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[英]How to define a type inside a generic interface for a property inside this generic type


export interface Column<T> {
    field: string;
    columnFormatter?: (props: {
        value: any/** field type inside T**/; data: T; node: any
    }) => void;

field 是类型 T 内的属性的名称,我怎么能说该值是该类型?

export interface IPurchase {
    id: string;
    name: string;
    purchaseDate: Date;

let doSomethingWithMyDate: (myDate: Date) => (true);

const columns: Array<Column<IPurchase>> = [
        field: "purchaseDate", /* "purchaseDate" must be inside IPurchase */
        columnFormatter: ({ value /* must identify that this is a Date */ }) => 


为了表示field属性与columnFormatterprops参数的value属性类型之间的相关性,您需要Column<T>是一个联合类型,其中T的每个键都有一个成员。 例如,给定您的IPurchase示例,您需要Column<IPurchase>

type ColumnIPurchase = {
    field: "id";
    columnFormatter?: ((props: {
        value: string;
        data: IPurchase;
        node: any;
    }) => void);
} | {
    field: "name";
    columnFormatter?: ((props: {
        value: string;
        data: IPurchase;
        node: any;
    }) => void) 
} | {
    field: "purchaseDate";
    columnFormatter?: ((props: {
        value: Date;
        data: IPurchase;
        node: any;
    }) => void);


const columns: Array<Column<IPurchase>> = [
        field: "purchaseDate",
        columnFormatter: ({ value }) => doSomethingWithMyDate(value)
        field: "name",
        columnFormatter: ({ value }) => doSomethingWithMyDate(value) // error!
        //  string isn't a Date ----------------------------> ~~~~~ 



type Column<T> = { [K in keyof T]-?: {
    field: K;
    columnFormatter?: (props: { value: T[K]; data: T; node: any }) => void;
} }[keyof T]

这种类型的一般形式{[K in keyof T]-?: F<K>}[keyof T]被称为分布式对象类型,如microsoft/TypeScript#47109中所创造的; 我们在keyof T中的键上创建一个映射类型,然后立即使用keyof T对其进行索引,以便为 keyof T 中的每个键K获得F<K>的并keyof T

特别是在这里我们正在计算{ field: K; columnFormatter?: (props: { value: T[K]; data: T; node: any }) => void; } { field: K; columnFormatter?: (props: { value: T[K]; data: T; node: any }) => void; } 其中{ field: K; columnFormatter?: (props: { value: T[K]; data: T; node: any }) => void; }是键的类型, T[K] K该键对应的属性值的类型。


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