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C# sha256加密验证

[英]C# sha256 encryption and validating

我需要将其转换为 c# 代码。 我们正在尝试在服务器和客户端之间安全地发送数据包。 我们使用 PHP 进行了此操作,并尝试将其转换为 c#。 我是 C# 的新手,很难隐藏此代码。

function createHashedPayload(string $packet, string $secret, string $hash = 'sha256'): string
    return base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $packet, $secret, true) . $packet);

function getVerifiedPayload(string $payload, string $secret, string $hash = 'sha256'): ?string
    $decoded = base64_decode($payload);
    $hashlen = strlen(hash($hash, "test", true)); // Quick method to get hash length

    $hmac = substr($decoded, 0, $hashlen); // Get HMAC from start of string
    $content = substr($decoded, $hashlen); // Rest of the string is content

    // Verify HMAC
    $calcmac = hash_hmac($hash, $content, $secret, true);
    if (hash_equals($hmac, $calcmac)) {
        return $content;

    return null;

我能够隐藏 createHashedPayload

 static string createHashedPayload(string text, string key)
        key = key ?? "";
        using (var hmacsha256 = new HMACSHA256(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key)))
            var hash = hmacsha256.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text));
            return Convert.ToBase64String(hash);

我正在努力将getVerifiedPayload转换为 c#。 有人可以帮忙吗?

您可以使用 System.Security.Cryptography 使用密钥加密字符串,这是您需要的方法

        public static string Encrypt(string plainText, string password)
            if (plainText == null)
                return null;

            if (password == null)
                password = String.Empty;

            // Get the bytes of the string
            var bytesToBeEncrypted = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainText);
            var passwordBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);

            // Hash the password with SHA256
            passwordBytes = SHA256.Create().ComputeHash(passwordBytes);

            var bytesEncrypted = Cipher.Encrypt(bytesToBeEncrypted, passwordBytes);

            return Convert.ToBase64String(bytesEncrypted);


public static string Decrypt(string encryptedText, string password)
            if (encryptedText == null)
                return null;

            if (password == null)
                password = String.Empty;

            // Get the bytes of the string
            var bytesToBeDecrypted = Convert.FromBase64String(encryptedText);
            var passwordBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);

            passwordBytes = SHA256.Create().ComputeHash(passwordBytes);

            var bytesDecrypted = Cipher.Decrypt(bytesToBeDecrypted, passwordBytes);

            return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytesDecrypted);


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