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如何使用 Js 将 data-bs-target 添加到按钮?

[英]How do I add data-bs-target to button using Js?

实际上,我的整个 function 是在 javascript 中构建的,我在 Google 上搜索以使用 js 添加 data-bs-toggle,但都显示 jquery。 这是我的代码:

function onload_function(params) {
    n = 100
    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++){
        elem = document.getElementById(i)
            new_elem = document.createElement('button');
            new_elem.innerHTML = elem.textContent;
            new_elem.{{data-bs-target}} = '#support-tab-8'; <-- here
            new_elem.id = 'button-' + i.toString();


您可以使用.dataset属性访问数据属性并设置要更改的数据属性的值。 请记住,虽然数据属性是在 html 中以 kebab kebab-case内联写入的,但在 Javascript 中,这些属性是使用camelCase访问的。 因此,您希望像这样设置值new_elem.dataset.bsTarget = "YourValue"


 // We want to add the EventListeners only if the DOM is fully loaded to ensure that no issues happen. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){ // Just for the sake of demonstrating I've added a button with an onClick Event to trigger the // change of the Data Attribute. In your code the change within might happen at any point. document.getElementById('btnChange').addEventListener('click', function(){ // We need the NodeElement of the Element we want to change the Data Attribute for. const el = document.querySelector('.my-span'); // If the Element exists we then change the Data attribute by just accessing the Dataset // property and define a property in the Dataset Object which is called the same as the // Attribute we want to set. But again, keep in mind that we write the Attribute here in // camelCase if(el) el.dataset.bsTarget = "MyValue"; }) });
 .my-span[data-bs-target="MyValue"]{ background-color: red; }
 <div class="container"> <span class="my-span">My Span Element</span> <button id="btnChange">Change Data Attribute</button> </div>


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