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[英]anonymous block to print a procedure

我有此过程,我必须创建一个匿名块来同时打印所有订单。 这是程序

create or replace procedure Item_bill
  sSQLstr VARCHAR2(1000);
  type refcur is ref cursor;
  rcur refcur;
  stmt1 VARCHAR2(300);
  sSQLstr := 'select t.n_portions||'' portions of ''||p.dish_name||'' at '' ||p. price|| '' pounds :''||
              t.n_portions*p. price
              from Customer_order s,food_order t, Dish p
              where s.order#=t.order#
              and t.dish#=p.dish#'; 

  OPEN rcur FOR sSQLstr;
    FETCH rcur INTO stmt1;

  -- Call the procedure


--table creation
create table Customer_order( order# NUMBER primary key , 
date_order    DATE,
  date_required DATE,
  address       VARCHAR2(30)
  dish#      VARCHAR2(5) primary key,
  dish_name  CHAR(15),
  vegetarian CHAR(3),
  price      NUMBER);

  drink#     VARCHAR2(6) primary key,
  drink_name CHAR(6),
  drink_type CHAR(9),
  price      NUMBER);

CREATE  TABLE Food_order (
  food_order# VARCHAR2(7) primary key,
  order#      number references Customer_order (order#) ,
  dish#       VARCHAR2(5) references Dish(Dish#),
  n_portions  NUMBER);

CREATE  TABLE Drink_order (
  drink_order# VARCHAR2(5)primary key,
  order#       number references Customer_order (order#),
  drink#       VARCHAR2(6)references drink (drink#),
  n_units      NUMBER);

-- data insert
Insert into customer_order values ('00001', '03-Apr-09', '07-apr-09','St. Andrew St'); 
Insert into customer_order values ('00002', '05-Apr-09', '01-May-09', 'St. Andrew St');
Insert into customer_order values ('00003', '12-Apr-09', '27-Apr-09', 'Union St');
Insert into customer_order values ('00004', '12-Apr-09', '17-Apr-09', 'St. Andrew St');

Insert into Dish values ('D0001', 'Pasta bake',      'yes', '6.00'); 
Insert into Dish values ('D0002', 'Fish pie',        'no',  '9.00');  
Insert into Dish values ('D0003', 'Steak and chips', 'no',  '14.00');   
Insert into Dish values ('D0004', 'Stuffed peppers', 'yes', '11.50');   
Insert into Dish values ('D0005', 'Ham and rice'   , 'no',  '7.25');  
Insert into Dish values ('D0006', 'Lamb curry'     , 'no',  '8.50'); 

Insert into Drink values ('DR0001', 'Water',  'soft',      '1.0');
Insert into Drink values ('DR0002', 'Coffee', 'hot',       '1.70');
Insert into Drink values ('DR0003', 'Wine'  , 'alcoholic', '3.00'); 
Insert into Drink values ('DR0004', 'Beer'  , 'alcoholic', '2.30');  
Insert into Drink values ('DR0005', 'Tea'   , 'hot'     ,  '1.50');   

Insert into food_order values ('F000001', '000001', 'D0003', '6');
Insert into food_order values ('F000002', '000001', 'D0001', '4');
Insert into food_order values ('F000003', '000001', 'D0004', '3');
Insert into food_order values ('F000004', '000002', 'D0001', '10');
Insert into food_order values ('F000005', '000002', 'D0002', '10');
Insert into food_order values ('F000006', '000003', 'D0002', '35');
Insert into food_order values ('F000007', '000004', 'D0002', '23');

Insert into drink_order values ('D000001', '000001', 'DR0001', '13');
Insert into drink_order values ('D000002', '000001', 'DR0002', '13');
Insert into drink_order values ('D000003', '000001', 'DR0004', '13');
Insert into drink_order values ('D000004', '000002', 'DROOO1', '20');
Insert into drink_order values ('D000005', '000002', 'DR0003', '20');
Insert into drink_order values ('D000006', '000002', 'DR0004', '15');
Insert into drink_order values ('D000007', '000003', 'DR0002', '35');
Insert into drink_order values ('D000008', '000004', 'DR0001', '23'); 
Insert into drink_order values ('D000009', '000004', 'DR0003', '15');
Insert into drink_order values ('D0000010', '000004', 'DR0004', '15');

那么,如何获得一个匿名块来为每个订单打印明细帐单? 我正在使用Oracle PL / SQL并在SQL Developer中工作。 这是我的意思的示例:

6 portions of steak and chips at 14 pounds: 84 pounds
4 portions of pasta bake at 6 pounds: 24 pounds
3 portions of stuffed peppers at 11.50 pounds: 34.5 pounds

total food cost for order 000001: 142.50 pounds

13 units of water at 1 pound: 13 pounds
13 units of coffee at 1.70 pounds: 22.1 pounds
13 units of beer at 2.30 pounds: 29.90 pounds

total drink cost for order 000001: 65 pounds

total cost for order 000001: 207.50 pounds


在PL / SQL中:

SQL> declare
  2    l_previous_group pls_integer := 0;
  3  begin
  4    for r in
  5    ( with orderlines as
  6      ( select to_char(fo.n_portions) || ' portions of ' ||
  7               lower(d.dish_name) text
  8             , d.price unit_price
  9             , 'F' food_or_drink
 10             , co.order#
 11             , fo.n_portions * d.price total_price
 12          from food_order fo
 13             , customer_order co
 14             , dish d
 15         where fo.order# = co.order#
 16           and fo.dish#  = d.dish#
 17         union all
 18        select to_char(do.n_units) || ' units of ' ||
 19               lower(d.drink_name)
 20             , d.price
 21             , 'D'
 22             , co.order#
 23             , do.n_units * d.price
 24          from drink_order do
 25             , customer_order co
 26             , drink d
 27         where do.order# = co.order#
 28           and do.drink# = d.drink#
 29           and co.order# = :customer_order#
 30      )
 31      select case grouping_id(order#,food_or_drink,text)
 32             when 0 then rpad(text,32) || ' at ' || to_char(unit_price,'90D00') || ' pounds'
 33             when 1 then 'total ' || decode(food_or_drink,'D','drink','food') || ' cost for order ' || order#
 34             when 3 then 'total cost for order ' || order#
 35             when 7 then 'total cost for all orders'
 36             end text
 37           , to_char(sum(total_price),'990D00') price
 38           , grouping_id(order#,food_or_drink,text) grp
 39        from orderlines
 40       group by rollup(order#,food_or_drink,(text,unit_price))
 41       order by order# nulls last
 42           , food_or_drink desc nulls last
 43           , grp
 44    )
 45    loop
 46      if r.grp != l_previous_group
 47      then
 48        dbms_output.new_line;
 49      end if;
 50      dbms_output.put_line(rpad(r.text,50) || '  ' || r.price);
 51      l_previous_group := r.grp;
 52    end loop;
 53  end;
 54  /
3 portions of stuffed peppers    at  11.50 pounds     34.50
6 portions of steak and chips    at  14.00 pounds     84.00
4 portions of pasta bake         at   6.00 pounds     24.00

total food cost for order 1                          142.50

13 units of water                at   1.00 pounds     13.00
13 units of coffee               at   1.70 pounds     22.10
13 units of beer                 at   2.30 pounds     29.90

total drink cost for order 1                          65.00

total cost for order 1                               207.50

10 portions of fish pie          at   9.00 pounds     90.00
10 portions of pasta bake        at   6.00 pounds     60.00

total food cost for order 2                          150.00

total cost for order 2                               150.00

35 portions of fish pie          at   9.00 pounds    315.00

total food cost for order 3                          315.00

total cost for order 3                               315.00

23 portions of fish pie          at   9.00 pounds    207.00

total food cost for order 4                          207.00

total cost for order 4                               207.00

total cost for all orders                            879.50

PL/SQL-procedure is geslaagd.


好的,首先,我不会使用您正在使用的游标方法。 我会明确声明游标,而不要使用“ open for”。 我还将在游标中包含表的名称。

其次,您可以在mycursor LOOP部分= i.portions中像i那样遍历光标。 dish_name = i.dish_name;

使用此方法,您可以已经在光标中构建了想要使用的字符串。 实际上,您可以显式声明光标也具有该文本。




total number;
cursor mycursor is
select 'FOOD' ordertype, price from food
select 'DRINK' ordertype, price from drinks
order by 1;
   for i in mycursor
      if i.ordertype <> currtype then
--          output the total for whatever type of order using the variable 'total'
      end if;
      -- build your output string of portions etc.
      total = total + i.price;
      currtype = i.ordertype;


SQL> var customer_order# varchar2(5)
SQL> exec :customer_order# := '00001'

PL/SQL-procedure is geslaagd.

SQL> with orderlines as
  2  ( select to_char(fo.n_portions) || ' portions of ' ||
  3           lower(d.dish_name) || ' at ' ||
  4           to_char(d.price) || ' pounds' text
  5         , 'F' food_or_drink
  6         , co.order#
  7         , fo.n_portions * d.price total_price
  8      from food_order fo
  9         , customer_order co
 10         , dish d
 11     where fo.order# = co.order#
 12       and fo.dish#  = d.dish#
 13     union all
 14    select to_char(do.n_units) || ' units of ' ||
 15           lower(d.drink_name) || ' at ' ||
 16           to_char(d.price) || ' pounds'
 17         , 'D'
 18         , co.order#
 19         , do.n_units * d.price
 20      from drink_order do
 21         , customer_order co
 22         , drink d
 23     where do.order# = co.order#
 24       and do.drink# = d.drink#
 25       and co.order# = :customer_order#
 26  )
 27  select case grouping_id(food_or_drink,text)
 28         when 0 then text
 29         when 1 then 'total ' || decode(food_or_drink,'D','drink','food') || ' cost for order ' || order#
 30         when 3 then 'total cost for order ' || order#
 31         end text
 32       , to_char(sum(total_price),'fm990D00') price
 33    from orderlines
 34   where order# = :customer_order#
 35   group by rollup((order#,food_or_drink),text)
 36  /

TEXT                                               PRICE
-------------------------------------------------- -------
13 units of water  at 1 pounds                     13.00
13 units of beer   at 2.3 pounds                   29.90
13 units of coffee at 1.7 pounds                   22.10
total drink cost for order 1                       65.00
4 portions of pasta bake      at 6 pounds          24.00
6 portions of steak and chips at 14 pounds         84.00
3 portions of stuffed peppers at 11.5 pounds       34.50
total food cost for order 1                        142.50
total cost for order                               207.50

9 rijen zijn geselecteerd.



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