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WSO2 身份服务器 6.0.0 SOAP API 替换

[英]WSO2 identity server 6.0.0 SOAP APIs Replacement

描述问题:作为 WSO2 身份服务器 6.0.0 的一部分,SOAP API 已弃用,建议使用基于 REST 的 API。 We are using RemoteUserStoreManagerService.wsdl and UserIdentityManagementAdminService.wsdl SOAP APIs in our project, want to replace the SOAP APIs with recommended REST APIs. Can you help us to find the list of REST APIs to replace RemoteUserStoreManagerService.wsdl and UserIdentityManagementAdminService.wsdl SOAP APIs. API 文档不清楚。

Am referring the below document from wso2 https://is.docs.wso2.com/en/latest/references/about-this-release/#removed-features https://is.docs.wso2.com/en/latest /api/概述/

Expected behavior: Can you help us to find the list of REST APIs to replace RemoteUserStoreManagerService.wsdl and UserIdentityManagementAdminService.wsdl SOAP APIs.

RemoteUserStoreManagerService.wsdlUserIdentityManagementAdminService.wsdl都有用户管理操作。 So you should be able to find all REST APIs matching to your SOAP APIs under the user Management section of https://is.docs.wso2.com/en/latest/apis/overview/



  • 对于用户的身份声明管理,您可以使用 SCIM 2.0 /Users API。 您必须使用映射到身份声明的相关 scim 属性更改有效负载
  • 对于用户的挑战问答管理,这个API可以使用https://is.docs.wso2.com/en/rest/apis/challenge-


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