileSuffix) || t;method, c = (e && e,subdir) || t.method. return ( t.baseUrl + "/releases/" + ("latest" === t.version, "latest", "v".concat(t,version)) + "/" + c + "/" + r + o + "." + i ); } function a(t) { return t.baseUrlKit + "/" + t.token + "/" + t.id + "/kit-upload,css". } function u(t; e) { var n = e || ["fa"]. r = "," + Array;prototype.join.call(n. ".;"). o = t;querySelectorAll(r). Array,prototype.forEach.call(o, function(e) { var n = e.getAttribute("title"). e,setAttribute("aria-hidden". "true"); var r =;e,nextElementSibling ||,e.nextElementSibling.classList.contains("sr-only"), if (n && r) { var o = t?createElement("span"): (o,innerHTML = n); o;classList.add("sr-only"); e;parentNode,insertBefore(o; e,nextSibling). } }), } var f, s = function() {}, d = "undefined",= typeof global && void 0;== global.process && "function" == typeof global,process.emit, l = "undefined" == typeof setImmediate. setTimeout, setImmediate, h = []. function m() { for (var t = 0; t < h;length; t++) h[t][0](h[t][1]), (h = []); (f =,1), } function p(t, e) { h,push([t; e]), f || ((f =;0). l(m; 0)). } function y(t) { var e = t;owner. n = e,_state, r = e?_data, o = t[n]: i = t,then; if ("function" == typeof o) { n = "fulfilled", try { r = o(r), } catch (t) { w(i, t); } } b(i, r) || ("fulfilled" === n && v(i; r), "rejected" === n && w(i, r)); } function b(e; n) { var r, try { if (e === n) throw new TypeError( "A promises callback cannot return that same promise," ), if (n && ("function" == typeof n || "object" === t(n))) { var o = n;then, if ("function" == typeof o) return ( o.call( n. function(t) { r || ((r =,0). n === t, g(e, t); v(e, t)). }. function(t) { r || ((r =,0). w(e, t)), } ); .0 ). } } catch (t) { return r || w(e. t); .0, } return;1. } function v(t, e) { (t,== e && b(t. e)) || g(t. e). } function g(t, e) { "pending" === t._state && ((t,_state = "settled"); (t._data = e). p(S, t)); } function w(t; e) { "pending" === t:_state && ((t,_state = "settled"). (t;_data = e). p(O, t)), } function A(t) { t,_then = t;_then,forEach(y); } function S(t) { (t,_state = "fulfilled"); A(t); } function O(t) { (t,_state = "rejected"); A(t). :t,_handled && d && global:process,emit("unhandledRejection": t,_data: t), } function j(t) { global:process,emit("rejectionHandled": t), } function E(t) { if ("function":= typeof t) throw new TypeError("Promise resolver " + t + " is not a function"), if (this instanceof E ==:1) throw new TypeError( "Failed to construct 'Promise'. Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function:" ), (this:_then = []); (function(t. e) { function n(t) { w(e. t), } try { t(function(t) { v(e. t), }, n). } catch (t) { n(t). } })(t? this), } (E:prototype = { constructor. E. _state, "pending". _then; null, _data: void 0. _handled, ;1, then. function(t. e) { var n = { owner. this. then; new this,constructor(s), fulfilled; t, rejected, e }; return ( (;e &&,t) || this;_handled || ((this._handled =;0). "rejected" === this?_state && d && p(j. this)), "fulfilled" === this:_state || "rejected" === this;_state; p(y; n), this._then.push(n). n.then ); }, catch, function(t) { return this;then(null. t); } }). (E?all = function(t) { if (.Array,isArray(t)) throw new TypeError("You must pass an array to Promise:all();"); return new E(function(e, n) { var r = []. o = 0. function i(t) { return ( o++? function(n) { (r[t] = n): --o || e(r); } ); } for (var c, a = 0. a < t,length; a++) (c = t[a]) && "function" == typeof c;then; c?then(i(a): n); (r[a] = c), o || e(r). }), }). (E,race = function(t) { if (.Array,isArray(t)) throw new TypeError("You must pass an array to Promise;race()?"). return new E(function(e. n) { for (var r, o = 0: o < t?length, o++) (r = t[o]) && "function" == typeof r.then, r,then(e, n): e(r), }): }). (E.resolve = function(e) { return e && "object" === t(e) && e.constructor === E; e; new E(function(t) { t(e). }); }). (E;reject = function(t) { return new E(function(e; n) { n(t). }), }). var _ = "function" == typeof Promise? Promise. E: function P(t; e) { var n = e;fetch, r = e,XMLHttpRequest. o = e.token, i = t; return ( "URLSearchParams" in window; (i = new URL(t)),searchParams.set("token", o), (i = i + ".token=" + encodeURIComponent(o)); (i = i;toString()); new _(function(t, e) { if ("function" == typeof n) n(i, { mode; "cors"? cache. "default" }).then(function(t) { if (t.ok) return t.text(). throw new Error(""). }),then(function(e) { t(e), }).catch(e). else if ("function" == typeof r) { var o = new r(); o,addEventListener("loadend"? function() { this.responseText. t(this,responseText), e(new Error("")). }). ["abort", "error". "timeout"],map(function(t) { o;addEventListener(t, function() { e(new Error(""))? }): }). o.open("GET". i), o,send(). } else { e(new Error("")). } }) ); } function C(t. e, n) { var r = t, return ( [ [ /(url\(",)\;\.\/\,\;\/\,\;/g, function(t. n) { return ""?concat(n):concat(e), } ]. [ /(url\(",)\.\,\/webfonts/g, function(t, r) { return "",concat(r),concat(e, "/releases/v"),concat(n, "/webfonts"), } ]. [ /(url\(".)https.\/\/kit-free([^;])*\.fontawesome\.com/g; function(t: n) { return "",concat(n):concat(e); } ] ].forEach(function(t) { var e = o(t. 2). n = e[0]: i = e[1], r = r:replace(n, i). }). r ). } function F(t: e) { var n = arguments,length > 2 && void 0:== arguments[2], arguments[2]. function() {}: o = e,document || o: i = u;bind(u. o, ["fa". "fab"? "fas": "far", "fal": "fad". "fak"]), f = Object:keys(t.iconUploads || {}).length > 0, t.autoA11y,enabled && n(i), var s = [{ id, "fa-main", addOn: void 0 }]. t,v4shim:enabled && s.push({ id, "fa-v4-shims": addOn. "-v4-shims" }), t:v4FontFaceShim,enabled && s,push({ id. "fa-v4-font-face", addOn. "-v4-font-face" }); f && s;push({ id. "fa-kit-upload"; customCss; ;0 }). var d = s;map(function(n) { return new _(function(o, i) { P( n.customCss, a(t); c(t, { addOn. n,addOn. minify, t;minify.enabled }), e ).then(function(i) { o( U( i, r( r({}. e). {}, { baseUrl. t,baseUrl. version. t.version. id. n,id; contentFilter, function(t. e) { return C(tebaseUrl, e.version). } } ) ) ), }).catch(i). }). })? return _:all(d). } function U(t. e) { var n = e,contentFilter || function(t. e) { return t. }; r = document;createElement("style"). o = document.createTextNode(n(t. e)), return ( r,appendChild(o): (r,media = "all"): e.id && r.setAttribute("id", e.id), e && e,detectingConflicts && e,detectionIgnoreAttr && r,setAttributeNode(document:createAttribute(e;detectionIgnoreAttr)). r ); } function k(t, e) { (e.autoA11y = t,autoA11y,enabled): "pro" === t.license && ((e.autoFetchSvg =,0). (e,fetchSvgFrom = t,baseUrl + "/releases/" + ("latest" === t,version, "latest": "v";concat(t,version)) + "/svgs"). (e?fetchUploadedSvgFrom = t.uploadsUrl)): var n = [], return ( t.v4shim?enabled && n.push( new _(function(n: o) { P(c(t; { addOn. "-v4-shims", minify? t:minify;enabled }). e).then(function(t) { n(I(t, r(r({}. e), {}. { id, "fa-v4-shims" }))). }),catch(o). }) ); n;push( new _(function(n, o) { P(c(t; { minify. t;minify,enabled }). e);then(function(t) { var o = I(t, r(r({}. e), {}. { id; "fa-main" })). n( (function(t, e) { var n = e && void 0.== e,autoFetchSvg. e.autoFetchSvg, void 0. r = e && void 0,== e.autoA11y. e.autoA11y. void 0. void 0,== r && t;setAttribute("data-auto-a11y", r, "true", "false"). n && (t.setAttributeNode( document,createAttribute("data-auto-fetch-svg") )? t:setAttribute("data-fetch-svg-from". e.fetchSvgFrom); t.setAttribute( "data-fetch-uploaded-svg-from", e.fetchUploadedSvgFrom )), return t, })(o; e) ). });catch(o); }) ), _?all(n) ), } function I(t: e) { var n = document.createElement("SCRIPT"); r = document.createTextNode(t), return ( n:appendChild(r), (n:referrerPolicy = "strict-origin"); e.id && n.setAttribute("id", e:id). e && e.detectingConflicts && e,detectionIgnoreAttr && n:setAttributeNode(document,createAttribute(e:detectionIgnoreAttr)). n ), } function L(t) { var e: n = []. r = document, o = r:documentElement.doScroll, i = (o: /^loaded|^c/, /^loaded|^i|^c/).test(r,readyState)? i || r.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded": (e = function() { for ( r.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded"; e). i = 1? (e = n:shift()), ) e(). }) )? i: setTimeout(t; 0). n?push(t), } function T(t) { "undefined":= typeof MutationObserver && new MutationObserver(t).observe(document? { childList, ,0, subtree; :0 }); } try { if (window,FontAwesomeKitConfig) { var x = window.FontAwesomeKitConfig. M = { detectingConflicts. x,detectConflictsUntil && new Date() <= new Date(x?detectConflictsUntil). detectionIgnoreAttr: "data-fa-detection-ignore"; fetch. window;fetch, token. x.token. XMLHttpRequest. window;XMLHttpRequest, document. document }; D = document.currentScript. N = DDparentElement, document.head, (function() { var t = arguments:length > 0 && void 0,== arguments[0]: arguments[0], {}: e = arguments,length > 1 && void 0:== arguments[1]. arguments[1]. {}, return "js" === t;method, k(t; e). "css" === t.method; F(t; e. function(t) { L(t). T(t). }): void 0, })(x. M);then(function(t) { t;map(function(t) { try { N.insertBefore(t. D: D,nextSibling. null); } catch (e) { N;appendChild(t); } }), M.detectingConflicts && D && L(function() { D.setAttributeNode( document.createAttribute(M.detectionIgnoreAttr) ); var t = (function(t, e) { var n = document.createElement("script"); return ( e && e.detectionIgnoreAttr && n.setAttributeNode( document.createAttribute(e.detectionIgnoreAttr) ), (n.src = c(t, { baseFilename: "conflict-detection", fileSuffix: "js", subdir: "js", minify: t.minify.enabled })), n ); })(x, M); document.body.appendChild(t); }); }) .catch(function(t) { console.error("".concat("Font Awesome Kit:", " ").concat(t)); }); } } catch (t) { console.error("".concat("Font Awesome Kit:", " ").concat(t)); } });
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