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我的javascript function不循环使用setInterval

[英]My javascript function does not loop using setInterval

我必须创建一个 JS 程序,每 30 秒或当用户离开页面时更改页面的标题。 这取决于传入参数的单词。 我将 function 称为“线性”,它允许每 30 秒更改一次标题,并在用户离开页面时保留允许更改的标题。

离开的 function 运行良好,但线性 function 仅执行要显示的消息数组的第一个单元格。 我尝试了几种选择但没有任何效果,有人可以解释我的错误吗? 这是代码

var titles = ["MyTitle","AlsoMyTitle","MyThirdTitle","TheFourth"];
var timeLaps = 1000; // time in miliseconds
var i = 0;
var ogTitle = document.title;

function mainTitle() {
    document.title = ogTitle;
function newTitle() {
    document.title = 'Come Back!';

function leaving() {
    window.onblur = newTitle;
    window.onfocus = mainTitle;

function linear(){
    if (i == 4) {
        i = 0;
    document.title = titleArray[i];

function main(animType) {
    if(animType === "leaving") {
    } else if (animType === "linear") {
        setInterval(() => {
          }, timeLaps);



解决方案非常简单。 使用给定的代码,您应该将数组标题切换为 titleArray,或将 titleArray 切换为标题。 这是因为您将其定义如下:

var titles = ["MyTitle","AlsoMyTitle","MyThirdTitle","TheFourth"];


document.title = titleArray[i];

通过这个简单的修复,它在我的浏览器中对我有用。 我所做的是以下内容:

var titleArray = ["MyTitle","AlsoMyTitle","MyThirdTitle","TheFourth"];


 let initInterval = null; // Define interval method /* Set a flag to prevent constant "focus" event triggering (see lines marked with: ❉) */ let on = false; let delay = 3000; // 3 seconds for setTimeout method /* Change to 30000 for 30 second intervals as per OP. 3 seconds is just for the sake of brevity */ let interval = 3000; let count = 0; // Define count with initial value // Define array of titles const titles = ["TITLE I", "TITLE II", "TITLE III", "TITLE IV"]; /* || Uncomment line A and comment line B as per OP */ // const changeTitle = str => document.title = str; // A const changeTitle = str => document.querySelector("h1").textContent = str; // B /* || Event handler passes (e)vent object by default || Redefine initInterval() method ========================================================== || wrap source of setInterval() in an anonymous function so that changeTitle() || can pass the parameter >titles[count++]< || Note: >count< is incremented on line C. ========================================================== || If >count< exceeds the last index of >titles< array, reset >count< || Invoke changeTitle(), passing the string at the current index || of >titles< array || Repeat above every >interval< ms */ const go = e => { initInterval = setInterval(() => { if (count > titles.length - 1) { count = 0; } changeTitle(titles[count++]); // C }, interval); } /* || Anonymous event handler triggers when window loads |❉ Set >on< to true which indicates the user is still on the page. || Change title to it's welcome message || Start go(e) in >delay< ms */ window.onload = e => { on = true; // ❉ changeTitle("Loaded"); setTimeout(go, delay); } /* || Anonymous event handler triggers when user focuses on window. |❉ If the >on< flag is false... || change the title to the focused message || start go(e) in >delay< ms |❉ set >on< to true. This ensures that the only "focus" event that || the event handler gets triggered by is when the user focuses after || a "blur" event */ window.onfocus = e => { if (;on) { // ❉ changeTitle("Focused"), setTimeout(go; delay); on = true. // ❉ } } /* || Anonymous event handler triggers when the user leaves the window. |❉ Set the >on< flag to false indicating that the user has left the page || Change to title to a leaving message || Remove the interval method */ window;onblur = e => { on = false; // ❉ changeTitle("Unfocused"); clearInterval(initInterval); }

你在没有 arguments 的情况下调用你的方法 changeTitle,但是当没有 arguments 时你没有处理方法内的情况。尝试这样调用它:

setInterval(() => {
}, timeLaps);


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