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根据 typescript function 中的另一个参数限制一个参数的类型

[英]limit the type of one argument based on anther argument in typescript function

interface INavigation {
  children: string[];
  initial: string;

function navigation({ children, initial }: INavigation) {
  return null

我有一个 function 看起来像上面的东西。 我正在尝试查看是否有办法将initial输入限制为仅来自children数组的列表。


// should work
navigation({ children: ["one", "two", "three"], initial: "one" })
navigation({ children: ["one", "two", "three"], initial: "two" })

// should throw a type error
// Type 'four' is not assignable to type 'one' | 'two' | 'three'.
navigation({ children: ["one", "two", "three"], initial: "four" })

有没有办法使用 typescript 来做到这一点?

我只能想到在 function 中抛出一个错误

function navigation({ children, initial }: INavigation) {
  if (!children.includes(initial)) {
    throw new Error(`${initial} is invalid. Must be one of ${children.join(',')}.`
  return null



interface INavigation<Children extends readonly string[]> {
  children: Children;
  initial: Children[number];

这里的Children是某种字符串的数组,并被指定为children属性的类型。 initial是该数组的成员类型。

然后使您的 function 通用以提供该类型:

function navigation<Children extends readonly string[]>(
  { children, initial }: INavigation<Children>
) {
  return null

然后将as const添加到您的示例数据中,以确保将它们推断为字符串文字类型,而不仅仅是string

// should work
navigation({ children: ["one", "two", "three"], initial: "one" } as const)
navigation({ children: ["one", "two", "three"], initial: "two" } as const)

// should throw a type error
// Type 'four' is not assignable to type 'one' | 'two' | 'three'.
navigation({ children: ["one", "two", "three"], initial: "four" } as const)



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