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Typescript “元素隐式具有‘any’类型,因为类型‘Rank’的表达式不能用于索引类型‘IPowerCards’”

[英]Typescript "Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'Rank' can't be used to index type 'IPowerCards'"


type Rank = "A"| "2"| "3"| "4"| "5"| "6"| "7"| "8"| "9"| "T"| "J"| "Q"| "K";

interface IPowerCards {
  [key: Rank]: any

我还有以下 object,我正在尝试使用排名字符串访问它:

const powerCards: IPowerCards = {
  "A": {
    canPlayOnAnyCard: true,
    canChangeSuit: true,
  "2": {
    canCounterPenaltyCard: true,
    penaltyAmount: 2,

这个 object 上的所有键都是有效的Rank类型。 我正在尝试使用以下代码访问powerCards object 上的值:

const rank = getRank(card) as Rank;
return rank && powerCards[rank]?.canCounterPenaltyCard

但是,我收到错误Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'Rank' can't be used to index type 'IPowerCards'. Property 'A' does not exist on type 'IPowerCards'. Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'Rank' can't be used to index type 'IPowerCards'. Property 'A' does not exist on type 'IPowerCards'. 此错误消息对我来说没有意义,因为我确保rank变量(我用来访问powerCards object 的变量)属于Rank类型,这是我在IPowerCards类型定义中指定的。 我哪里错了? 谢谢


type IPowerCards = Record<Rank, any>


type IPowerCards = {
  [key in Rank]?: any


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