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在C#中,如何访问Active Directory以获取某个用户所属的组的列表?

[英]In C#, how to access Active Directory to get the list of groups that a certain user belongs to?

在C#中,我如何访问Active Directory以获取某个用户所属的组的列表?




"LDAP://sample.com/CN=MySurname MyFirstname,OU=General,OU=Accounts,DC=sample,DC=com"




using System.Collections;
using System.DirectoryServices;

/// <summary>
/// Gets the list of AD groups that a user belongs to
/// </summary>
/// <param name="loginName">The login name of the user (domain\login or login)</param>
/// <returns>A comma delimited list of the user's AD groups</returns>
public static SortedList GetADGroups(string loginName)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loginName))
        throw new ArgumentException("The loginName should not be empty");

    SortedList ADGroups = new SortedList();

    int backSlash = loginName.IndexOf("\\");
    string userName = backSlash > 0 ? loginName.Substring(backSlash + 1) : loginName;

    DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry();
    DirectorySearcher directorySearcher = new DirectorySearcher(directoryEntry, "(sAMAccountName=" + userName + ")");

    SearchResult searchResult = directorySearcher.FindOne();
    if (null != searchResult)
        DirectoryEntry userADEntry = new DirectoryEntry(searchResult.Path);

        // Invoke Groups method.
        object userADGroups = userADEntry.Invoke("Groups");
        foreach (object obj in (IEnumerable)userADGroups)
            // Create object for each group.
            DirectoryEntry groupDirectoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry(obj);
            string groupName = groupDirectoryEntry.Name.Replace("cn=", string.Empty);
            groupName = groupName.Replace("CN=", string.Empty);
            if (!ADGroups.ContainsKey(groupName))
                ADGroups.Add(groupName, groupName);

    return ADGroups;

最后,我不得不从相反的角度来研究它,因为我必须验证来自单独(受信任)森林的成员。 因此,以下是查找给定组成员列表的代码:

/// <summary>
/// Finds the users in the given group. Eg groupName=My-Group-Name-Blah
/// returns an array of users eg: DOMAIN\user
/// </summary>
string[] UsersInGroup(string groupName)
  List<String> users = new List<string>();

  // First, find the group:
  string query = string.Format("(CN={0})", groupName);
  SearchResult searchResult = new DirectorySearcher(query).FindOne();
  DirectoryEntry group = new DirectoryEntry(searchResult.Path);

  // Find all the members
  foreach (object rawMember in (IEnumerable)group.Invoke("members"))
    // Grab this member's SID
    DirectoryEntry member = new DirectoryEntry(rawMember);
    byte[] sid = null;
    foreach (object o in member.Properties["objectSid"]) sid = o as byte[];

    // Convert it to a domain\user string
        new SecurityIdentifier(sid, 0).Translate(typeof(NTAccount)).ToString());
    catch { } // Some SIDs cannot be discovered - ignore these

  return users.ToArray();


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