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你能在 THREE.js 点 object 透明/不可见中制作个别点吗?

[英]Can you make individual points in a THREE.js Points object transparent/invisible?

我有一个 Three.js Points object,它包含在 3D 空间中显示一堆点的数据。 我想动态地使一些点不可见,但不确定如何。

材质是 PointsMaterial。 xyz 数据存储在pointsObj.geometry.attributes.position.array中,颜色数据存储在pointsObj.geometry.attributes.color.array中,但我不确定是否可以更改 alpha 值或单个点的可见性等内容(我可以让所有的点都不可见,但是这个不一样)


每个点都必须有color.array ,你可以直接修改。

var colors = pointsObj.geometry.attributes.color.array;

for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i += 4) {
  if (shouldPointBeInvisible(i)) { //<-- not implemented
    colors[i + 3] = 0; // Set alpha value to 0 to make the point invisible

pointsObj.geometry.attributes.color.needsUpdate = true;

-- 这里可能有一个着色器材质:

var material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
  uniforms: {
    visibility: { value: 1.0 }
  vertexShader: `
    uniform float visibility;
    varying vec3 vColor;
    void main() {
      vColor = color;
      vColor.a *= visibility;
      gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);
  fragmentShader: `
    varying vec3 vColor;
    void main() {
      gl_FragColor = vec4(vColor, 1.0);

pointsObj.material = material;


if (shouldPointBeInvisible(i)) {
  pointsObj.material.uniforms.visibility.value = 0.0;
} else {
  pointsObj.material.uniforms.visibility.value = 1.0;

-- 另一个使用 PointsMaterial 的解决方案:

var material = new THREE.PointsMaterial({
size: 1,
transparent: true,
opacity: 1.0,
uniforms: {
visibility: { value: 1.0 }
vertexShader: `
uniform float visibility;
varying vec3 vColor;
oid main() {
  vColor = color;
  vColor.a *= visibility;
  gl_PointSize = size;
  gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);

, fragmentShader: varying vec3 vColor;

pointsObj.material = material;


if (shouldPointBeInvisible(i)) {
pointsObj.material.uniforms.visibility.value = 0.0;
} else {
pointsObj.material.uniforms.visibility.value = 1.0;


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