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谷歌幻灯片 - 通过表格添加带有 appscript 的幻灯片,新幻灯片将添加到演示文稿的末尾

[英]Google Slides - add slide with appscript through Sheets new slide to be added in the end of the presentation

我有这段代码可以将 Google 表格中的内容添加到 Google 幻灯片中,效果很好,但是我希望在演示文稿结束时添加新幻灯片。 我不确定是否可以在代码的这个区域周围的某处使用appendSlide()之类的东西let slide = masterSlide.duplicate();

现在它的行为是这样的......标题幻灯片,模板幻灯片,[新幻灯片],幻灯片 1,幻灯片 2

期望的结果...标题幻灯片、模板幻灯片、幻灯片 1、幻灯片 2、[新幻灯片]

  // Replace <INSERT_SLIDE_DECK_ID> wih the ID of your 
  // Google Slides presentation.
  let masterDeckID = "SLIDE_DECK_ID";

  // Open the presentation and get the slides in it.
  let deck = SlidesApp.openById(masterDeckID);
  let slides = deck.getSlides();

  // The 2nd slide is the template that will be duplicated
  // once per row in the spreadsheet.
  let masterSlide = slides[1];

  // Load data from the spreadsheet.
  let dataRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Sheet1').getDataRange();
  let sheetContents = dataRange.getValues();

  // Save the header in a variable called header
  let header = sheetContents.shift();

  // Create an array to save the data to be written back to the sheet.
  // We'll use this array to save links to the slides that are created.
  let updatedContents = [];

  // Reverse the order of rows because new slides will
  // be inserted at the top. Without this, the order of slides
  // will be the inverse of the ordering of rows in the sheet. 

  // For every row, create a new slide by duplicating the master slide
  // and replace the template variables with data from that row.
  sheetContents.forEach(function (row) {

    // Insert a new slide by duplicating the master slide.
    let slide = masterSlide.duplicate();

    // Populate data in the slide that was created
    slide.replaceAllText("{{firstName}}", row[0]);
    slide.replaceAllText("{{lastName}}", row[1]);
    slide.replaceAllText("{{grade}}", row[2]);

    // Create the URL for the slide using the deck's ID and the ID
    // of the slide.
    let slideUrl = `https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/${deck.getId()}/edit#slide=id.${slide.getObjectId()}`;

    // Add this URL to the 4th column of the row and add this row
    // to the data to be written back to the sheet.
    row[3] = slideUrl;

  // Add the header back (remember it was removed using 
  // sheetContents.shift())

  // Reverse the array to preserve the original ordering of 
  // rows in the sheet.

  // Write the updated data back to the Google Sheets spreadsheet.

  // Remove the master slide if you no longer need it.


我不确定你是如何处理防止重复的。 但是,我通过在添加新信息之前删除工作表中的所有信息来进行测试。



  // Open the presentation and get the slides in it.
  let deck = SlidesApp.openById(masterDeckID);
  let slides = deck.getSlides();

  // once per row in the spreadsheet.
  let masterSlide = slides[1];


  let deck = SlidesApp.openById(masterDeckID);
  let masterSlide = deck.getSlides()[1];


    let slide = masterSlide.duplicate();


    let slide = deck.appendSlide(masterSlide);

它将像这样工作: 在此处输入图像描述




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