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[英]Recursive non-binary, non-sorted tree search using c# lambdas

class TreeNode
    public string Value { get; set;}
    public Collection<TreeNode> Nodes { get; set;}

    public TreeNode()
        Nodes = new Collection<TreeNode>();

1)如何编写递归lambda表达式以返回具有特定值的TreeNode(如果未找到则返回null),假设值是唯一的? 当然#1可以使用#2来回答,但我想如果你知道没有重复,可能会有更有效的方法。


编辑 :更正了代码,我确实编译并测试了两段代码,但是我必须先粘贴版本才能在VS中修复它们。 对于那个很抱歉。

我添加了一个带有代码的Subversion存储库,包括单元测试,以确保它现在按预期工作,在这里 ,使用用户名和密码登录为“guest”,没有引号。


1 :先找到

Func<TreeNode, String, TreeNode> findNode = null; // satisfy recursion re-use
findNode = (n, value) =>
    if (n == null) return n;
    if (n.Value == value) return n;
    foreach (var subNode in n.Nodes)
        TreeNode foundNode = findNode(subNode, value);
        if (foundNode != null) return foundNode;
    return null;

请注意,此处的陷阱是对于要递归的lambda或委托,在将实际委托分配给变量之前,需要先使用已知值声明变量。 否则,编译器会在给定值之前抱怨您正在使用变量。

2 :找到所有

Func<TreeNode, String, List<TreeNode>> findNodes = null;
findNodes = (n, value) =>
    var result = new List<TreeNode>();
    if (n == null) return result;
    if (n.Value == value) result.Add(n);
    foreach (var subNode in n.Nodes)
        result.AddRange(findNodes(subNode, value));
    return result;



public class Node<T> where T:IComparable
    public T Value { get; set; }

    public IList<Node<T>> Children { get; set; }

    public override string ToString()
        return Value.ToString();

    public static Func<T, Node<T>, Node<T>> GetFindFirstFunc()
        Func<T, Node<T>,Node<T>> func = null;
        func = (value,currentNode) =>
                if (currentNode.Value.CompareTo(value) == 0)
                    return currentNode;
                if (currentNode.Children != null)
                    foreach (var child in currentNode.Children)
                        var result = func(value, child);
                        if (result != null)
                            //found the first match, pass that out as the return value as the call stack unwinds
                            return result;
                return null;
        return func;

    public static Func<T, Node<T>, IEnumerable<Node<T>>> GetFindAllFunc()
        Func<T, Node<T>, IEnumerable<Node<T>>> func = null;
        List<Node<T>> matches = new List<Node<T>>();
        func = (value, currentNode) =>
            //capture the matches  List<Node<T>> in a closure so that we don't re-create it recursively every time.
            if (currentNode.Value.CompareTo(value) == 0)
            if (currentNode.Children != null)
                //process all nodes
                foreach (var child in currentNode.Children)
                    func(value, child);
            return matches;
        return func;


static void Main(string[] args)
        Node<int> rootNode = new Node<int>
            Value = 1,
            Children = new List<Node<int>>
                 new Node<int>
                 {  Value = 2,
                                 Children = new List<Node<int>>
                                     new Node<int>{ Value = 7},
                                     new Node<int>{ Value = 4}                                                            
                 new Node<int>
                 {  Value = 5,
                                 Children = new List<Node<int>>
                                     new Node<int>{ Value = 6},
                                     new Node<int>{ Value = 7}                                                            

        Func<int, Node<int>, Node<int>> findFirst = Node<int>.GetFindFirstFunc();
        var firstValue = findFirst(7, rootNode);           

        Func<int, Node<int>, IEnumerable<Node<int>>> findAll = Node<int>.GetFindAllFunc();
        var allvalues = findAll(7, rootNode);           


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