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[TURBOREPO]:是否可以使用指向 vercel 服务的远程缓存而不是创建自己的缓存服务器

[英][TURBOREPO]: is it possible to use remote-cache pointing to the vercel service instead of making own cache server

Turborepo 标记If you are building and hosting your apps on Vercel, Remote Caching will be automatically set up on your behalf once you use turbo. You need to update your build settings to build with turbo. If you are building and hosting your apps on Vercel, Remote Caching will be automatically set up on your behalf once you use turbo. You need to update your build settings to build with turbo.

如果我在 .netlify 部署我的堆栈,我还能使用 Vercel 提供的缓存服务吗?


很确定你可以。 不要认为将它部署在哪里并不重要。 你仍然需要做:

npx turbo login

npx turbo link


然后,您需要将您的 CI 链接到 Vercel 远程缓存,这意味着从 Vercel 配置中获取令牌、API 和 TEAM,并将它们作为 turbo 环境变量添加到您的ci.yaml配置中。

有关详细信息,请参阅 CI 食谱文档


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