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[英]How to query a many-to-many relationship

3 表: Fruits(id, name) Buckets(id, name) Bucket_Fruit(id, fruit_id, bucket_id, count)

例如有一个桶 Bucket1 有 2 个苹果和 1 个香蕉:

水果.id 水果名称
1 苹果
2 香蕉
桶.id Buckets.name
1 桶 1
Bucket_Fruit.id Bucket_Fruit.fruit_id Bucket_Fruit.bucket_id Bucket_Fruit.count
1 1 1 2
2 2 1 1

问题是:如何查询只有 2 个苹果和 1 个香蕉的桶? 我可以保证不会有 2 个桶有相同的水果。


select distinct bucket_id 
from Bucket_Fruit b
where exists (select * from Bucket_Fruit where bucket_id=b.bucket_id 
                                        and fruit_id=(select id from Fruits where name='apple') 
                                        and count=2)
    and exists (select * from Bucket_Fruit where bucket_id=b.bucket_id 
                                        and fruit_id=(select id from Fruits where name='banana') 
                                        and count=1)
    and bucket_id in (select bucket_id from Bucket_Fruit group by bucket_id having count(fruit_id)=2)


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