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[英]C# : Using an embedded font on a textbox

我在我的 windows 窗体应用程序中嵌入了一种字体作为嵌入资源,并希望在TextBox使用它。

AddMemoryFont()的帮助说明我必须将兼容的文本呈现设置为true才能使用 GDI+,然后才能使用我的字体。 但不知何故,它只是不会显示正确的字体。

在 Program.cs 中,我明确指出:


那么为什么它不起作用呢? 有人知道如何为 TextBox 设置自定义字体吗?


为了将来参考,如果有人遇到这个问题,修复方法是:在将嵌入的字体作为流获取之后,在调用 AddMemoryFont 之前,您必须调用 AddFontMemResourceEx ! (在 C# 中不可用,因此您必须导入它:

    private static extern IntPtr AddFontMemResourceEx(IntPtr pbFont, uint cbFont, IntPtr pdv, [In] ref uint pcFonts);

进而 :

            //create an unsafe memory block for the data
        System.IntPtr data = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem((int)fontStream.Length);
        //create a buffer to read in to
        Byte[] fontData = new Byte[fontStream.Length];
        //fetch the font program from the resource
        fontStream.Read(fontData, 0, (int)fontStream.Length);
        //copy the bytes to the unsafe memory block
        Marshal.Copy(fontData, 0, data, (int)fontStream.Length);

        // We HAVE to do this to register the font to the system (Weird .NET bug !)
        uint cFonts = 0;
        AddFontMemResourceEx(data, (uint)fontData.Length, IntPtr.Zero, ref cFonts);

        //pass the font to the font collection
        mFontCollection.AddMemoryFont(data, (int)fontStream.Length);
        //close the resource stream
        //free the unsafe memory

而且很快,您将能够使用该字体。 如果没有 AddFontMemResourceEx,它将无法工作。

谢谢它的工作。 在 c# Windows 应用程序中嵌入字体

private static extern IntPtr AddFontMemResourceEx(IntPtr pbFont, uint cbFont, IntPtr pdv, [In] ref uint pcFonts);

    PrivateFontCollection pFC = new PrivateFontCollection();

            string[] resource = { "newFont-Bold.ttf", "newFont-Regular.ttf" }; // specify embedded resource name

            foreach (var item in resource)
                // receive resource stream
                Stream fontStream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(item);

                // create an unsafe memory block for the font data
                System.IntPtr data = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem((int)fontStream.Length);

                // create a buffer to read in to
                byte[] fontdata = new byte[fontStream.Length];

                // read the font data from the resource
                fontStream.Read(fontdata, 0, (int)fontStream.Length);

                // copy the bytes to the unsafe memory block
                Marshal.Copy(fontdata, 0, data, (int)fontStream.Length);

                ///IMPORTANT line to register font in system
                uint cFonts = 0;
                AddFontMemResourceEx(data, (uint)fontdata.Length, IntPtr.Zero, ref cFonts);

                // pass the font to the font collection
                pFC.AddMemoryFont(data, (int)fontStream.Length);

                // close the resource stream
                // free up the unsafe memory
        catch (Exception exp)

        return pFC;


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