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Windows 10:大文本文件中的 fopen、fread、fgets 和混合 EOL 字符

[英]Windows 10: fopen, fread, fgets and mixed EOL characters in large text file



Atomes 可以导入包含原子坐标的大型文本文件,为此我使用fread读取整个文件,然后使用 OpenMP 在 CPU 内核上拆分文本缓冲区。

在 Linux 和 Windows 上工作奇迹,直到有人出现了我没想到的问题。 具有混合且不定期放置的 EOL 符号( \n\r )的文件。

我找到了解决 Windows 和 Windows 问题的方法,如果我使用了正确的更正,我将非常感谢您对我所做的事情的建议/评论。

在该解决方案之前,我尝试向fopen function 添加选项,例如-t-b但没有效果。

最后我注意到如果我更改编译选项并使用fgets function 从文件中读取数据没有问题,只有在这种情况下,对于大文件,数据的处理更复杂,到目前为止我没有办法 //使用 OpenMP,并且需要更多时间。


int open_coord_file (gchar * filename)
  int res;
#ifdef OPENMP
  // In that case I read the file in a single buffer, then work on that buffer
  struct stat status;
  res = stat (filename, & status);
  if (res == -1)
    // Basic function to store information on the reading process
    add_reader_info ("Error - cannot get file statistics !");
    return 1;
  int fsize = status.st_size;
  coordf = fopen (filename, "r");
  if (! coordf)
    add_reader_info ("Error - cannot open coordinates file !");
    return 1;
  int i, j, k;
#ifdef OPENMP
  gchar * coord_content = g_malloc0(fsize*sizeof*coord_content);
  // Using fread to read the entire file
  fread (coord_content, fsize, 1, coordf);
  fclose (coordf);
  int linecount = 0;
  // Evaluating the number of lines in the file:
  for (j=0; j<fsize; j++) if (coord_content[j] == '\n') linecount ++;
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
  // What happen in Windows is that some '\r' symbols were found
  // and not on all lines, so I decided to check for \r symbols: 
  int neolr = 0;
  for (j=0; j<fsize; j++) if (coord_content[j] == '\r') neolr ++;
  // And mofidy the number of lines accordingly
  linecount -= neolr;
  coord_line = g_malloc0 (linecount*sizeof*coord_line);
  coord_line[0] = & coord_content[0];
  i = 1;
  int nfsize = fsize;
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
  // Now deleting the corresponding EOL symbols in the text buffer
  // This is only required for Windows, and I am not sure that it is 
  // the proper way to do thing, any though on the matter would be appreciated.
  for (j=0; j<fsize; j++)
    if (coord_content[j] == '\n')
      coord_content[j] = '\0';
    else if (coord_content[j] == '\r')
      for (k=j; k<fsize-1; k++)
        coord_content[k] = coord_content[k+1];
      nfsize --;
  // And referencing properly the lines to work on the buffer:
  for (j=0; j<nfsize; j++)
    if (coord_content[j] == '\0')
      if (i < linecount)
        coord_line[i] = & coord_content[j+1];
  // On the other side if turn down OpenMP, then I use the fgets function
  // to read the data from the text file, then there no problem what so ever
  // with the EOL symbols and everything work smoothly. 
  // The fopen options being the same I am somewhat confused by this result. 
  gchar * buf = g_malloc0(LINE_SIZE*sizeof*buf);
  struct line_node
    gchar * line;//[LINE_SIZE];
    struct line_node * next;
    struct line_node * prev;
  struct line_node * head = NULL;
  struct line_node * tail = NULL;
  i = 0;
  while (fgets(buf, LINE_SIZE, coordf))
    if (head == NULL)
      head = g_malloc0 (sizeof*head);
      tail = g_malloc0 (sizeof*tail);
      tail = head;
      tail -> next = g_malloc0 (sizeof*tail -> next);
      tail = tail -> next;
    tail -> line = g_strdup_printf ("%s", buf);
    tail -> line = substitute_string (tail -> line, "\n", "\0");
    i ++;
  g_free (buf);
  fclose (coordf);

// And then latter in the code I process the data
// providing i the number of lines as an input value.

return read_xyz_file (i); 



我找到了一种方法来解决我的fread问题,使用带有fgets的临时缓冲区,这样我就可以再次轻松地使用 OpenMP // 获取我的数据:

coord_line = g_malloc0 (i*sizeof*coord_line);
tail = head;
j = 0;
while (tail)
  coord_line[j] = & tail -> line[0];
  j ++;
  tail = tail -> next;



SO 不是免费的代码编写服务。 然而,你已经表现出真正的努力,试图为自己解决这个问题。 逐点更正需要很长时间,所以这里有一个“代码转储”,应该很容易理解,并且(我希望)能做到你努力实现的目标。

这是在“普通,普通”C 中,没有代码中显示的“gXXXX”函数。 这将打开并加载整个(假定为)文本文件,如果存在 CR,则将其挤出,然后将分配指针的行分割成不断增长的指向每一行的指针数组。 (空行也将被分配一个指针)一些printf行报告进程的一些统计信息。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

// Load file contents to alloc'd memory, return pointer to buffer (to be free'd!)
char *loadFile( char *fname ) {
    FILE *fp;
    if( ( fp = fopen( fname, "rb" ) ) == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "Cannot open '%s'\n", fname ), exit(1);

    fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
    size_t size = ftell( fp );
    fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET );

    char *buf;
    if( ( buf = (char*)malloc( size + 1) ) == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "Malloc() failed\n" ), exit(1);

    if( fread( buf, sizeof *buf, size, fp ) != size )
        fprintf( stderr, "Read incomplete\n" ), exit(1);

    fclose( fp );

    *(buf + size) = '\0'; // set xtra byte allocated to NULL (allows str functions to work)
    return buf;

int main() {
    char *fname = "FOO.BAR"; // To be defined...

    char *fCont = loadFile( fname ), *d, *s;

    // crush out '\r', if any
    for( d = fCont, s = fCont; (*d = *s) != '\0'; s++ )
        d += *d != '\r';
    fprintf( stderr, "Orig %ld. Without CR %ld\n", s - fCont, d - fCont );

    char **arr = NULL;
    int lcnt = 0;
    for( char *t = fCont; ( t = strtok( t, "\n" ) ) != NULL; t = NULL ) {
        char **tmp = (char**)realloc( arr, (lcnt+1) * sizeof *tmp );
        if( tmp == NULL )
            fprintf( stderr, "realloc() failed\n" ), exit(1);
        arr = tmp;
        arr[lcnt++] = t;
    fprintf( stderr, "%ld lines loaded\n", lcnt );

    // "demo" the first 5 lines
    for( int i = 0; i < 5 && i < lcnt; i++ )
        fprintf( stderr, "%d - '%s'\n", i+1, arr[i] );

    /* process from arr[0] to arr[lcnt-1] */

    free( arr );
    free( fCont );

    return 0;

希望这可以帮助。 Ball现在在你的球场上...

这可以使用fopen function 的b选项来解决:

coordf = fopen (filename, "rb");



coordf = fopen (filename, "br");



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