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MySQL:连接具有一对多关系的记录 1:1

[英]MySQL: Join records 1:1 that have a one to many relationship


INSERT INTO properties (property_id, year_built, type_id, code)
(1, 2000, 3, 'ABC'),
(2, 2001, 3, 'ABC'),
(3, 2002, 3, 'ABC'),
(4, 2003, 3, 'ABC'),
(5, 2004, 3, 'ABC'),
(6, 2005, 3, 'ABC'),
(7, 2000, 3, 'DEF'),
(8, 2001, 3, 'DEF'),
(9, 2002, 3, 'DEF'),
(10, 2003, 3, 'DEF'),
(11, 2004, 3, 'DEF'),
(12, 2005, 3, 'DEF'),
(13, 2000, 3, 'GHI'),
(14, 2001, 3, 'GHI'),
(15, 2002, 3, 'GHI'),
(16, 2003, 3, 'GHI'),
(17, 2004, 3, 'GHI'),
(18, 2005, 3, 'GHI');


INSERT INTO agents (agent_id, year_built, type_id)
(50, 2000, 3),
(51, 2001, 3),
(52, 2002, 3),
(53, 2003, 3),
(54, 2004, 3),
(55, 2005, 3),
(56, 2000, 3),
(57, 2001, 3),
(58, 2002, 3),
(59, 2003, 3),
(60, 2004, 3),
(61, 2005, 3),
(62, 2000, 3),
(63, 2001, 3),
(64, 2002, 3),
(65, 2003, 3),
(66, 2004, 3),
(67, 2005, 3);

属性表中有一个字段:“agent_id”,应填充同一年份和类型的单个代理。 例如,这是运行更新语句后 2000 年属性表的预期结果:

SELECT (*) FROM properties WHERE year_built = 2000;
property_id  year_built  type_id  code  agent_id
1            2000        3        ABC   50
7            2000        3        DEF   56
13           2000        3        GHI   62

我尝试的每次连接都会为每个 property_id 返回所有匹配的代理记录。 例如:

SELECT properties.*, agents.agent_id
FROM   properties
JOIN   agents
       USING(year_built, type_id)
WHERE  properties.year_built = 2000;


property_id  year_built  type_id  code  agent_id
1            2000        3        ABC   50
1            2000        3        ABC   56
1            2000        3        ABC   62
7            2000        3        DEF   50
7            2000        3        DEF   56
7            2000        3        DEF   62
13           2000        3        GHI   50
13           2000        3        GHI   56
13           2000        3        GHI   62

我知道简单的连接将返回所有代理记录,但我不确定如何将单个代理记录与仅包含我必须使用的字段的单个属性记录匹配。 此外,我希望对这些进行排序 - 以便年份/类型的第一个 property_id 与同一年份/类型的第一个 agent_id 匹配。 我还应该补充一点,表的字段、键或属性都不能修改。

由于表properties的数据可以与表agents的数据均匀匹配,因此我们可以利用添加到每个表的行号进行精确匹配。 这是使用 MySQL5.7 在工作台中编写和测试的:

select p.property_id,p.year_built,p.type_id,p.code,agent_id from 
    (select property_id,year_built,type_id,code,@row_id:=@row_id+1 as rowid 
    from properties,(select @row_id:=0) t ) p
    (select agent_id,year_built,type_id,@row_number:=@row_number+1 as rownumber 
    from agents,(select @row_number:=0) t ) a
on p.year_built=a.year_built and p.type_id=a.type_id and p.rowid=a.rownumber
where p.year_built=2000


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