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Google Cloud Functions 2 Terraform 部署失败(错误等待创建function,容器健康检查失败)

[英]Google Cloud Functions 2 Terraform fails to deploy (error waiting for creating function, container healthcheck failed)

我按照官方 terraform 文档了解如何创建 google_cloudfunctions2_function 资源,每次部署它都会失败并出现错误

Error: Error waiting to create function: Error waiting for Creating function: Error code 3, message: Could not create or update Cloud Run service ramowka-357-schedule, Container Healthcheck failed. Revision 'ramowka-357-schedule-00001-few' is not ready and cannot serve traffic. The user-provided container failed to start and listen on the port defined provided by the PORT=8080 environment variable. Logs for this revision might contain more information.

在 Google Cloud Console UI 中,我注意到没有为此 function 创建 Eventarc,因此触发器为HTTP 当我从 UI 手动编辑 function 并手动添加 Eventarc(与 terraform 中配置的相同发布/订阅主题)时,它会重新部署并运行。

这是我的 tf 代码:

resource "google_cloudfunctions2_function" "default" {
  name     = var.function_name
  location = var.function_location

  build_config {
    runtime     = "python38"
    entry_point = var.function_name
    source {
      storage_source {
        bucket = google_storage_bucket.source.name
        object = google_storage_bucket_object.zip.name

  service_config {
    max_instance_count = 1
    available_memory   = "128Mi"
    timeout_seconds    = 120

    environment_variables = {
      USER_EMAIL   = var.user_email
      SCHEDULE_URL = var.schedule_url
      DRY_RUN      = var.dry_run

  event_trigger {
    trigger_region = var.function_location
    event_type     = "google.cloud.pubsub.topic.v1.messagePublished"
    pubsub_topic   = google_pubsub_topic.default.id
    retry_policy   = "RETRY_POLICY_RETRY"

  depends_on = [

这是我的 function 代码(我非常简单地排除了可能的罪魁祸首代码):


import functions_framework

def subscribe(event):



我在 TF 方面缺少任何导致它失败的东西吗?

我发现了问题,它与我在environment_variables部分中使用的符号有关。 我替换了这个:

      USER_EMAIL   = var.user_email
      SCHEDULE_URL = var.schedule_url
      DRY_RUN      = var.dry_run


      APP_USER_EMAIL   = "${var.user_email}"
      APP_SCHEDULE_URL = "${var.schedule_url}"
      APP_DRY_RUN      = "${var.dry_run}"

它奏效了。 在这一点上,我 100% 肯定这是由DRY_RUN条目引起的(重命名后问题消失了,我一个一个地重命名变量以隔离罪魁祸首)并且我已经针对此行为提交了 Issue: https://issuetracker。 google.com/issues/260596909


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