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带有外观的Flex UIComponents如何捕获鼠标事件?

[英]How do skinned Flex UIComponents capture mouse events?

如果我对Flex的理解是正确的,则Flex中的外观只是DisplayObject,它们作为子级添加到UIComponents中,以创建对象的视觉表示。 但是,如果我对Flash事件模型的理解是正确的,并且在另一个对象之上有一个不透明的DisplayObject,则鼠标事件将转到最上面的DisplayObject。 重叠的DisplayObject将不会收到任何鼠标输入。

那么,具有外观的Flex UIComponents到底如何工作?


 // DisplayObjectContainer properties.
    // Setting mouseChildren to false ensures that mouse events
    // are dispatched from the Button itself,
    // not from its skins, icons, or TextField.
    // One reason for doing this is that if you press the mouse button
    // while over the TextField and release the mouse button while over
    // a skin or icon, we want the player to dispatch a "click" event.
    // Another is that if mouseChildren were true and someone uses
    // Sprites rather than Shapes for the skins or icons,
    // then we we wouldn't get a click because the current skin or icon
    // changes between the mouseDown and the mouseUp.
    // (This doesn't happen even when mouseChildren is true if the skins
    // and icons are Shapes, because Shapes never dispatch mouse events;
    // they are dispatched from the Button in this case.)



我相信关键是默认情况下MouseEvents会冒泡。 由于外观元素是作为组件显示列表的子级添加的(在“ rawChildren”中),因此事件仍会上升到父级。

您仍然应该能够将MouseEvent侦听器添加到主机组件-最好的示例是带有外观的按钮。 您可以像对待其他任何按钮一样对待它。

尽管在更复杂的外观组件中,您将侦听器添加到宿主组件中的各个外观组件。 这些事件也应该冒泡到主机组件。


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