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如何获取所有驱动器的列表,同时获取相应的驱动器类型(可移动、本地磁盘或 cd-rom、dvd-rom 等)?

[英]How can I get list of all drives but also get the corresponding drive type (removable,local disk, or cd-rom,dvd-rom... etc)?

如何获取所有驱动器的列表,同时获取相应的驱动器类型(可移动、本地磁盘或 cd-rom、dvd-rom 等)?


File[] paths;
FileSystemView fsv = FileSystemView.getFileSystemView();

// returns pathnames for files and directory
paths = File.listRoots();

// for each pathname in pathname array
for(File path:paths)
    // prints file and directory paths
    System.out.println("Drive Name: "+path);
    System.out.println("Description: "+fsv.getSystemTypeDescription(path));

假设它是 windows,使用File.listRoots()获取所有根。 然后使用FileSystemView检查它是软盘还是驱动器。 除此之外我不知道。

此代码段适用于 Windows。 它正确地将 USB 笔式驱动器报告为可移动,但在我的笔记本电脑上,USB 硬盘被标记为不可移动。 无论如何,这是我在不使用本机代码的情况下发现的最好的。

for (Path root : FileSystems.getDefault().getRootDirectories()) {
  FileStore fileStore = Files.getFileStore(root);
  System.out.format("%s\t%s\n", root, fileStore.getAttribute("volume:isRemovable"));

来源: 这个文件显然来自 JDK


我有一个拇指驱动器,当我插入它时,它显示为 CD-ROM。 在我运行 CD-ROM 上的程序后,它附加了第二个分区,它似乎是一个硬盘驱动器。

我有可移动的 CD-ROM 驱动器。 我的计算机外部也有“内部”eSATA 硬盘驱动器。

您必须非常努力地获得驱动器“类型”的绑定定义。 你为什么不告诉我们你想做什么,而不是询问你想要做的特定方式?

如果您使用JACOB ,您可以列出所有驱动器以及适当的类型:

import com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent;
import com.jacob.com.Dispatch;
import com.jacob.com.EnumVariant;
import com.jacob.com.JacobObject;
import com.jacob.com.Variant;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class DrivesExample
    public interface HasNativeValue
        int getNativeValue();

    public enum DriveTypeEnum implements HasNativeValue

        public final int nativeValue;

        DriveTypeEnum(int nativeValue)
            this.nativeValue = nativeValue;

        public int getNativeValue()
            return nativeValue;

    private static <T extends Enum<T> & HasNativeValue> T fromNative(Class<T> clazz, int value)
        for (T c : clazz.getEnumConstants())
            if (c.getNativeValue() == value)
                return c;
        return null;

     * The drive information.
    public static final class Drive
         * File system on the logical disk. Example: NTFS. null if not known.
        public final String fileSystem;
         * Value that corresponds to the type of disk drive this logical disk represents.
        public final DriveTypeEnum driveType;
         * The Java file, e.g. "C:\". Never null.
        public final File file;

        public Drive(String fileSystem, DriveTypeEnum driveType, File file)
            this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
            this.driveType = driveType;
            this.file = file;

        public String toString()
            return "Drive{" + file + ": " + driveType + ", fileSystem=" + fileSystem + "}";

     * Lists all available Windows drives without actually touching them. This call should not block on cd-roms, floppies, network drives etc.
     * @return a list of drives, never null, may be empty.
    public static List<Drive> getDrives()
        List<Drive> result = new ArrayList<>();
        ActiveXComponent axWMI = new ActiveXComponent("winmgmts://");

            Variant devices = axWMI.invoke("ExecQuery", new Variant("Select DeviceID,DriveType,FileSystem from Win32_LogicalDisk"));
            EnumVariant deviceList = new EnumVariant(devices.toDispatch());
            while (deviceList.hasMoreElements())
                Dispatch item = deviceList.nextElement().toDispatch();
                String drive = Dispatch.call(item, "DeviceID").toString().toUpperCase();
                File file = new File(drive + "/");
                DriveTypeEnum driveType = fromNative(DriveTypeEnum.class, Dispatch.call(item, "DriveType").getInt());
                String fileSystem = Dispatch.call(item, "FileSystem").toString();
                result.add(new Drive(fileSystem, driveType, file));

            return result;
        } finally

    private static void closeQuietly(JacobObject jacobObject)
        } catch (Exception ex)

    public static void main(String[] arguments)
        List<Drive> drives = getDrives();

        for (Drive drive : drives)


Drive{C:\: LocalDisk, fileSystem=NTFS}
Drive{D:\: LocalDisk, fileSystem=NTFS}
Drive{E:\: RemovableDisk, fileSystem=NTFS}
Drive{F:\: RemovableDisk, fileSystem=FAT32}
Drive{G:\: RemovableDisk, fileSystem=null}
Drive{Y:\: NetworkDrive, fileSystem=NTFS}

要使用JACOB ,请将下载中的JARDLL作为库添加到您的项目中。 此解决方案当然仅适用于Windows

正确的方法是 Luciano 如何回答 isRemovable 属性,但我最近在 win 10 上发现,如果我从 USB 启动,则在该方法中不再找到 USB。

因此,我仅针对 Windows 使用了以下 wmic 调用:

ArrayList<File> rootDirs = new ArrayList<File>();
if( isWin )

  if( i_dolog )
    LOG.info( "Windows found as OS." );
  ArrayList<String> partids = new ArrayList<String>();

  String results0 = execute( "wmic diskdrive where interfacetype='USB' assoc /assocclass:Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition" );
  String lines[] = results0.split( "\r\r\n" );
  for( String line : lines )
    String test = "Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID=";
    int index = line.indexOf( test );
    if( index >= 0 )
      String partid = line.substring( index + test.length() + 1 );
      partid = partid.substring( 0, partid.indexOf( '"' ) );
      partids.add( partid );
  for( String partition : partids )
    String results2 = execute( "wmic partition where (DeviceID='" + partition + "') assoc /assocclass:Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition" );
    String lines2[] = results2.split( "\r\r\n" );
    for( String line : lines2 )
      String test = "Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID=";
      int index = line.indexOf( test );
      if( index >= 0 )
        String partid = line.substring( index + test.length() + 1 );
        partid = partid.substring( 0, partid.indexOf( '"' ) );
        rootDirs.add( new File( partid + "\\" ) );
File[] roots = File.listRoots();
for(int i=0;i<roots.length;i++)
    System.out.println("Root["+i+"]:" + roots[i]);


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