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为什么我的程序在调用 sem_wait 时不等待?

[英]Why does my program not wait when I call sem_wait?

本质上,我的程序创建了 3 个线程。 “服务器”和 2 个“工人”。 工作人员旨在对 1000 行文件(每个线程 500 个数字)中的 3 位正整数求和。 在每个 worker 对自己的部分求和后,服务器打印每个 worker 的总数。 唯一的问题是我的信号量似乎不起作用。


// simple c program to simulate POSIX thread and semaphore
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
// define semaphores
sem_t s1;
FILE *file;
int sum1 = 0, sum2 = 0, num1 = 0, num2 = 0;
// file name
char fileName[10] = "data1.dat";
// server routine
void* server_routine()
    printf("Server sent signal to worker thread 1\n");
    printf("Server sent signal to worker thread 2\n");
    printf("Server recieved completion signal from worker thread 1\n");
    printf("Server recieved completion signal from worker thread 2\n\n");
    // print the final results
    printf("The sum of the first 500 numbers in the file is: %d\n", sum1);
    printf("The sum of the last 500 numbers in the file is: %d\n\n", sum2);
// thread 1 reoutine
void* t1_routine()
    printf("Thread 1 recieved signal from server\n");
    file = fopen(fileName, "r");
    for(int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
        fscanf(file, "%d", &num1);
        sum1 += num1;
    printf("sum in thread 1: %d\n", sum1);
    printf("Thread 1 sends completion signal to server\n");
// thread 2 routine
void* t2_routine()
    printf("Thread 2 recieved signal from server\n");
    file = fopen(fileName, "r");
    fseek(file, 500 * 5, SEEK_SET);
    for(int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
        fscanf(file, "%d", &num2);
        sum2 += num2;
    printf("sum in thread 2: %d\n", sum2);
    printf("Thread 2 sends completion signal to server\n");
// main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // define threads
    pthread_t server, t1, t2;
    // initialize the semaphore
    sem_init(&s1, 0, 0);
    if(pthread_create(&server, NULL, &server_routine, NULL) != 0)
        return 1;

    if(pthread_create(&t1, NULL, &t1_routine, NULL) != 0)
        return 2;
    if(pthread_create(&t2, NULL, &t2_routine, NULL) != 0)
        return 3;

    if(pthread_join(server, NULL) != 0)
        return 4;

    if(pthread_join(t1, NULL) != 0)
        return 5;
    if(pthread_join(t2, NULL) != 0)
        return 6;
    // destroy semaphores
    // exit thread
    // end
    return 0;

我也用更少的线程测试了更多的信号量,但运气不佳。 我尝试过不同的初始信号量值。 我唯一能得到正确的 output 的时候是我手动等待 sleep(5); 但这违背了这个项目的目的。


  1. 每个客户端线程都有自己的/私有的fopenFILE *file; 全局的,因此它们会覆盖彼此的值。
  2. 我们需要使这个变量function有作用域,这样每个线程都有自己的私有指针。
  3. 没有fclose调用。
  4. pthread_exit不应线程完成。 它仅适用于使用pthread_create创建的线程。


  1. 最后执行fopen的线程将设置最终值。
  2. 因此,存在竞争条件,其效果与线程(在pthread_create调用之前)完成了单个fopen相同,破坏了每个线程执行自己的fopen的目的。
  3. 更糟糕的是,一个给定的线程可能会执行第一个fopen ,然后从fscanf开始,并在第二个线程替换file file ,因此每个线程都会发生奇怪的事情,因为它们在同一个文件上执行fseek/fscanf FILE *实例。
  4. 进行上述fclose调用会使问题更加明显。

这是重构的代码。 是这样注释的:

// simple c program to simulate POSIX thread and semaphore
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <semaphore.h>

// define semaphores
sem_t s1;
// NOTE/BUG: each thread opens a different stream, so this must be function
// scoped
#if 0
FILE *file;
int sum1 = 0,
    sum2 = 0,
    num1 = 0,
    num2 = 0;

// file name
char fileName[10] = "data1.dat";

// server routine
void *
    printf("Server sent signal to worker thread 1\n");
    printf("Server sent signal to worker thread 2\n");

    printf("Server recieved completion signal from worker thread 1\n");
    printf("Server recieved completion signal from worker thread 2\n\n");

    // print the final results
    printf("The sum of the first 500 numbers in the file is: %d\n", sum1);
    printf("The sum of the last 500 numbers in the file is: %d\n\n", sum2);

// thread 1 reoutine
void *
// NOTE/FIX: this must be function scoped (i.e. private to this thread)
#if 1
    FILE *file;
    printf("Thread 1 recieved signal from server\n");
    file = fopen(fileName, "r");
    for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
        fscanf(file, "%d", &num1);
        sum1 += num1;
    printf("sum in thread 1: %d\n", sum1);
    printf("Thread 1 sends completion signal to server\n");
#if 1

// thread 2 routine
void *
// NOTE/FIX: this must be function scoped (i.e. private to this thread)
#if 1
    FILE *file;
    printf("Thread 2 recieved signal from server\n");
    file = fopen(fileName, "r");
    fseek(file, 500 * 5, SEEK_SET);
    for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
        fscanf(file, "%d", &num2);
        sum2 += num2;
    printf("sum in thread 2: %d\n", sum2);
    printf("Thread 2 sends completion signal to server\n");
#if 1

// main function
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // define threads
    pthread_t server, t1, t2;

    // initialize the semaphore
    sem_init(&s1, 0, 0);

    if (pthread_create(&server, NULL, &server_routine, NULL) != 0) {
        return 1;

    if (pthread_create(&t1, NULL, &t1_routine, NULL) != 0) {
        return 2;
    if (pthread_create(&t2, NULL, &t2_routine, NULL) != 0) {
        return 3;

    if (pthread_join(server, NULL) != 0) {
        return 4;

    if (pthread_join(t1, NULL) != 0) {
        return 5;
    if (pthread_join(t2, NULL) != 0) {
        return 6;

    // destroy semaphores

    // exit thread
// NOTE/BUG: only a subthread should do this
#if 0

    // end
    return 0;


#if 0
// old code
// new code

#if 1
// new code

注意:这可以通过unifdef -k运行文件来清理


谢谢克雷格的回复。 我已将您的建议实施到我自己的代码中,但似乎没有任何改变。 然后我决定将更新后的代码复制粘贴到 c 文件中进行测试,我得到了相同的结果。 它如下(在单独的评论中,因为 output 太长了): – Max

很难比较结果,因为我们使用的是不同的数据集。 我创建了一个perl脚本来创建一些数据。



每行终止是关键的(例如):CRLF vs LF(见下文)

工人sem_post和终止的实际顺序并不重要。 它可以因系统而异,甚至可以因调用而异。 重要的是服务器线程在打印任何总和之前等待 N 个线程(即)N sem_wait调用。


  1. 服务器不会“发信号”给工作人员。 工作人员通过执行sem_post向服务器“发送信号”,服务器通过执行sem_wait来“接收”它
  2. 我创建了一个任务/线程struct来保存总和、线程 ID 等。
  3. 我已将代码概括为允许 N 个线程。
  4. 添加了对\n位置的检查(即线宽)。 也就是说,在 linux/POSIX 下,四位数字后跟 LF(换行符),长度为 5。但是,在 windows 下,它将是 CRLF(回车/换行符),长度为 6。
  5. 添加了文件大小检查以确保它恰好是所需/预期的长度。
  6. 一些额外的诊断。


// simple c program to simulate POSIX thread and semaphore
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

// number of bytes per line
// 5: 4 digits + LF
// 6: 4 digits + CRLF
#ifndef LINEWID
#define LINEWID     (4 + 1)

// number of items / task
#ifndef COUNT
#define COUNT       500

// define semaphores
sem_t s1;

#if 0
int sum1 = 0,
    sum2 = 0,
    num1 = 0,
    num2 = 0;

// file name
#if 0
char fileName[10] = "data1.dat";
const char *fileName = "data1.dat";

// task control
typedef struct {
    pthread_t tid;                  // thread ID
    int tno;                        // thread index/offset
    int sum;                        // sum
} tsk_t;

#define TSKMAX  50
int tskmax;                         // actual number of tasks
tsk_t tsklist[TSKMAX];              // list of tasks

// loop through all task blocks
#define TSKFORALL \
    tsk_t *tsk = &tsklist[0];  tsk < &tsklist[tskmax];  ++tsk

// server routine
void *
server_routine(void *vp)
// NOTE/BUG: server does _not_ signal worker
#if 0
    printf("Server sent signal to worker thread 1\n");
    printf("Server sent signal to worker thread 2\n");

    for (TSKFORALL) {
        printf("Server waiting ...\n");
        printf("Server complete ...\n");

    // print the final results
    for (TSKFORALL)
        printf("The sum of task %d is %d\n",tsk->tno,tsk->sum);

    return (void *) 0;

// thread 1 reoutine
void *
worker_routine(void *vp)
    FILE *file;
    tsk_t *tsk = vp;

    printf("Thread %d running ...\n",tsk->tno);

    file = fopen(fileName, "r");
    fseek(file,tsk->tno * COUNT * LINEWID,SEEK_SET);

    tsk->sum = 0;

    int num1;
    int first = -1;
    int last = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
        if (fscanf(file, "%d", &num1) != 1) {
            printf("Thread %d fscan error\n",tsk->tno);

        if (i == 0)
            first = num1;
        if (i == (COUNT - 1))
            last = num1;

        tsk->sum += num1;

    printf("sum in thread %d: %d (first %d, last %d)\n",
        tsk->tno, tsk->sum, first, last);

#if 1

    return (void *) 0;

// main function
main(int argc, char **argv)



    if (argc != 1)
        tskmax = 2;
        tskmax = atoi(*argv);

    if (tskmax > TSKMAX)
        tskmax = TSKMAX;

    // define threads
    pthread_t server;

    printf("main: %d tasks\n",tskmax);
    printf("main: %d count\n",COUNT);

    FILE *file = fopen(fileName,"r");
    if (file == NULL) {
        printf("main: fopen failure\n");

    // check alignment
    char chr;
    fseek(file,LINEWID - 1,0);
    if (chr != '\n') {
        printf("main: newline mismatch -- chr=%2.2X\n",chr);

    // get the file size
    struct stat st;
    if (fstat(fileno(file),&st) < 0) {
        printf("main: fstat fault\n");

    // ensure the file has the correct size
    off_t size = tskmax * LINEWID * COUNT;
    if (st.st_size != size)
        printf("main: wrong file size -- st_size=%llu size=%llu\n",
            (unsigned long long) st.st_size,
            (unsigned long long) size);


    // initialize the semaphore
    sem_init(&s1, 0, 0);

    // set the offsets
    int tno = 0;
    for (TSKFORALL, ++tno)
        tsk->tno = tno;

    if (pthread_create(&server, NULL, &server_routine, NULL) != 0)
        return 98;

    for (TSKFORALL) {
        if (pthread_create(&tsk->tid,NULL,worker_routine,tsk) != 0)
            return 1 + tsk->tno;

    if (pthread_join(server, NULL) != 0) {
        return 99;

    for (TSKFORALL) {
        if (pthread_join(tsk->tid, NULL) != 0) {
            return 5;

    // destroy semaphores

    // end
    return 0;

这是我用来生成数据的 perl 脚本 output:

number of tasks 2
element count per task 500
line separater 0A
section 0 sum 124750
section 1 sum 125250

这是程序 output:

main: 2 tasks
Server waiting ...
Thread 0 running ...
Thread 1 running ...
sum in thread 1: 125250 (first 1, last 500)
sum in thread 0: 124750 (first 0, last 499)
Server complete ...
Server waiting ...
Server complete ...
The sum of task 0 is 124750
The sum of task 1 is 125250


# gendata -- generate data
# arguments:
#   1 - number of tasks (DEFAULT: 2)
#   2 - number of items / task (DEFAULT: 500)
#   3 - line separater (DEFAULT: \n)


# master -- master control
sub master
    my(@argv) = @_;

    $tskmax = shift(@argv);
    $tskmax //= 2;
    printf(STDERR "number of tasks %d\n",$tskmax);

    $count = shift(@argv);
    $count //= 500;
    printf(STDERR "element count per task %d\n",$count);

    $sep = shift(@argv);
    $sep //= "\n";
    printf(STDERR "line separater");
    foreach $chr (split(//,$sep)) {
        $hex = ord($chr);
        printf(STDERR " %2.2X",$hex);
    printf(STDERR "\n");

    for ($itsk = 0;  $itsk < $tskmax;  ++$itsk) {
        $val = $itsk;
        $sum = 0;
        for ($lno = 1;  $lno <= $count;  ++$lno, ++$val) {
            $sum += $val;
        printf(STDERR "section %d sum %d\n",$itsk,$sum);


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