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Excel office 脚本 - 如果单元格不为空,则将一行复制到新选项卡

[英]Excel office script - copy a row to a new tab if cell is NOT empty




我尝试使用 Javascript 不等于符号和其他符号,并且可以删除空行,但我似乎无法使其工作。

function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {

    // You can change these names to match the data in your workbook.
    const TARGET_TABLE_NAME = 'TableNAdded';
    const SOURCE_TABLE_NAME = 'TableN';

    // Select what will be moved between tables.
    const FILTER_COLUMN_INDEX = 27;
    const FILTER_VALUE = 'Y';

    // Get the Table objects.
    let targetTable = workbook.getTable(TARGET_TABLE_NAME);
    let sourceTable = workbook.getTable(SOURCE_TABLE_NAME);

    // If either table is missing, report that information and stop the script.
    if (!targetTable || !sourceTable) {
        console.log(`Tables missing - Check to make sure both source (${TARGET_TABLE_NAME}) and target table (${SOURCE_TABLE_NAME}) are present before running the script. `);

    // Save the filter criteria currently on the source table.
    const originalTableFilters = {};
    // For each table column, collect the filter criteria on that column.
    sourceTable.getColumns().forEach((column) => {
        let originalColumnFilter = column.getFilter().getCriteria();
        if (originalColumnFilter) {
            originalTableFilters[column.getName()] = originalColumnFilter;

    // Get all the data from the table.
    const sourceRange = sourceTable.getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal();
    const dataRows: (number | string | boolean)[][] = sourceTable.getRangeBetweenHeaderAndTotal().getValues();

    // Create variables to hold the rows to be moved and their addresses.
    let rowsToMoveValues: (number | string | boolean)[][] = [];
    let rowAddressToRemove: string[] = [];

    // Get the data values from the source table.
    for (let i = 0; i < dataRows.length; i++) {
        if (dataRows[i][FILTER_COLUMN_INDEX] === FILTER_VALUE) {

            // Get the intersection between table address and the entire row where we found the match. This provides the address of the range to remove.
            let address = sourceRange.getIntersection(sourceRange.getCell(i, 0).getEntireRow()).getAddress();

    // If there are no data rows to process, end the script.
    if (rowsToMoveValues.length < 1) {
        console.log('No rows selected from the source table match the filter criteria.');

    console.log(`Adding ${rowsToMoveValues.length} rows to target table.`);

    // Insert rows at the end of target table.
    targetTable.addRows(-1, rowsToMoveValues)

    // Remove the rows from the source table.
    const sheet = sourceTable.getWorksheet();

    // Remove all filters before removing rows.

    // Important: Remove the rows starting at the bottom of the table.
    // Otherwise, the lower rows change position before they are deleted.
    console.log(`Removing ${rowAddressToRemove.length} rows from the source table.`);
    rowAddressToRemove.reverse().forEach((address) => {

    // Reapply the original filters. 
    Object.keys(originalTableFilters).forEach((columnName) => {

如果我正确理解您的问题,那么如果值 = "Y"(分配给FILTER_VALUE的值),您目前正在过滤表格。 这部分发生在这里:

    if (dataRows[i][FILTER_COLUMN_INDEX] === FILTER_VALUE) {

您希望将此行从检查单元格值是否为 Y 更新为检查单元格值是否不为空。 为此,您可以像这样更新此行:

    if (dataRows[i][FILTER_COLUMN_INDEX] as string !== "") {


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