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node.js 和 mongo db 中的服务器端分页

[英]server side pagination in node js and mongo db

请帮助我在 node.js 和 mongo db 中进行服务器端分页

function getServiceQualityAnex(req, res, next) {
    if (req.query.code != null) {
        ServiceQualityAnex.find({ location: req.query.code }).sort({ _id: -1 }).select('-hash')
            .then(serviceQualityAnexC => res.json(serviceQualityAnexC))
            .catch(err => {
    } else {
        ServiceQualityAnex.find({}).sort({ _id: -1 }).select('-hash')
            .then(serviceQualityAnexC => res.json(serviceQualityAnexC))
            .catch(err => {

我想在服务器端进行服务器端分页,我的前端 api 是 http://localhost:3000/getServiceQualityAnexJoin/ 上面提到的函数正在返回 2 个表。 我的数据非常庞大,我想添加服务器端分页

你没有在你的问题中指定所有要求,但我知道你想在 mongodb 中使用 nodejs 在服务器端进行分页这是你需要做的:

const getServiceQualityAnex = async (request, response) => {
try {
    const id = request.params.id;

    let { page } = request.query; //this indicates the page you are requesting for in pagination

    if (!page)
        page = 1; //by default it is one

    const result = await ServiceQualityAnex.aggregate([
            $match: {
                "_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id)
            $project: {
                "_id": 1,
                // all the fields you want to get

            $facet: { //facet is the aggregation pipeline in mongodb through which you can achieve pagination 
                metadata: [{ $count: 'total' }],
                data: [
                        $skip: (Number(page) - 1) * Number(20)
                        $limit: 20 //20 records limit per page
    console.log("result :", result[0].data);

    return response
                result: result[0].data,
                meta: {
                    current_page: page,
                    total_pages: Math.ceil(
                        (Number(result[0].metadata.length === 0 ? 0 : result[0].metadata[0].total))
                        / (Number(20))),
                    total_count: result[0].metadata.length === 0 ? 0 : result[0].metadata[0].total,
} catch (error) {
        error: "Something went wrong",

如果你对聚合一无所知那么你必须访问这个网站: MongoDB聚合框架

let page = Number(req.query.page);
page = page ? page : 0;
let limit = parseInt(req.query.limit);
const result = {};
let startIndex = page * limit;
if (startIndex > 0) {
  result.previous = {
    page: page - 1,
    limit: limit,

let receive = await Model.find()


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