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Golang:使用 required_if 标记根据其封闭结构字段之一的值验证内部结构字段

[英]Golang: Validate inner Struct field based on the values of one of its enclosing struct's field using required_if tag

golang 版本:1.18.3


我想在加载到嵌套结构数据结构后验证传入的 JSON 有效负载。 这是我传入的 JSON 有效载荷,

        "irn": 1,
        "firstName": "Testing",
        "lastName": "Test",
        "cardType": "RECIPROCAL",
        "number": "2248974514",
        "cardExpiry": {
            "month": "01",
            "year": "2025"

这是我的医疗保险。go 文件

 package main

import (


type Medicare struct {
    IRN           uint8
    FirstName     string
    MiddleInitial string
    LastName      string
    CardType      string `validate:"required,eq=RESIDENT|eq=RECIPROCAL|eq=INTERIM"`
    Number        string
    CardExpiry    *CardExpiry `validate:"required"`

type CardExpiry struct {
    Day   string
    Month string `validate:"required"`
    Year  string `validate:"required"`

这是我的测试 function

    func TestUserPayload(t *testing.T) {
    var m Medicare

    err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonData), &m)
    if err != nil {

    validate := validator.New()
    err = validate.Struct(m)
    if err != nil {
        t.Errorf("error %v", err)

我想使用验证器/v10 的required_if标签进行以下验证。 这是验证逻辑,

if (m.CardType == "RECIPROCAL" || m.CardType == "INTERIM") &&
    m.CardExpiry.Day == "" {
    //validation error

required_if可以基于相同结构中的字段值使用(在本例中为 CardExpiry)

Day   string `validate:"required_if=Month 01"`


可以根据其封闭结构的字段之一(在本例中为 Medicare 结构)的值来完成吗? 例如:

Day   string `validate:"required_if=Medicare.CardType RECIPROCAL"`


这是go 操场代码

您可以编写自定义验证、 playground-solution ,自定义验证的文档可在此处获取https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/go-playground/validator#CustomTypeFunc

有点老的问题,但 valix ( https://github.com/marrow16/valix )可以使用条件“开箱即用”做这样的事情。 例子...

package main

import (


type Medicare struct {
    IRN           uint8  `json:"irn"`
    FirstName     string `json:"firstName"`
    MiddleInitial string `json:"middleInitial"`
    LastName      string `json:"lastName"`
    // set order on this property so that it is evaluated before 'CardExpiry' object is checked...
    // (and set a condition based on its value)
    CardType   string      `json:"cardType" v8n:"order:-1,required,&StringValidToken{['RESIDENT','RECIPROCAL','INTERIM']},&SetConditionFrom{Global:true}"`
    Number     string      `json:"number"`
    CardExpiry *CardExpiry `json:"cardExpiry" v8n:"required,notNull"`

type CardExpiry struct {
    // this property is required when a condition of `RECIPROCAL` has been set (and unwanted when that condition has not been set)...
    Day   string `json:"day" v8n:"required:RECIPROCAL,unwanted:!RECIPROCAL"`
    Month string `json:"month" v8n:"required"`
    Year  string `json:"year" v8n:"required"`

var medicareValidator = valix.MustCompileValidatorFor(Medicare{}, nil)

func main() {
    jsonData := `{
        "irn": 1,
        "firstName": "Testing",
        "lastName": "Test",
        "cardType": "RECIPROCAL",
        "number": "2248974514",
        "cardExpiry": {
            "month": "01",
            "year": "2025"

    medicare := &Medicare{}
    ok, violations, _ := medicareValidator.ValidateStringInto(jsonData, medicare)
    // should fail with 1 violation...
    fmt.Printf("First ok?: %v\n", ok)
    for i, v := range violations {
        fmt.Printf("Violation[%d]: Message:%s, Property:%s, Path:%s\n", i+1, v.Message, v.Property, v.Path)

    jsonData = `{
            "irn": 1,
            "firstName": "Testing",
            "lastName": "Test",
            "cardType": "RECIPROCAL",
            "number": "2248974514",
            "cardExpiry": {
                "day": "01",
                "month": "01",
                "year": "2025"
    ok, _, _ = medicareValidator.ValidateStringInto(jsonData, medicare)
    // should be ok...
    fmt.Printf("Second ok?: %v\n", ok)

    jsonData = `{
            "irn": 1,
            "firstName": "Testing",
            "lastName": "Test",
            "cardType": "INTERIM",
            "number": "2248974514",
            "cardExpiry": {
                "month": "01",
                "year": "2025"
    ok, _, _ = medicareValidator.ValidateStringInto(jsonData, medicare)
    // should be ok...
    fmt.Printf("Third ok?: %v\n", ok)

    jsonData = `{
            "irn": 1,
            "firstName": "Testing",
            "lastName": "Test",
            "cardType": "INTERIM",
            "number": "2248974514",
            "cardExpiry": {
                "day": "01",
                "month": "01",
                "year": "2025"
    ok, violations, _ = medicareValidator.ValidateStringInto(jsonData, medicare)
    fmt.Printf("Fourth ok?: %v\n", ok)
    for i, v := range violations {
        fmt.Printf("Violation[%d]: Message:%s, Property:%s, Path:%s\n", i+1, v.Message, v.Property, v.Path)

    // or validate directly from a http request...
    req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "", strings.NewReader(jsonData))
    ok, violations, _ = medicareValidator.RequestValidateInto(req, medicare)
    fmt.Printf("Fourth (as http.Request) ok?: %v\n", ok)
    for i, v := range violations {
        fmt.Printf("Violation[%d]: Message:%s, Property:%s, Path:%s\n", i+1, v.Message, v.Property, v.Path)


披露:我是 Valix 的作者


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