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标记字符串的有效方法 - C.

[英]Efficient way to tokenize a string - C

我试图标记一个字符串。 我有一张以trie形式订购的可用代币表。 每个令牌都知道它有孩子。 一个简单的令牌表看起来像,

pattern    value         has_children
--------   ------        --------
s          s-val         1
stack      stack-val     0
over       over-val      1
overflow   overflow-val  0

在这个表中, stacks的子soverflow是子over 实际上,此表将以这种方式订购5000多条记录。

现在,给定一个字符串stackover ,应该输出stack-valover-val 算法是贪婪的,它会尝试总是找到最长的匹配。

为此,我将开始从输入中读取每个字符,查找匹配项,如果找到匹配项并且令牌具有子项,则通过包含下一个字符再次查找匹配项。 这样做直到我们找到最长的匹配。 如果未找到匹配项,请尝试匹配包含下一个字符,直到我们到达字符串结尾或成功匹配为止。

如果我们在没有匹配的情况下到达字符串的末尾,输出? 符号并从输入中删除第一个字符。 用剩余的字符重复整个过程。


我想知道有更好的解决方法吗? 任何帮助,将不胜感激。



1 - 在地点0找到S,有以S开头的令牌,全部尝试,只有S有效,所以解决S
2 - S on 1,有这样的标记,尝试它们,可能有效的是S和STACK。 不要解决,只要记住它们。
3 - T on 2,没有这样的令牌,所以S现在可以解决,但我们也有更长的令牌(STACK)所以S不好。 Ditch S和STACK只剩下了,但它有孩子。 为孩子们尝试字符串。 没有可能的孩子,所以解决堆栈
4 - O在6,有这样的标记,尝试它们,只有OVER,所以解决OVER
5 - F在10,没有这样的令牌,没有什么可以解决之前所以这是不可标记的
6和7 - 与步骤5相同

最终结果:S STACK OVER fun

你能用Aho-Corasick算法吗? 它创建一个自动机来搜索关键字树(trie)。


0 stack      1
1 s          0
2 overflow   3
3 over       5
4 ovum       5
5 o          0
6 exchange   7
7 ex         0

此列表的第三列是指向父令牌的指针,该令牌在列表中始终较低。 然后,您可以将目标字符串和二进制搜索放在此列表中。 如果它落在匹配的令牌之上,那么你剪掉那部分并重复剩下的过程。 如果它不匹配,则使用父指针查找下一个最长的潜在匹配标记。


我建议你尝试Ragel ,它可以生成有效的扫描仪,可以进行最长的匹配/回溯。 有关详细信息,请参阅Ragel用户指南中的第6.3章。


machine test;

main := |*
's' => { puts("s-val");};
'stack' => { puts("stack-val");};
'over' => { puts("over-val");};
'overflow' => { puts("overflow-val");};

# Anything else matches to any, outputs a '?' and continues
any => {putc('?');};


当其中一个树的前缀与输入文本的开头匹配时,prefix_tree类仅返回“true”。 它甚至不会告诉你哪个前缀或前缀有多长。

此token_tree将查找与输入文本的开头匹配的最长标记。 搜索函数token_tree_longest_token()只需要返回与输入文本的开头匹配的最长标记的长度。



#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* #define TEST_TOKEN_TREE */
 * TODO: possible improvements, use multiple types of nodes: string/branch/leaf.
 * The string node would replace a chain of normal token_nodes and save memory.
 * This would require spliting a node to add branch points.
 * Use these structs:
 * struct token_node {
 *   uint32_t ref_count;
 *   uint8_t  node_type; -- node is token_node_str/token_node_branch/token_node_leaf
 * };
 * struct token_node_str {
 *   token_node base;
 *   uint8_t    reserved;
 *   uint16_t   len;          -- string length
 *   token_node *child;       -- string nodes can only have one child.
 *   uint8_t    str[0];       -- embedded string (not null-terminated)
 * };
 * struct token_node_branch {
 *   token_node base;
 *   uint8_t  min;            -- smallest char in child list.
 *   uint16_t count;          -- child count.
 *   token_node *children[0];
 * };
 * struct token_node_leaf { -- leaf nodes have no children.
 *   token_node base;
 * };
 * This will save memory, but will make code much more complex.

typedef struct token_tree token_tree;
typedef struct token_node token_node;

struct token_tree {
    token_node *root; /**< root node of token tree. */

struct token_node {
    uint32_t   ref_count;    /**< how many token references end at this node. */
    uint8_t    min;          /**< smallest 'char' in children's list. */
    uint8_t    reserved;     /**< padding. */
    uint16_t   count;        /**< number of children. (max count = 256, so count must be 16bits) */
    token_node *children[0]; /**< list of children nodes.  index by (c - min) */

#define NODE_SIZE(count) (sizeof(token_node) + (sizeof(token_node *) * count))

static token_node *token_node_new(uint16_t count) {
    token_node *node = calloc(1, NODE_SIZE(count));
    node->count = count;
    return node;

static void token_node_build_chain(token_node **pnode, const uint8_t *token, size_t len) {
    token_node *node;
    do {
        /* the last node in the chain will have no children. */
        node = token_node_new((len == 0) ? 0 : 1);
        *pnode = node; /* add node to slot in parent's children list. */
        if(len == 0) break;
        /* new node will have one child. */
        node->min = *token;
        node->count = 1;
        /* slot where next node will be saved. */
        pnode = &(node->children[0]);
        /* consume char. */
    } while(1);
    /* mark last node as end of a valid token. */

static void token_node_free(token_node *node) {
    uint32_t i;
    uint32_t count = node->count;

    /* free children nodes. */
    for(i=0; i < count; i++) {
        if(node->children[i]) token_node_free(node->children[i]);

static void token_node_grow(token_node **pnode, uint8_t c) {
    token_node *node = *pnode;
    token_node **children;
    uint8_t  old_min = node->min;
    uint16_t old_count = node->count;
    uint32_t i;
    uint8_t  min;
    uint16_t count;

    if(c < old_min) {
        min = c;
        count = old_count + (old_min - min);
    } else {
        if(old_count == 0) {
            /* the list was empty, so this is the first char. */
            old_min = c;
        min = old_min;
        c -= old_min;
        if(c < old_count) {
            /* don't need to grow. */
        count = c + 1;

    node = realloc(node, NODE_SIZE(count));
    *pnode = node;
    children = node->children;
    /* if the 'min' value changed, then we need to move all the old slots up. */
    if(old_min != min) {
        uint32_t diff = old_min - min;
        for(i=count-1; i >= diff; i--) {
            children[i] = children[i - diff];
        /* null new slots at start of children list. */
        for(i=0; i < diff; i++) {
            children[i] = NULL;
    } else {
        /* null new slots at end of children list. */
        for(i=old_count; i < count; i++) {
            children[i] = NULL;
    node->min = min;
    node->count = count;

static token_node **token_node_find_last_node(token_node **pnode, const uint8_t **ptoken, size_t *plen) {
    const uint8_t *token = *ptoken;
    size_t len = *plen;
    uint32_t c;
    token_node *node = *pnode;

    while(node && len) {
        /* next char. */
        c = (*token);
        /* if c < node->min, then it will underflow and be > node->count. */
        c -= node->min;
        /* make sure c is in range. */
        if(c >= node->count) {
             * NOTE: we don't consume this char and "*pnode" will not be null.
             * When adding tokens, this node will be grown to hold more children.

        /* consume char. */
        /* get pointer to next node's slot. */
        pnode = &(node->children[c]);
        node = *pnode;

    *ptoken = token;
    *plen = len;
    /* return pointer to last node's slot. */
    return pnode;

static void token_node_add(token_node **pnode, const uint8_t *token, size_t len) {
    token_node *node;

    /* find last node in chain for this token. */
    pnode = token_node_find_last_node(pnode, &token, &len);

    /* if full token was consumed then we found the last node for this token. */
    if(!len) {
        node = *pnode;

    /* check if the children list of the last node needs to be grown. */
    node = *pnode;
    if(node) {
        uint32_t c = *token;
        /* consume char. */
        /* grow node to make room for new char. */
        token_node_grow(pnode, c);
        node = *pnode; /* token_node_grow() may change the node's pointer. */
        /* get slot for new child. */
        pnode = &(node->children[c - node->min]);
    /* build node chain for un-consumed part of token. */
    token_node_build_chain(pnode, token, len);

static size_t token_node_longest_token(token_node *node, const uint8_t *text, size_t len) {
    size_t last_token_len = 0;
    size_t off = 0;
    uint32_t c;

    /* loop until we get a NULL node or run out of text. */
    do {
        if(node->ref_count > 0) {
            /* found a token, keep track of it's length. */
            last_token_len = off;
        /* end of input text. */
        if(off >= len) break;
        /* next char. */
        c = text[off];
        /* if c < node->min, then it will underflow and be > node->count. */
        c -= node->min;
        /* make sure c is in range. */
        if(c >= node->count) {
            /* End of search, no more child nodes. */

        /* consume char. */
        /* get pointer to next node's slot. */
        node = node->children[c];
    } while(node);

    /* return length of largest token found. */
    return last_token_len;

extern token_tree *token_tree_new() {
    token_tree *tree = malloc(sizeof(token_tree));
    tree->root = token_node_new(0);
    return tree;

extern void token_tree_free(token_tree *tree) {

extern void token_tree_add(token_tree *tree, const char *token, size_t len) {
    token_node_add(&(tree->root), token, len);

extern size_t token_tree_longest_token(token_tree *tree, const char *text, size_t len) {
    return token_node_longest_token(tree->root, text, len);

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

static const char *test_tokens[] = {

static const char *test_input[] = {

static void add_tokens(token_tree *tree, const char **tokens) {
    int i;
    for(i = 0; tokens[i] != NULL; i++) {
        token_tree_add(tree, tokens[i], strlen(tokens[i]));

static void print_tokens(token_tree *tree, const char *text) {
    size_t len = strlen(text);
    size_t token_len;

    printf("input: \"%s\"\n", text);
    printf("tokens: [");
    while(len) {
        token_len = token_tree_longest_token(tree, text, len);
        if(token_len > 0) {
            printf("<%.*s>", (int)token_len, text);
        } else {
            token_len = 1;
        text += token_len;
        len -= token_len;

static void run_test(token_tree *tree, const char **texts) {
    int i;
    for(i = 0; texts[i] != NULL; i++) {
        print_tokens(tree, texts[i]);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    token_tree *tree = token_tree_new();

    add_tokens(tree, test_tokens);

    run_test(tree, test_input);
    run_test(tree, test_tokens);




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