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[英]How can I return the average customer balance with the dollar sign removed?

我正在尝试使用此代码返回不带美元符号或逗号的平均客户余额。 我正在使用.reduce,因为我觉得这是最好的选择。 此外,我是第一次尝试 parseFloat,所以我不确定我是否正确使用它。 这里的目标是

  1. 将字符串转换为数字并将美元符号和逗号替换为空
  2. 总结所有余额
  3. 返回平均余额
  4. 使用.reduce
var people = [
    name: "Courtney",
    age: 43, 
    balance: "$3,400"
    name: "Regina",
    age: 53,
    balance: "$4,000"
    name: "Jay",
    age: 28,
    balance: "$3,000"

var averageBalance = function(array){
   var average = people.reduce(function(acc, current, index, array){
     if(index === array.length - 1){
       return acc / array.length; 
     return acc += parseFloat(current.balance.replace(/\$|,/g, ""));
   }, 0); 
 return average;

你试图在你的.reduce体内做太多事情。 .reduce让你可以对数组的每个元素做一些事情——比如把它们全部加起来。 如果您想单独做一件事(例如除以数组的长度以获得平均值),则应将其放在.reduce回调之外。

 var people = [{ name: "Courtney", age: 43, balance: "$3,400" }, { name: "Regina", age: 53, balance: "$4,000" }, { name: "Jay", age: 28, balance: "$3,000" }, ] var averageBalance = function(array) { const sum = people.reduce(function(acc, current) { return acc + Number(current.balance.replace(/\$|,/g, "")); }, 0); return sum / people.length; } console.log(averageBalance(people));


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