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[英]Implementing trait methods for specific types

我正在尝试使用两种方法(编码和解码)创建 Coder 特征。 特征的每个实现只需要处理特定类型的输入/输出,例如:

  • BytesCoder 应该只接收 &[u8] 作为编码输入,并且应该只生成 &[u8] 作为解码输出。
  • KVCoder 应该只接收 HashMap 作为编码输入,并且应该只生成 HashMap 作为解码输出。

方法 1:满足编译器的一种简单方法是让编码和解码接受 Any,并让每个实现分别处理它。 这似乎是个坏主意,因为每个编码员应该只处理一种类型。

type SomeEncodableHopefully = Box<dyn std::any::Any>;

pub trait Coder {
    fn encode(&self, element: SomeEncodableHopefully) -> &[u8];

    fn decode(&self, bytes: &[u8]) -> SomeEncodableHopefully;

pub struct BytesCoder {

impl BytesCoder {
    pub fn new() -> Self {

impl Coder for BytesCoder {]
    // "element" should only be &[u8] instead of Any
    fn encode(&self, element: SomeEncodableHopefully) -> &[u8] {

    // The output shouldn't be Any either
    fn decode(&self, bytes: &[u8]) -> SomeEncodableHopefully {

pub struct KVCoder {

impl KVCoder {
    pub fn new() -> Self {

impl Coder for KVCoder {]
    // "element" should only be HashMap<...> instead of Any
    fn encode(&self, element: SomeEncodableHopefully) -> &[u8] {

    // The output shouldn't be Any either
    fn decode(&self, bytes: &[u8]) -> SomeEncodableHopefully {

fn test_coder(coder: Box<dyn Coder>, to_encode: SomeEncodableHopefully, to_decode: &[u8]) {
    let encoded:&[u8] = coder.encode(to_encode);
    let decoded:SomeEncodableHopefully = coder.decode(to_decode);

方法 2:我尝试使用关联类型,但无法为 Coder 的每个实现成功定义固定类型:

pub trait Coder {
    // The compiler ignores Element on each implementation and requires
    // this to be defined manually when a coder is used
    type Element;

    fn encode(&self, element: Self::Element) -> &[u8];

    fn decode(&self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Self::Element;


impl Coder for BytesCoder {
    // This gets ignored
    type Element = &[u8];

    fn encode(&self, element: Self::Element) -> &[u8] {

    fn decode(&self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Self::Element {


// Error on coder: the value of the associated type `Element` (from trait `Coder`) must be specified
fn test_coder(coder: Box<dyn Coder>, to_encode: SomeEncodableHopefully, to_decode: &[u8]) {
    let encoded:&[u8] = coder.encode(to_encode);
    let decoded:SomeEncodableHopefully = coder.decode(to_decode);

方法 3:定义特定类型的编码和解码版本可能是个好主意。 我没有收到编译器的投诉,但如果涉及许多类型(包括,例如:HashMap<A,B>、HashMap<A,C>,...),这将非常冗长:

pub trait Coder {
    fn encode_to_bytes(&self, element: &[u8]) -> &[u8] {
        panic!("Invalid operation for this type of coder");

    fn decode_to_bytes(&self, bytes: &[u8]) -> &[u8] {
        panic!("Invalid operation for this type of coder");

    fn encode_to_some_other_type (&self, element: SomeOtherType) -> &[u8] {
        panic!("Invalid operation for this type of coder");        

    fn decode_to_some_other_type (&self, bytes: &[u8]) -> SomeOtherType {
        panic!("Invalid operation for this type of coder");        



// Ok
impl Coder for BytesCoder {
    fn encode_to_bytes(&self, element: &[u8]) -> &[u8] {

    fn decode_to_bytes(&self, bytes: &[u8]) -> &[u8] {



第二种方法的错误要求您指定Coder的类型,它必须与to_encode的类型匹配才能工作。 我在这里引入一个泛型,以使其尽可能灵活。

fn test_coder<E>(coder: Box<dyn Coder<Element = E>>, to_encode: E, to_decode: &[u8]) {
    let encoded: &[u8] = coder.encode(to_encode);
    let decoded: E = coder.decode(to_decode);

这留下了 SirDarius 提出的谁拥有您的切片的问题。 您可能应该返回一个拥有的类型,因为通常您不能从每种类型中获取&[u8]

pub trait Coder {
    type Element;

    fn encode(&self, element: Self::Element) -> Vec<u8>;
    fn decode(&self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Self::Element;

struct BytesCoder;
type SomeEncodableHopefully = Vec<u8>;
impl Coder for BytesCoder {
    type Element = Vec<u8>;

    fn encode(&self, element: Self::Element) -> Vec<u8> {

    fn decode(&self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Self::Element {

如果Element必须是引用,您可以使用 GAT 代替。 或者让这个特质持续一生。


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