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[英]Getting attributes of Enum's value

我想知道是否可以获取enum值的属性而不是enum本身的属性? 例如,假设我有以下enum

using System.ComponentModel; // for DescriptionAttribute

enum FunkyAttributesEnum
    [Description("Name With Spaces1")]
    [Description("Name With Spaces2")]



Array values = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(FunkyAttributesEnum));
foreach (int value in values)
    Tuple.Value = Enum.GetName(typeof(FunkyAttributesEnum), value);

但是如何获取 description 属性的值来填充Tuple.Desc呢? 如果 Attribute 属于enum本身,我可以想到该怎么做,但是我不知道如何从enum的值中获取它。


  var enumType = typeof(FunkyAttributesEnum);
  var memberInfos = 
  var enumValueMemberInfo = memberInfos.FirstOrDefault(m => 
  m.DeclaringType == enumType);
  var valueAttributes = 
  enumValueMemberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false);
  var description = ((DescriptionAttribute)valueAttributes[0]).Description;
    return FunkyAttributesEnum.NameWithoutSpaces1.ToString()

这段代码应该在任何枚举上为您提供一个不错的小扩展方法,让您检索通用属性。 我相信它与上面的 lambda 函数不同,因为它使用起来更简单而且稍微有点——你只需要传入泛型类型。

public static class EnumHelper
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets an attribute on an enum field value
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the attribute you want to retrieve</typeparam>
    /// <param name="enumVal">The enum value</param>
    /// <returns>The attribute of type T that exists on the enum value</returns>
    /// <example><![CDATA[string desc = myEnumVariable.GetAttributeOfType<DescriptionAttribute>().Description;]]></example>
    public static T GetAttributeOfType<T>(this Enum enumVal) where T:System.Attribute
        var type = enumVal.GetType();
        var memInfo = type.GetMember(enumVal.ToString());
        var attributes = memInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(T), false);
        return (attributes.Length > 0) ? (T)attributes[0] : null;

这是使用 lambda 进行选择的通用实现

public static Expected GetAttributeValue<T, Expected>(this Enum enumeration, Func<T, Expected> expression)
    where T : Attribute
    T attribute =
        .Where(member => member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field)
        .GetCustomAttributes(typeof(T), false)

    if (attribute == null)
        return default(Expected);

    return expression(attribute);


string description = targetLevel.GetAttributeValue<DescriptionAttribute, string>(x => x.Description);

我在这里合并了几个答案,以创建一个更具可扩展性的解决方案。 我提供它是为了以防将来对其他人有帮助。 原贴在这里

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;

public static class EnumExtensions {

    // This extension method is broken out so you can use a similar pattern with 
    // other MetaData elements in the future. This is your base method for each.
    public static T GetAttribute<T>(this Enum value) where T : Attribute {
        var type = value.GetType();
        var memberInfo = type.GetMember(value.ToString());
        var attributes = memberInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(T), false);
        return attributes.Length > 0 
          ? (T)attributes[0]
          : null;

    // This method creates a specific call to the above method, requesting the
    // Description MetaData attribute.
    public static string ToName(this Enum value) {
        var attribute = value.GetAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>();
        return attribute == null ? value.ToString() : attribute.Description;


该解决方案在 Enum 上创建了一对扩展方法。 第一个允许您使用反射来检索与您的值关联的任何属性。 第二个专门调用检索DescriptionAttribute并返回它的Description值。


using System.ComponentModel;

public enum Days {




var day = Days.Mon;

除了AdamCrawford 响应之外,我还进一步创建了一个更专业的扩展方法来提供它以获取描述。

public static string GetAttributeDescription(this Enum enumValue)
    var attribute = enumValue.GetAttributeOfType<DescriptionAttribute>();
    return attribute == null ? String.Empty : attribute.Description;


string desc = myEnumVariable.GetAttributeOfType<DescriptionAttribute>().Description


string desc = myEnumVariable.GetAttributeDescription();



在这里,我使用的是DisplayAttribute ,它同时包含NameDescription属性。

public static DisplayAttribute GetDisplayAttributesFrom(this Enum enumValue, Type enumType)
    return enumType.GetMember(enumValue.ToString())


public enum ModesOfTransport
    [Display(Name = "Driving",    Description = "Driving a car")]        Land,
    [Display(Name = "Flying",     Description = "Flying on a plane")]    Air,
    [Display(Name = "Sea cruise", Description = "Cruising on a dinghy")] Sea

void Main()
    ModesOfTransport TransportMode = ModesOfTransport.Sea;
    DisplayAttribute metadata = TransportMode.GetDisplayAttributesFrom(typeof(ModesOfTransport));
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0} \nDescription: {1}", metadata.Name, metadata.Description);


Name: Sea cruise 
Description: Cruising on a dinghy

这是从 Display 属性获取信息的代码。 它使用通用方法来检索属性。 如果未找到该属性,则它将枚举值转换为字符串,其中 pascal/camel 大小写转换为标题大小写(此处获得的代码)

public static class EnumHelper
    // Get the Name value of the Display attribute if the   
    // enum has one, otherwise use the value converted to title case.  
    public static string GetDisplayName<TEnum>(this TEnum value)
        where TEnum : struct, IConvertible
        var attr = value.GetAttributeOfType<TEnum, DisplayAttribute>();
        return attr == null ? value.ToString().ToSpacedTitleCase() : attr.Name;

    // Get the ShortName value of the Display attribute if the   
    // enum has one, otherwise use the value converted to title case.  
    public static string GetDisplayShortName<TEnum>(this TEnum value)
        where TEnum : struct, IConvertible
        var attr = value.GetAttributeOfType<TEnum, DisplayAttribute>();
        return attr == null ? value.ToString().ToSpacedTitleCase() : attr.ShortName;

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets an attribute on an enum field value
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="TEnum">The enum type</typeparam>
    /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the attribute you want to retrieve</typeparam>
    /// <param name="value">The enum value</param>
    /// <returns>The attribute of type T that exists on the enum value</returns>
    private static T GetAttributeOfType<TEnum, T>(this TEnum value)
        where TEnum : struct, IConvertible
        where T : Attribute

        return value.GetType()


    /// <summary>
    /// Converts camel case or pascal case to separate words with title case
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="s"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string ToSpacedTitleCase(this string s)
        CultureInfo cultureInfo = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
        TextInfo textInfo = cultureInfo.TextInfo;
        return textInfo
                        "([a-z](?=[A-Z0-9])|[A-Z](?=[A-Z][a-z]))", "$1 "));

我实现了这个扩展方法来从枚举值中获取描述。 它适用于所有类型的枚举。

public static class EnumExtension
    public static string ToDescription(this System.Enum value)
        FieldInfo fi = value.GetType().GetField(value.ToString());
        var attributes = (DescriptionAttribute[])fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false);
        return attributes.Length > 0 ? attributes[0].Description : value.ToString();


public static IDictionary<string, int> ToDictionary(this Type enumType)
    return Enum.GetValues(enumType)
    .ToDictionary(v => ((Enum)v).ToEnumDescription(), k => (int)k); 


var dic = typeof(ActivityType).ToDictionary();

EnumDecription Ext 方法

public static string ToEnumDescription(this Enum en) //ext method
    Type type = en.GetType();
    MemberInfo[] memInfo = type.GetMember(en.ToString());
    if (memInfo != null && memInfo.Length > 0)
        object[] attrs = memInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false);
        if (attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0)
            return ((DescriptionAttribute)attrs[0]).Description;
    return en.ToString();

public enum ActivityType
    [Description("Drip Plan Email")]
    DripPlanEmail = 1,
    Modification = 2,
    View = 3,
    [Description("E-Alert Sent")]
    EAlertSent = 4,
    [Description("E-Alert View")]
    EAlertView = 5





public static class Program
   static void Main(string[] args)
       // display the description attribute from the enum
       foreach (Colour type in (Colour[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Colour)))

       // Get the array from the description
       string xStr = "Yellow";
       Colour thisColour = EnumExtensions.FromName<Colour>(xStr);


   public enum Colour
       [Description("Colour Red")]
       Red = 0,

       [Description("Colour Green")]
       Green = 1,

       [Description("Colour Blue")]
       Blue = 2,

       Yellow = 3

public static class EnumExtensions

    // This extension method is broken out so you can use a similar pattern with 
    // other MetaData elements in the future. This is your base method for each.
    public static T GetAttribute<T>(this Enum value) where T : Attribute
        var type = value.GetType();
        var memberInfo = type.GetMember(value.ToString());
        var attributes = memberInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(T), false);

        // check if no attributes have been specified.
        if (((Array)attributes).Length > 0)
            return (T)attributes[0];
            return null;

    // This method creates a specific call to the above method, requesting the
    // Description MetaData attribute.
    public static string ToName(this Enum value)
        var attribute = value.GetAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>();
        return attribute == null ? value.ToString() : attribute.Description;

    /// <summary>
    /// Find the enum from the description attribute.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    /// <param name="desc"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static T FromName<T>(this string desc) where T : struct
        string attr;
        Boolean found = false;
        T result = (T)Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)).GetValue(0);

        foreach (object enumVal in Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)))
            attr = ((Enum)enumVal).ToName();

            if (attr == desc)
                result = (T)enumVal;
                found = true;

        if (!found)
            throw new Exception();

        return result;


这是 AdamCrawford 的答案的 .NET Core 版本,使用System.Reflection.TypeExtensions

public static class EnumHelper
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets an attribute on an enum field value
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the attribute you want to retrieve</typeparam>
    /// <param name="enumVal">The enum value</param>
    /// <returns>The attribute of type T that exists on the enum value</returns>
    /// <example>string desc = myEnumVariable.GetAttributeOfType<DescriptionAttribute>().Description;</example>
    public static T GetAttributeOfType<T>(this Enum enumVal) where T : System.Attribute
        var type = enumVal.GetType();
        var memInfo = type.GetMember(enumVal.ToString());
        IEnumerable<Attribute> attributes = memInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(T), false);
        return (T)attributes?.ToArray()[0];

添加我的 Net Framework 和 NetCore 解决方案。

我将它用于我的 Net Framework 实现:

public static class EnumerationExtension
    public static string Description( this Enum value )
        // get attributes  
        var field = value.GetType().GetField( value.ToString() );
        var attributes = field.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( DescriptionAttribute ), false );

        // return description
        return attributes.Any() ? ( (DescriptionAttribute)attributes.ElementAt( 0 ) ).Description : "Description Not Found";

这不适用于 NetCore,因此我对其进行了修改以执行此操作:

public static class EnumerationExtension
    public static string Description( this Enum value )
        // get attributes  
        var field = value.GetType().GetField( value.ToString() );
        var attributes = field.GetCustomAttributes( false );

        // Description is in a hidden Attribute class called DisplayAttribute
        // Not to be confused with DisplayNameAttribute
        dynamic displayAttribute = null;

        if (attributes.Any())
            displayAttribute = attributes.ElementAt( 0 );

        // return description
        return displayAttribute?.Description ?? "Description Not Found";


public enum ExportTypes
    [Display( Name = "csv", Description = "text/csv" )]
    CSV = 0


var myDescription = myEnum.Description();



public static class AdvancedEnumExtensions
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the custom attribute <typeparamref name="T"/> for the enum constant, if such a constant is defined and has such an attribute; otherwise null.
    /// </summary>
    public static T GetCustomAttribute<T>(this Enum value) where T : Attribute
        return GetField(value)?.GetCustomAttribute<T>(inherit: false);

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the FieldInfo for the enum constant, if such a constant is defined; otherwise null.
    /// </summary>
    public static FieldInfo GetField(this Enum value)
        ulong u64 = ToUInt64(value);
        return value
            .GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static)
            .Where(f => ToUInt64(f.GetRawConstantValue()) == u64)

    /// <summary>
    /// Checks if an enum constant is defined for this enum value
    /// </summary>
    public static bool IsDefined(this Enum value)
        return GetField(value) != null;

    /// <summary>
    /// Converts the enum value to UInt64
    /// </summary>
    public static ulong ToUInt64(this Enum value) => ToUInt64((object)value);

    private static ulong ToUInt64(object value)
        switch (Convert.GetTypeCode(value))
            case TypeCode.SByte:
            case TypeCode.Int16:
            case TypeCode.Int32:
            case TypeCode.Int64:
                return unchecked((ulong)Convert.ToInt64(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            case TypeCode.Byte:
            case TypeCode.UInt16:
            case TypeCode.UInt32:
            case TypeCode.UInt64:
            case TypeCode.Char:
            case TypeCode.Boolean:
                return Convert.ToUInt64(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            default: throw new InvalidOperationException("UnknownEnumType");


因为内置方法都使用与此非常相似的代码,除了它们还运行一堆我们不关心的其他代码 C# 的 Enum 代码通常非常糟糕。

上面的代码已经过 Linq 化和精简,所以它只包含我们关心的位。


首先关于 Enum.ToString() -vs- Enum.GetName(..)

始终使用后者。 (或者更好的是两者都不是,如下文将变得清楚。)

ToString() 在内部使用后者,但同样,它也做了一些我们不想要的其他事情,例如尝试组合标志、打印数字等。我们只对枚举中定义的常量感兴趣。

Enum.GetName 依次获取所有字段,为所有名称创建一个字符串数组,在其所有 RawConstantValues 上使用上述 ToUInt64 创建所有值的 UInt64 数组,根据 UInt64 值对两个数组进行排序,最后从通过在 UInt64-array 中执行 BinarySearch 来查找我们想要的值的索引来查找 name-array。



Bryan RoweAdamCrawford感谢您的回答!


string GetEnumDiscription(Enum EnumValue)
            var type = EnumValue.GetType();
            var memInfo = type.GetMember(EnumValue.ToString());
            var attributes = memInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false);
            return (attributes.Length > 0) ? ((DescriptionAttribute)attributes[0]).Description : null;

利用一些较新的 C# 语言功能,您可以减少行数:

public static TAttribute GetEnumAttribute<TAttribute>(this Enum enumVal) where TAttribute : Attribute
    var memberInfo = enumVal.GetType().GetMember(enumVal.ToString());
    return memberInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TAttribute), false).OfType<TAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();

public static string GetEnumDescription(this Enum enumValue) => enumValue.GetEnumAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>()?.Description ?? enumValue.ToString();

如果您的enum包含像Equals这样的值,您可能会在此处的许多答案中使用一些扩展名遇到一些错误。 这是因为通常假设typeof(YourEnum).GetMember(YourEnum.Value)只会返回一个值,即您的enumMemberInfo 这是一个稍微安全的版本Adam Crawford's answer

public static class AttributeExtensions
    #region Methods

    public static T GetAttribute<T>(this Enum enumValue) where T : Attribute
        var type = enumValue.GetType();
        var memberInfo = type.GetMember(enumValue.ToString());
        var member = memberInfo.FirstOrDefault(m => m.DeclaringType == type);
        var attribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(member, typeof(T), false);
        return attribute is T ? (T)attribute : null;



public static string GetDescription(this Enum value) => value.GetType().GetMember(value.ToString()).First().GetCustomAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>() is DescriptionAttribute attribute ? attribute.Description : string.Empty;


using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;

public static class EnumExtensions
    // get description from enum:

    public static string GetDescription(this Enum value)
        return value.GetType().
            GetCustomAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>() is DescriptionAttribute attribute
            ? attribute.Description
            : throw new Exception($"Enum member '{value.GetType()}.{value}' doesn't have a [DescriptionAttribute]!");

    // get enum from description:

    public static T GetEnum<T>(this string description) where T : Enum
        foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in typeof(T).GetFields())
            if (fieldInfo.GetCustomAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>() is DescriptionAttribute attribute && attribute.Description == description)
                return (T)fieldInfo.GetRawConstantValue();

        throw new Exception($"Enum '{typeof(T)}' doesn't have a member with a [DescriptionAttribute('{description}')]!");
    public enum DataFilters
        [Display(Name= "Equals")]
        Equals = 1,// Display Name and Enum Name are same 
        [Display(Name= "Does Not Equal")]
        DoesNotEqual = 2, // Display Name and Enum Name are different             

现在它会在这种情况下产生错误 1 ​​"Equals"

public static string GetDisplayName(this Enum enumValue)
        var enumMember = enumValue.GetType().GetMember(enumValue.ToString()).First();
        return enumMember.GetCustomAttribute<DisplayAttribute>() != null ? enumMember.GetCustomAttribute<DisplayAttribute>().Name : enumMember.Name;

因此,如果它相同,则返回枚举名称而不是显示名称,因为 enumMember.GetCustomAttribute() 如果显示名称和枚举名称相同,则为 null .....



public class MemberTypeModel : IDto
    public string MemberAttributeName { get; set; }
    public string MemberName { get; set; }
    public int MemberValue { get; set; }



public enum MemberType
    [FieldText("Yönetim Kurul Üyesi")]
    BoardManager = 0,

    Representative = 1,

    Member = 2



public T GetMemberCustomText<T>(MemberType memberType) where T : Attribute
    var enumType = memberType.GetType();
    var name = Enum.GetName(enumType, memberType);
    return enumType.GetField(name).GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType<T>().SingleOrDefault();


首先,我们提取枚举值并将它们转换为枚举类型。 然后,通过我们知道的 Linq 选择查询;

  • 带有辅助方法的 MemberAttributeName 字段,
  • 使用 Enum.GetName 方法的 MemberName 字段,
  • 将 MemberValue 字段也转换为 int 类型,我们将其填写并转换为列表。

public List<MemberTypeModel> GetMemberTypes()
    var memberTypes = Enum.GetValues(typeof(MemberType))
        .Select(et => new MemberTypeModel
            MemberAttributeName = GetMemberCustomText<FieldText>(et).Text,
            MemberName = Enum.GetName(et.GetType(), et),
            MemberValue = (int)et
    return memberTypes;


Dictionary<FunkyAttributesEnum, string> description = new Dictionary<FunkyAttributesEnum, string>()
      { FunkyAttributesEnum.NameWithoutSpaces1, "Name With Spaces1" },
      { FunkyAttributesEnum.NameWithoutSpaces2, "Name With Spaces2" },


string s = description[FunkyAttributesEnum.NameWithoutSpaces1];


此扩展方法将使用其 XmlEnumAttribute 获取枚举值的字符串表示形式。 如果不存在 XmlEnumAttribute,则返回到 enum.ToString()。

public static string ToStringUsingXmlEnumAttribute<T>(this T enumValue)
    where T: struct, IConvertible
    if (!typeof(T).IsEnum)
        throw new ArgumentException("T must be an enumerated type");

    string name;

    var type = typeof(T);

    var memInfo = type.GetMember(enumValue.ToString());

    if (memInfo.Length == 1)
        var attributes = memInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Xml.Serialization.XmlEnumAttribute), false);

        if (attributes.Length == 1)
            name = ((System.Xml.Serialization.XmlEnumAttribute)attributes[0]).Name;
            name = enumValue.ToString();
        name = enumValue.ToString();

    return name;


    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field,AllowMultiple = false)]
public class EnumDisplayName : Attribute
    public string Name { get; private set; }
    public EnumDisplayName(string name)
        Name = name;

现在因为我需要它在 HtmlHelper 扩展的 HtmlHelper 定义中:

public static class EnumHelper
    public static string EnumDisplayName(this HtmlHelper helper,EPriceType priceType)
        //Get every fields from enum
        var fields = priceType.GetType().GetFields();
        //Foreach field skipping 1`st fieldw which keeps currently sellected value
        for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length;i++ )
            //find field with same int value
            if ((int)fields[i].GetValue(priceType) == (int)priceType)
                //get attributes of found field
                var attributes = fields[i].GetCustomAttributes(false);
                if (attributes.Length > 0)
                    //return name of found attribute
                    var retAttr = (EnumDisplayName)attributes[0];
                    return retAttr.Name;
        //throw Error if not found
        throw new Exception("Błąd podczas ustalania atrybutów dla typu ceny allegro");



typeof (PharmacyConfigurationKeys).GetFields()
        .Where(x => x.GetCustomAttributes(false).Any(y => typeof(DescriptionAttribute) == y.GetType()))
        .Select(x => ((DescriptionAttribute)x.GetCustomAttributes(false)[0]).Description);


List<SelectListItem> selectListItems = new List<SelectListItem>();

    foreach (var item in typeof(PaymentTerm).GetEnumValues())
        var type = item.GetType();
        var name = type.GetField(item.ToString()).GetCustomAttributesData().FirstOrDefault()?.NamedArguments.FirstOrDefault().TypedValue.Value.ToString();
        selectListItems.Add(new SelectListItem(name, type.Name));


我创建了一个扩展方法,它将返回 C# 枚举中所有元素的描述。

public static List<string> GetAllEnumDescriptions(this Type enumType)
            var enumList = Enum.GetValues(enumType).Cast<Enum>().ToList();
            List<string> result = new List<string>();
            foreach (var enumItem in enumList)
            return result;
        catch (Exception ex)
            return new List<string>();

此方法将使用内置的 EnumDescription() 扩展方法在枚举中添加元素的描述。

NuGet package Enums.Net 对此有很好的支持:

var value = FunkyAttributesEnum.NameWithoutSpaces1;
string description = value.AsString(EnumFormat.Description); // => "Name With Spaces1"

package 简单、直观且完整。

GitHub 存储库有更多信息,包括本机枚举的限制和功能演示:

  • 获取属性;
  • 标记操作;
  • 枚举格式(用于 ToString 或从字符串解析枚举);
  • 使用Enums.GetMembers<MyEnum>()对所有值进行丰富的迭代;
  • 等等。

这就是我在不使用 .NET core 3.1 的自定义帮助程序或扩展的情况下解决它的方法。


public enum YourEnum
    [Display(Name = "Suryoye means Arameans")]
    SURYOYE = 0,
    [Display(Name = "Oromoye means Syriacs")]
    OROMOYE = 1,


@using Enumerations

foreach (var name in Html.GetEnumSelectList(typeof(YourEnum)))

您还可以定义一个枚举值,例如Name_Without_Spaces ,当需要描述时,请使用Name_Without_Spaces.ToString().Replace('_', ' ')用空格替换下划线。


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