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[英]how to increment variable value in angular template

我是 angular 新手,想在 JAVA 中打印时增加值,如下所示:

<% int count=1; %>
<%=count++%> This is line with Text
<%=count++%> This is another line with different text
<%=count++%> This is line with different text
<%=count++%> This is last line

也许这只能在带有一些奇怪的 ngIf hacks 的 html 中完成,但这可能不是要走的路。


lines = [
        'This is line with Text',
        'This is another line with different text',
        'This is line with different text',
        'This is last line',

并在*.component.html .component.html 中执行 *ngFor

    <div *ngFor="let line of lines; let index = index">{{ index + 1 }}: {{line}}</div>


<div>1: This is line with Text</div>
<div>2: This is another line with different text</div>
<div>3: This is line with different text</div>
<div>4: This is last line</div>


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