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如果输入不正确,禁用 html 表单中的提交按钮

[英]Disable submit button in the html form if the input is incorrect


 function displaySubmit(hdd, answer) {

            document.getElementById(answer + 'Question').style.display = "block";
            document.getElementById(hdd + 'Answer').style.display = "block";
            if (!((answer == "yes" && hdd == "Hard Disk Drive") || answer == "no")) {
                $('f1').submit(function () {
                    $(this).find(':input[type=submit]').prop('disabled', true);

我只想在答案(输入)是“硬盘驱动器”时无法提交按钮。 因此,无法提交按钮的条件是如果问题“你是女士吗?”的答案。 是“是”,关于 HDD 的问题的答案是“硬盘驱动器”,或者如果问题的答案是“你是女士吗?” 没有”。

我试着为此写了一个 javascript function,但我不确定我是否输入了正确的命令来禁用按钮。 这是完整的代码:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="1.css">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="aleksei.jpg" />
        function displayQuestion(answer) {

            document.getElementById(answer + 'Question').style.display = "block";

            if (answer == "yes") { // hide the div that is not selected

                document.getElementById('noQuestion').style.display = "none";

            } else if (answer == "no") {

                document.getElementById('yesQuestion').style.display = "none";


        function displaySubmit(hdd, answer) {

            document.getElementById(answer + 'Question').style.display = "block";
            document.getElementById(hdd + 'Answer').style.display = "block";
            if (!((answer == "yes" && hdd == "Hard Disk Drive") || answer == "no")) {
                $('f1').submit(function () {
                    $(this).find(':input[type=submit]').prop('disabled', true);
    <br />
    <form id="f1" action="file:///C:/Users/home/Documents/website1/submit.html?">
        <p class="areyoualady"> Are you a lady?</p>
            <input type="radio" id="yes" name="yesOrNo" value="yes" onchange="displayQuestion(this.value)" />Yes
            <input type="radio" id="no" name="yesOrNo" value="no" onchange="displayQuestion(this.value)" />No

        <div id="yesQuestion" style="display:none;">
            <br />
            What is the full name of HDD?
            <input type="text" id="Hdd" placeholder="Hard Dick Drive" required />

        <div id="noQuestion" style="display:none;">
            <br />
            <p>Only ladies are asked questions :)</p>

        <input type="submit" href='file:///C:/Users/home/Documents/website1/submit.html?' />



PS 别看内容,纯属调侃我的讲师

对于您所展示的问题的惯用解决方案 - 除非输入值符合特定模式(包括作为特定文本字符串)否则不应提交表单,即单独使用requiredpattern和/或setCustomValidity属性的组合:

    <input name="hdd" pattern="Hard Disk Drive" required />




    <input name="hdd" required />
        (function setup_hdd_input(hdd_input) {
            hdd_input.addEventListener("change", ev => {
                ev.target.setCustomValidity((ev.target.value == "Hard Disk Drive") ? "" : "The value is expected to be 'Hard Disk Drive'");

在上面,每当输入字段的值发生变化时,都会调用setCustomValidity并使用空字符串(它向用户代理传达值“有效”)或自定义错误消息字符串(它传达值“无效” " 如果尝试提交 [现在无效] 表单,用户代理将在输入字段旁边显示)。


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