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如何从 android 房间数据库中获取特定列?

[英]How to get specific column from android room db?

我试图通过 DAO 中的列名获取列,但没有成功。

@Query("SELECT :columnName FROM info_table")
suspend fun getItem(columnName: String): List<Any>


@Query("SELECT TIME FROM info_table")
suspend fun getTime(): List<Long>



但是,您可以使用 RawQuery 例如:-

fun rawQuery(theQuery: SimpleSQLiteQuery): List<String>
fun getAColumnFromATable(columnName: String, tableName: String): List<String> {
     return rawQuery(SimpleSQLiteQuery("SELECT $columnName FROM $tableName"))
  • in which case you use the getAColumnFromATable function, which in this case would return a List which would be capable of getting any values store in the database with the exception of ByteArrays (BLOBS in SQLite terms, in which case you could utilise the SQLite built-在十六进制函数中)。

  • 这超出了您的要求,因为它具有额外的灵活性,可以为任何桌子工作。


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