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如何在再次调用之前等待 Async Task 方法完成?

[英]How to wait for Async Task method to finish before calling it again?

我在这样的 for 循环中调用 Async Task 方法:-

for(int event_dbID = get_maxID_old + 1 ; event_dbID <= get_maxID_new ; event_dbID++)
    SqlCommand command3 = new SqlCommand(queryString3, connection);
    command3.Parameters.Add("@ID", (int)event_dbID);
    SqlDataReader reader3 = command3.ExecuteReader();
    while (reader3.Read())
       c8y_Event_MSG = Convert.ToString(reader3[0]);
       c8y_pushEvent(c8y_Event_MSG); //calling async method     


JSON 字符串作为参数传递给异步任务方法。 异步任务方法如下所示:-

public async Task c8y_pushEvent(string Event_MSG)
//Doing bunch of operations on Event_MSG
    using (var client = new HttpClient())
      //Making a get request using a value from a key in Event_MSG
      //Storing response of get request
      HttpResponseMessage get_response = await client.GetAsync("https://myurl.com/"+controllerName);
      var get_responseString = await get_response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

      //Doing bunch of operations on get_responseString
      //Making a Post request passing this get_responseString as Content-Message in stringContent
      HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync("https://myurl.com", stringContent);
      var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

现在,发生的事情是所有 Post 请求都成功了,但它们的顺序不正确。

例如。 如果通过 Post 请求收到的数据序列应如下所示:1,2,3,4,5 它以随机顺序出现,如:2,3,1,5,4

将等待 Async 方法完全完成,然后在c8y_pushEvent(c8y_Event_MSG); 做一些改变? 如果是,那么如何等待它一次完成一个字符串 JSON 的执行,然后传递下一个字符串 JSON?

是否建议这样做? 它会引起任何问题吗?


await c8y_pushEvent(c8y_Event_MSG); //calling async method


但是如果你想同步运行异步方法,那就是另外一个问题了。 SO上已经有答案了。


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