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VBA function 在 excel 2016 中返回数组时导致运行时错误 13 而不是在 Office 365 中?

[英]VBA function causing runtime error 13 while returning array in excel 2016 but not in office 365?

我有一个 function 读取选项卡中的数据并将其作为一维数组返回:

Public Function OneDimension(arr)
    OneDimension = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(arr))
End Function

打开表单时调用 function:

Set actionDict = New Scripting.Dictionary
numArrCols = Data.Columns.Count - 1
ReDim arr(1 To numArrCols) 'empty array

For Each rw In Data.rows
    id = "" & rw.Cells(1).Value
    If Not actionDict.Exists(id) Then
        actionDict.Add id, New Collection 'new key: add key and empty collection
    End If
    actionDict(id).Add OneDimension(rw.Cells(2).Resize(1, numArrCols).Value) 'add the row value as 1D array
Next rw


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1个 测试,吨 05/22/2022 是的 0.01 某物 144687


helper = user id & date

user id是一个文本字段, date存储为mm/dd/yyyy ,当我用 Office 365 运行它时它看起来很好,但是当我的老板用 excel 2016 运行它时它给出了这个错误:

runtime error 13 type mismatch





  • 为什么要使用功能有限的单线? 它们更短但通常不会更快。

  • 在你的子中,你可以使用:

     actionDict(id).Add OneDaRow(rw.Cells(2).Resize(1, numArrCols))


Function OneDaRow(ByVal RowRange As Range) As Variant
    Dim Data As Variant ' 2D one-based one-row array
    Dim c As Long
    With RowRange.Rows(1)
        c = .Columns.Count
        If c = 1 Then ' one cell
            ReDim Data(1 To 1, 1 To 1): Data(1, 1) = .Value
        Else ' multiple cells
            Data = .Value
        End If
    End With
    Dim Arr As Variant: ReDim Arr(1 To c) ' 1D one-based array
    For c = 1 To c
        Arr(c) = Data(1, c)
    Next c
    OneDaRow = Arr

End Function

Function 测试

Sub OneDaRowTEST()
    Dim rg As Range: Set rg = Range("A1").CurrentRegion
    Debug.Print Join(OneDaRow(rg), vbLf)
End Sub


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