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VIM 计数/确定 quickfix 中的错误数

[英]VIM count / determine number of errors in quickfix


运行:make后如何确定 QuickFix 中的错误数量?

或者至少看看是否有任何错误,即错误 > 0?


getqflist()                     *getqflist()*
        Returns a list with all the current quickfix errors.  Each
        list item is a dictionary with these entries:
            bufnr   number of buffer that has the file name, use
                bufname() to get the name
            lnum    line number in the buffer (first line is 1)
            col column number (first column is 1)
            vcol    non-zero: "col" is visual column
                zero: "col" is byte index
            nr  error number
            pattern search pattern used to locate the error
            text    description of the error
            type    type of the error, 'E', '1', etc.
            valid   non-zero: recognized error message

        When there is no error list or it's empty an empty list is
        returned. Quickfix list entries with non-existing buffer
        number are returned with "bufnr" set to zero.

        Useful application: Find pattern matches in multiple files and
        do something with them: >
            :vimgrep /theword/jg *.c
            :for d in getqflist()
            :   echo bufname(d.bufnr) ':' d.lnum '=' d.text

如果您只想要总数,请使用len(getqflist()) 例如:

:echo len(getqflist())

如果您只想以交互方式了解, :cw将在出现任何错误的情况下在窗口中打开列表(如果它已经打开并且没有错误,则关闭它)。 该缓冲区中的行数就是错误数。

您可以只使用getqflist()函数(请参阅:help getqflist() ):

:echo printf("Have %d errors", len(getqflist()))

如果您想确定 quickfix 中有多少错误,而不仅仅是有多少条目,那么您需要过滤 getqflist:

" 'errorformat' matched %t as an error.
let error_count = len(filter(getqflist(), { k,v -> v.type == 'E' }))

" Anything with a destination file.
let jumpable_count = len(filter(getqflist(), { k,v -> v.bufnr != 0 }))

所以如果你的 quickfix 看起来像:

test.py|387|  import io, os datetime
||                   ^
|| SyntaxError: invalid syntax

然后 error_count == 0 和 jumpable_count == 1。


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