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[英]Assigning a default value to a final variable in case of an exception in Java



public class FooBar {

    private final int foo;

    private FooBar() {
        try {
            int x = bla();
            foo = x; // In case of an exception this line is never reached
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            foo = 0; // But the compiler complains
                     // that foo might have been initialized

    private int bla() { // You can use any of the lines below, neither works
        // throw new RuntimeException();
        return 0;



try {
    int x = bla();
    foo = x; // In case of an exception this line is never reached
} catch (Exception ex) {
    foo = 0; // But the compiler complains
             // that foo might have been initialized

原因是编译器无法推断只有在foo初始化之前才能抛出异常。 这个例子是一个特殊情况,显然这是真的,但考虑:

try {
    int x = bla();
    foo = x; // In case of an exception this line is never reached...or is it?
    callAnotherFunctionThatThrowsAnException();  // Now what?
} catch (Exception ex) {
    foo = 0; // But the compiler complains
             // that foo might have been initialized,
             // and now it is correct.

编写一个编译器来处理像这样的非常具体的情况将是一个巨大的任务 - 可能有很多。

要成为一名学徒, Thread.stop(Throwable)可能会在try块分配后立即抛出异常。

但是,具有明确分配和相关术语的规则足够复杂。 检查JLS。 尝试添加更多规则会使语言复杂化并且不会带来显着的好处。



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