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如果语句匹配,如何重置 forEach() function [NodeJS]

[英]How to reset forEach() function if statement is matched [NodeJS]

const downloadurl = ['url1', 'url2']
const filename = 'run.jar'

downloadurl.forEach((urls) => {
    https.get(urls, (httpsres) => {
        const path = `${installationdirectory}/${filename}`
        const filePath = fs.createWriteStream(path);
        filePath.on('finish',() => {

            const filesize = fs.statSync(path).size
            // Verify if the size of the file is smaller than 1Kb
            if((filesize / 1024) < 1) return;

            // Want to skip this console.log if the file size is smaller than 1Kb and try with the other downloadurl (Hence why the downloadurl.forEach)
            console.log('File downloaded!'); 


基本上,我使用的是来自 NodeJS 的 https 模块,如果下载 url 不存在,它不会给出错误,因为它只是创建一个 1 字节文件,而不是名称为run.jar 所以,如果文件的大小小于1Kb,我想让它停止执行代码并尝试与其他URL一起下载,有什么想法吗?

  1. 你可以使用every() 循环。 当你想打破循环时,不要返回任何东西。

// Prints "1, 2, 3"
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].every(v => {
  if (v > 3) {
    return false;

  // Make sure you return true. If you don't return a value, `every()` will stop.
  return true;
  1. 或者您可以使用第三个更改数组的长度
const myNums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
myNums.forEach((v, index, arr) => {
  if (val > 3) {
    arr.length = index + 1; // Behaves like `break`

如果您现在使用回调结构,您可以尝试递归 function 以尝试进一步下载。

function tryDownload(downloadUrls):
    // try download the first
    https.get(downloadUrls[0], (res) => {
        // read it, etc
        // ...

        // if too small, try the next urls
        if ((filesize / 1024) < 1)
            // success!
            // ...

不过,您可能会发现将其重组为异步 function 很清楚。 在伪代码中:

    for each url in download urls
        res = await download url
        if res indicates success
            handle the res

使用@Matt 的答案,因为它是最简单的实现(而且我不知道 HTTPS 模块确实有检查状态码的响应)。 谢谢所有回答的人^^

    const downloadurl = ['url1', 'url2']
    const filename = 'run.jar'
    downloadurl.forEach((urls) => {
        https.get(urls, (httpsres) => {
            if(httpsres.statusCode !== 200) {
                return console.log(`Attempt of downloading failed with ${httpsres.statusCode} error! Retrying with another download URL`);
            } else {
            const path = `${installationdirectory}/${filename}`
            const filePath = fs.createWriteStream(path);
            filePath.on('finish',() => {
                const filesize = fs.statSync(path).size
                // Verify if the size of the file is smaller than 1Kb
                if((filesize / 1024) < 1) return;
                // Want to skip this console.log if the file size is smaller than 1Kb and try with the other downloadurl (Hence why the downloadurl.forEach)
                console.log('File downloaded!'); 


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