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如何定义自定义运算符来处理 Swift 中的 String.Index 范围?

[英]How can I define custom operators to deal with Range of String.Index in Swift?

我发现在 Swift 中使用String.Index确实需要很多代码,尤其是涉及到Range Swift 没有的方法时。 就像上面的代码一样,我不想要一个开放的范围(两个边界都不包括)。 所以我想知道我是否可以扩展StringRange或其他东西来简化它。 在下面的代码中,我已经知道startIndexendIndexString.Index类型,而startIndex..<endIndexRange<String.Index>类型。 但是当我扩展String.Index时,我想定义一个像static func >.< (lhs: String.Index, rhs: String.Index) -> Range<String.Index>这样的方法,但我失败了,因为没有向上或向下步进String.Index的方法。

let startIndex = str.index(str.firstIndex(of: "[") ?? str.startIndex, offsetBy: 1)
let endIndex = str.firstIndex(of: "]") ?? str.startIndex
let subStr = str[startIndex..<endIndex]

我想像下面这样定义运算符。 为了使用区间符号来阐明它们,如果本机方法a...b等同于 [a, b] 并且a..<b等同于 [a, b],那么 (a, b) 和 ( a,b]。

let startIndex = str.firstIndex(of: "[") ?? str.startIndex
let endIndex = str.firstIndex(of: "]") ?? str.startIndex
let subStr1 = str[startIndex...endIndex]    // [a, b]
let subStr3 = str[startIndex..<endIndex]    // [a, b)
let subStr2 = str[startIndex>.<endIndex]    // (a, b)
let subStr4 = str[startIndex>..endIndex]    // (a, b]

编辑:请参阅第二个代码示例; 请忽略第一块,我没有像我应该的那样仔细阅读问题。 所以这不是一个相关的解决方案。

编辑 2:另请查看此答案下方的第一条评论,以获取第一个示例的主要警告示例。 对于包含表情符号的字符串,它无法正常工作。 这一发现归功于 Leo Dabus。


它所做的是采用常规的半开整数范围(形式a..<b )和特定字符串(因为,正如马特在他的评论中提到的那样, Swift 字符串索引不属于 class String ,仅到某个特定的字符串),并返回该特定字符串的开放索引范围。

实际上,它只是将下限加 1 以将其从包含更改为排除。

import Foundation

// Returns a Range of 'String.Index'es where both upper and lower bounds are exclusive.
extension Range {
    // Here, the upper bound of the range was already exclusive, so don't subtract 1 from it.  Only add 1 to the lower bound.
    static func OpenRange(string: String, range: Range<Int>) -> Range<String.Index> {
        return Range<String.Index>(uncheckedBounds: (String.Index(utf16Offset: range.lowerBound + 1, in: string), String.Index(utf16Offset: range.upperBound, in: string)))

let theString = "abcdefg"
let endIndex = theString.index(theString.startIndex, offsetBy: 5)
let range: Range<String.Index> = theString.startIndex..<endIndex

let openRange = Range<String.Index>.OpenRange(string: theString, range: 0..<5)
print(theString[range]) // prints 'abcde'
print(theString[openRange]) // prints 'bcde'

参考资料: https://www.avanderlee.com/swift/ranges-explained/

我上面的例子并不真正适合你问的具体情况,因为我是从我已经拥有的代码开始的,并试图“适应”它以适应这种情况。 我的坏处:我相信这是一个更好的选择:

// Returns a Range of 'String.Index'es between two specified characters in the string (as exclusive bounds)
extension Range {
    // Here, the upper bound of the range was already exclusive, so don't subtract 1 from it.  Only add 1 to the lower bound.
    static func OpenRange(string: String, from: String, to: String) -> Range<String.Index> {
        // The 'firstIndex' method expects a Character, not a String, so you need a type cast here
        let lowerInclusive = string.firstIndex(of: Character(from))!
        let lowerExclusive = string.index(lowerInclusive, offsetBy: 1)
        let upperExclusive = string.firstIndex(of: Character(to))!
        return Range<String.Index>(uncheckedBounds: (lowerExclusive, upperExclusive))

let theString = "[10:02.11]"
let openRange1 = Range<String.Index>.OpenRange(string: theString, from: "[", to: ":")
let openRange2 = Range<String.Index>.OpenRange(string: theString, from: ":", to: "]")

print(theString[openRange1]) // prints '10'
print(theString[openRange2]) // prints '02.11'


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