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一维数组的 class 中的两个实例变量

[英]Two instance variables in the class of a one dimensional array


只是为了澄清场景。 在可容纳 180 人的剧院里举行了一场演出。 它们允许写入文本文件“bookings.txt”的在线预订个人预订是单一的,只有座位、联系方式和付款状态记录。 而团体预订有座位、联系电话、付款状态、团体名称和团体人数记录。

到目前为止,我已经创建了 Bookings 和 GroupBookings 类。 我将在下面展示它们:

 * @author OP
public class Booking 
    public String seat;
    public String contact;
    public double cost;
    public boolean paid;
    public Booking(String st, String ct, int cost, boolean pd)
        seat = st;
        contact = ct;
        this.cost = cost;
        paid = pd;
    }//end of Booking
    public String getSeat() 
        return seat;
    }//end of getSeat

    public String getContact() 
        return contact;
    }//end of getContact

    public boolean isPaid() 
        return paid;
    }//end of isPaid
    public double getCost()
        //Determining what discount should be applied to their seat location
        if (seat.contains("A") || seat.contains("B") || 
            seat.contains("C") || seat.contains("D"))
            cost = 200;
            if (seat.contains("E") || seat.contains("F") || 
                seat.contains("G") || seat.contains("H"))
                cost = 160;
                if (seat.contains("I") || seat.contains("J") || 
                    seat.contains("K") || seat.contains("L"))
                    cost = 120;
        }//end of nested if statement
        return cost;
    }//end of getCost
    public String toString()
        return seat + "\t" + "R" + cost + "\t" + paid;
    }//end of toString
}//end of class booking
 * @author OP
public class GroupBooking extends Booking
    private String groupName;
    private int groupSize;
    public GroupBooking(String st, String ct, boolean pd, String gn, int gs)
        //Variables from previous class (using inheritance)
        super.seat = st;
        super.contact = ct;
        super.paid = pd;
        //New variables for this class
        groupName = gn;
        groupSize = gs;
    }//end of GroupBooking
    public double getCost()
        cost = super.getCost();
        for (int i = 0; groupSize % 4 > i; i++)
            cost = cost - 60;
        }//end of for loop
        return cost;
    }//end of getCost
    public int getGroupSize()
        return groupSize;
    }//end of getGroupSize
    public String getGroupName()
        return groupName;
    }//end of getGroupName
    public String toString()
        return seat + "\t" + "R" + cost + "\t" + groupName;
    }//end of toString
}//end of class GroupBooking


必须创建一个名为 BookingManager 的新 class。 从那里我必须在一维数组的 class 中声明两个实例变量,可用于存储多达 180 个 Booking 或 GroupBooking 对象。 还必须创建一个 integer 计数器来跟踪数组中存储了多少预订。 (这两个实例变量不应从类外部访问)

我仍然是编码的新手,我不确定在这里做什么。 后续问题也给我带来了困难:

然后必须创建一个承包商来读取文本文件“bookings.txt”中的信息。 每行包含一个 Booking 或 GroupBooking object。 从文件中读取每一行并实例化适当类型的 object(Booking 或 GroupBooking)并将其添加到数组中。 (注意在 GroupBooking 的情况下,您必须在数组中为组中的每个成员创建一个 object。对于一组六个的 Exp,您必须在数组中有六个单独的 GroupBooking 对象。)

我知道第二个问题需要文件扫描仪,但我不知道是使用 for 循环还是 if 语句来区分单个预订或团体预订。

如果有人可以提供帮助,我将不胜感激。 这个话题对我来说还是很新的。

为了防止在 class 之外访问变量,请声明变量“私有”。 例如

private String costtotal="";

An instance variable "is not" static ("is not" a class member variable), and are a global variable only declared at the top of the class code below the import statements, so exist until the class exits.

在您的经理 class 中,您需要一个全局变量数组 Booking class

Booking[] bookings; 
private String costtotal=""; // e.g.
// in the constructor read the bookings file and find the number of bookings made
//int totalbooked=...whatever reading the file data counts to of bookings made;
bookings=new Booking[totalbooked];
// create and fill each Booking object and assign it to its index on the array in a loop 
bookings[loopcount]=new Booking(st,ct,cost,pd);  


// bean syntax in a java bean framework class type 
public void setCosttotal(String costtotal){

//bean syntax
public String getCosttotal(){
return costtotal;

// normal non bean syntax  1
public String costTotal(String csttot){
return (String)csttot;
// somewhere else in code in scope to global variable

// normal non bean syntax 2
public String costTotal(String csttot){
return costtotal;


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