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[英]tailwind elements showing on hover but not normally when placed at top left and right


import { CashIcon, ArrowRightIcon } from '@heroicons/react/solid'
import {ClockIcon} from '@heroicons/react/outline'
import { BsTelegram, BsTwitter } from "react-icons/bs"

const people = [
    name: 'Jane Cooper',
    title: 'Ethereum',
    role: '$5',
    email: 'janecooper@example.com',
    telephone: '+1-202-555-0170',
    isExpired: true,
    timeLeft:'5hrs Left',
    name: 'Jane Cooper',
    title: 'Binance',
    role: '$5',
    email: 'janecooper@example.com',
    telephone: '+1-202-555-0170',
    isExpired: true,
    timeLeft:'5hrs Left',
  // More people...

export default function FeaturedDrops() {
  return (
    <ul role="list" className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-6 sm:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3">
      {people.map((person) => (
        <li key={person.email} className="col-span-1 bg-white rounded-lg shadow divide-y divide-gray-200 group hover:scale-110 hover:bg-slate-100 hover:transition ease-linear duration-500">
          <div className="w-full flex items-center justify-between p-6 space-x-6 translate-y-0 group-hover:translate-y-1 transition  duration-300 group-hover:overflow-hidden ">
            <div className="flex-1 truncate">
              <div className="flex items-center space-x-3">
                <h3 className="text-gray-900 text-sm font-medium truncate">{person.name}</h3>
                <span className="flex-shrink-0 flex px-2 py-0.5 text-green-800 text-xs font-medium bg-green-100 rounded-full">
                  <CashIcon className='w-4 h-4 text-green-500' aria-hidden="true" />
                  <span className='mr-2 ml-1 text-gray-500 font-bold'>
              <span className="flex-shrink-1 flex px-2 w-24 mt-2 py-0.5 text-green-800 text-xs font-medium bg-blue-200 rounded-full">
                  <CashIcon className='w-4 h-4 text-green-500' aria-hidden="true" />
                  <span className='ml-1 text-gray-500 font-bold'>
            <img className="w-10 h-10 bg-gray-300 rounded-full flex-shrink-0" src={person.imageUrl} alt="" />
          <div className='invisible  group-hover:visible transition ease-in duration-100'>
            <div className="-mt-px flex divide-x divide-gray-200 ">
              <div className="w-0 flex-1 flex ">
                  className="relative -mr-px w-0 flex-1 inline-flex items-center justify-center py-4 text-sm text-gray-700 font-medium border border-transparent rounded-bl-lg hover:text-gray-500"
                  <BsTwitter className="w-5 h-5 text-gray-400" aria-hidden="true" />
                  <span className="ml-3">Twitter</span>
              <div className="-ml-px w-0 flex-1 flex ">
                  className="relative w-0 flex-1 inline-flex items-center justify-center py-4 text-sm text-gray-700 font-medium border border-transparent rounded-br-lg hover:text-gray-500"
                  <BsTelegram className="w-5 h-5 text-gray-400" aria-hidden="true" />
                  <span className="ml-3">Telegram</span>
          <div className=' group-hover:visible transition ease-in duration-100'>
            <div className="-mt-px flex divide-x divide-gray-200 ">
              <div className="w-0 flex-1 flex ">
                  className="relative bg-green-400 -mr-px w-0 flex-1 inline-flex items-center justify-center py-4 text-sm text-gray-700 font-medium border border-transparent rounded-bl-lg hover:text-gray-500"
                  <span className="ml-3">Go To Airdrop</span>
                  <ArrowRightIcon className="w-5 h-5 text-gray-400" aria-hidden="true" />
          <div className='absolute top-0 right-0 h-5 w-16 bg-red-400 flex items-center text-white justify-center'>{person.isExpired ? <p className=''>expired</p> : <></>}</div>
            <div className='absolute  top-0 left-0 h-5 w-20 bg-white flex items-center justify-center font-medium text-xs group-hover:pb-0 group-hover:transition duration-300'>
              <ClockIcon className='w-4 h-4 text-gray-600' aria-hidden="true" />

我认为这是因为带有人员信息的容器存在一些隐藏的填充问题。 另外,我们如何消除信息容器之间的间隙并在未悬停时转到容器,因为现在元素显示在悬停时并在悬停后不可见但仍占用空间?


import { CashIcon, ArrowRightIcon } from '@heroicons/react/solid'
import {ClockIcon} from '@heroicons/react/outline'
import { BsTelegram, BsTwitter } from "react-icons/bs"

const people = [
    name: 'Jane Cooper',
    title: 'Ethereum',
    role: '$5',
    email: 'janecooper@example.com',
    telephone: '+1-202-555-0170',
    isExpired: true,
    timeLeft:'5hrs Left',
    name: 'Jane Cooper',
    title: 'Binance',
    role: '$5',
    email: 'janecooper@example.com',
    telephone: '+1-202-555-0170',
    isExpired: true,
    timeLeft:'5hrs Left',
  // More people...

export default function FeaturedDrops() {
  return (
    <ul role="list" className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-6 sm:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3">
      {people.map((person) => (
        <li key={person.email} className="col-span-1 bg-white rounded-lg shadow divide-y divide-gray-200 group hover:scale-110 hover:bg-slate-100 hover:transition ease-linear duration-500 relative">
          <div className="w-full flex items-center justify-between p-6 space-x-6 translate-y-0 group-hover:translate-y-1 transition  duration-300 group-hover:overflow-hidden ">
            <div className="flex-1 truncate">
              <div className="flex items-center space-x-3">
                <h3 className="text-gray-900 text-sm font-medium truncate">{person.name}</h3>
                <span className="flex-shrink-0 flex px-2 py-0.5 text-green-800 text-xs font-medium bg-green-100 rounded-full">
                  <CashIcon className='w-4 h-4 text-green-500' aria-hidden="true" />
                  <span className='mr-2 ml-1 text-gray-500 font-bold'>
              <span className="flex-shrink-1 flex px-2 w-24 mt-2 py-0.5 text-green-800 text-xs font-medium bg-blue-200 rounded-full">
                  <CashIcon className='w-4 h-4 text-green-500' aria-hidden="true" />
                  <span className='ml-1 text-gray-500 font-bold'>
            <img className="w-10 h-10 bg-gray-300 rounded-full flex-shrink-0" src={person.imageUrl} alt="" />
          <div className='invisible  group-hover:visible transition ease-in duration-100'>
            <div className="-mt-px flex divide-x divide-gray-200 ">
              <div className="w-0 flex-1 flex ">
                  className="relative -mr-px w-0 flex-1 inline-flex items-center justify-center py-4 text-sm text-gray-700 font-medium border border-transparent rounded-bl-lg hover:text-gray-500"
                  <BsTwitter className="w-5 h-5 text-gray-400" aria-hidden="true" />
                  <span className="ml-3">Twitter</span>
              <div className="-ml-px w-0 flex-1 flex ">
                  className="relative w-0 flex-1 inline-flex items-center justify-center py-4 text-sm text-gray-700 font-medium border border-transparent rounded-br-lg hover:text-gray-500"
                  <BsTelegram className="w-5 h-5 text-gray-400" aria-hidden="true" />
                  <span className="ml-3">Telegram</span>
          <div className=' group-hover:visible transition ease-in duration-100'>
            <div className="-mt-px flex divide-x divide-gray-200 ">
              <div className="w-0 flex-1 flex ">
                  className="relative bg-green-400 -mr-px w-0 flex-1 inline-flex items-center justify-center py-4 text-sm text-gray-700 font-medium border border-transparent rounded-bl-lg hover:text-gray-500"
                  <span className="ml-3">Go To Airdrop</span>
                  <ArrowRightIcon className="w-5 h-5 text-gray-400" aria-hidden="true" />
          <div className='absolute top-0 right-0 h-5 w-16 bg-red-400 flex items-center text-white justify-center'>{person.isExpired ? <p className=''>expired</p> : <></>}</div>
            <div className='absolute  top-0 left-0 h-5 w-20 bg-white flex items-center justify-center font-medium text-xs group-hover:pb-0 group-hover:transition duration-300'>
              <ClockIcon className='w-4 h-4 text-gray-600' aria-hidden="true" />


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