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[英]Issue with multiple hasMany relationships to the same domain class when using composite id

我收到此异常: org.hibernate.MappingException: collection foreign key mapping has wrong number of columns: Room.cellsOrig type: component[locationX,locationY]

class Room implements Serializable {
    Integer locationX;
    Integer locationY;
    List cellsOrig = []
    List cells = []

    static hasMany = [cellsOrig: Cell, cells: Cell]
    static mapping = { id composite['locationX', 'locationY']
        cells joinTable:'room_cells'
        cellsOrig joinTable:'room_cells_orig'
    static constrants = { locationX(nullable: false) locationY(nullable: false)   
        cells(nullable: false) cellsOrig(nullable: false) 

我认为我做错了joinTable,但是如果没有joinTables,对Room实例的cell或cellOrig属性的任何访问都会导致org.hibernate.HibernateException: null index column for collection: Room.cells


如果要从该类中创建一对多。 在一个类添加的Cells类中,它属于负责该房间的Room ....

  • 哈吉特


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