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程序在CIN输入时崩溃| C ++

[英]program crashes at CIN input | C++


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

//call functions
int create_enemyHP (int a);
int create_enemyAtk (int a);
int find_Enemy(int a);
int create_enemyDef (int a);

// user information
int userHP = 100;
int userAtk = 10;
int userDef = 5;
string userName;

//enemy Information
int enemyHP;
int enemyAtk;
int enemyDef;
string enemies[] = {"Raider", "Bandit", "Mugger"};
int sizeOfEnemies = sizeof(enemies) / sizeof(int);
string currentEnemy;
int chooseEnemy;

int journey;

int test;

int main()
    // main menu 
    cout << "welcome brave knight, what is your name? " ;
    cin >> userName;
    cout << "welcome " << userName << " to Darland" << endl;



    cout << "where would you like to travel? " << endl;
    cout << endl << " 1.> Theives Pass " << endl;
    cout << " 2.> Humble Town " << endl;
    cout << " 3.> Mission HQ " << endl;
    cin >> journey;

    if (journey == 1) 

        // action variable;
        string c_action;

        cout << "beware your journey grows dangerous " << endl;

        //begins battle

        // Creating the enemy, HP ATK DEF AND TYPE. ;


        enemyHP = create_enemyHP(userHP);

        enemyAtk = create_enemyAtk(userAtk);

        enemyDef = create_enemyDef(userDef);

        chooseEnemy = find_Enemy(sizeOfEnemies);

        currentEnemy = enemies[chooseEnemy];

        cout << " Here comes a " << currentEnemy << endl;
        cout << "stats: " << endl;
        cout << "HP :" << enemyHP << endl;
        cout << "Attack : " << enemyAtk << endl;
        cout << "Defense : " << enemyDef << endl;
        cout << "Attack <A> | Defend <D> | Items <I>";
        cin >> c_action;

        //if ATTACK/DEFEND/ITEMS choice

        if (c_action == "A" || c_action == "a"){

            enemyHP = enemyHP - userAtk;
            cout << " you attack the enemy reducing his health to " << enemyHP << endl;
            userHP = userHP - enemyAtk;
            cout << "however he lashes back causing you to have " << userHP << "health left " << endl;
            //end of ATTACK ACTION

最后一行“ cin >> c_action崩溃。我使用另外两个页面。它们只是创建函数。这是编译器问题。也是为什么我的编译器在运行应用程序后总是关闭。有没有办法停止它?

一些提示:如果可以避免的话,我从不使用函数的前向声明(例如“ int create_enemyHP(int a);”)。 如果执行此操作,则代码中有两个位置必须正确才能使程序正常工作。 如果始终只有“ 单一的真理来源 ”,它将使生活更加轻松

您是否已通过调试器运行此代码? 这将帮助您更快地发现问题。


scanf("%c", &c_action); //assuming you used a char.

在您输入“操作”之前或之后,我不知道程序是否崩溃。 因为如果以前崩溃过,那么我认为您的问题是由输入缓冲区中的空格字符引起的。


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