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setTimeout() 在 Firefox 中似乎不起作用?

[英]setTimeout() doesn't seem to be working in Firefox?

我继承了一个网站! 它旨在在 IE 中工作,而且似乎只能在 IE 中工作。我现在被要求让该站点在 Firefox 中运行。 我已经修复了大部分错误,没有任何问题,但这个问题让我很难过。


这行 Javascript 在 IE 中运行良好,但在 Firefox 中函数 fDelayedFunc 从不触发。 我已经删除了 setTimeout 和函数包装器,并尝试将代码作为主函数的一部分运行。 这完全没有任何问题。

涉及很多代码,但这是主要的,但我遇到了麻烦。 如果您想查看更多代码,请告诉我。

            setTimeout(fDelayedFunc, 0);

            //Save the current text box value
            var vCurrentTBValue = vJQElement.val();

            function fDelayedFunc() {

                if (vJQElement.val() == vCurrentTBValue) {

                    //Get position list box should appear in
                    var vTop = vJQElement.position().top + 25;
                    var vLeft = vJQElement.position().left;

                    //Had to put a special case in for account due to the position co-ords being wrong. This is due to a css error
                    if (vHiddenFieldToWriteTo == "#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_hfAccountCode") {
                        vTop = vJQElement.position().top + 58;
                        vLeft = vJQElement.position().left + 200;
                    else {
                        vTop = vJQElement.position().top + 25;
                        vLeft = vJQElement.position().left;

                    //Create div element
                    var vDivElement = $("<div id='divSearchBox' style='position:absolute; top:" + vTop + ";left:" + vLeft + "; z-index: 40000;'></div>");

                    //Create list box
                    var vListBox = $("<select id='lbResults' tabIndex='" + vJQElement.attr("tabIndex") + "' size='4' style='height:400px;'></select>");

                    //Bind a function to the list box which will select the item via either tab or enter
                    vListBox.bind("keydown", function() {
                        //Check if tab or enter has been pressed
                        if (event.keyCode == 9 || event.keyCode == 13) {
                            //Set hidden value to the selected items code

                            //Create postback
                        //Check if the up arrow has been pressed at the top of the listbox
                        else if (event.keyCode == 38 && $(vListBox.find(":selected")).val() == $(vListBox.find(":first")).val()) {
                            //Focus back on the search box
                    }).bind("dblclick", function() {
                        //Set hidden value to the selected items code

                        //Create postback

                    //Get search field
                    var vSearchText = vJQElement.val();

                    var vDepotID = $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_wizNewConsignment_hfDepotID").val();
                    var vCustomerID = $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_wizNewConsignment_hfCustomerID").val();
                    var vCountryID = $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_wizNewConsignment_hfCountryID").val();
                    var vConsignee = vJQElement.attr("boolConsignee");

                    //Set a loading image in place until call completed
                    vJQElement.css("backgroundImage", "url(images/small-loader.gif)");
                    vJQElement.css("backgroundRepeat", "no-repeat");
                    vJQElement.css("backgroundPosition", "right");

                    //Make AJAX call
                        type: "POST",
                        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                        url: "NewConsignment.asmx/fGetAddressesAndIDs",
                        data: "{'strSearchText' : '" + vSearchText + "', 'intDepotID' : '" + vDepotID + "', 'intCustomerID' : '" + vCustomerID + "', 'intCountryID' : '" + vCountryID + "', 'boolConsignee' : '" + vConsignee + "'}",
                        dataType: "json",
                        success: function fGetAddressesAndIDsResult(GetAddressesAndIDsResult) {
                            //Make sure there are results
                            if (GetAddressesAndIDsResult != null && GetAddressesAndIDsResult != "") {
                                var vNumberOfResults = 0;
                                var vNumberOfLearntAddresses = 0;
                                var vLearntAddressUniqueID = "";

                                //Try to get results (first call will work on Linux and catch will work on Windows)
                                try {
                                    //Check array exists (if this fails will go to catch)
                                    if (GetAddressesAndIDsResult.d.length > 0) {
                                        //Loop through the results
                                        $.each(GetAddressesAndIDsResult.d, function() {
                                            //Check for results
                                            if (this.length > 0) {
                                                //Evaluate JSON
                                                var vAddress = eval("(" + this + ")");

                                                //Create list item
                                                var vOption = $("<option class='AddressOption' value='" + vAddress.uniqueID + "'>" + vAddress.briefDescription + "</option>");

                                                //Find out number of learnt addresses
                                                if (vAddress.uniqueID.indexOf("ConLA") != -1) {
                                                    vLearntAddressUniqueID = vAddress.uniqueID;

                                                //Add list item to list box

                                                //Mark result added
                                catch (err) {
                                    //Loop through the results
                                    $.each(GetAddressesAndIDsResult, function() {
                                        //Check for results
                                        if (this.length > 0) {
                                            //Evaluate JSON
                                            var vAddress = eval("(" + this + ")");

                                            //Create list item
                                            var vOption = $("<option class='AddressOption' value='" + vAddress.uniqueID + "'>" + vAddress.briefDescription + "</option>");

                                            //Find out number of learnt addresses
                                            if (vAddress.uniqueID.indexOf("ConLA") != -1) {
                                                vLearntAddressUniqueID = vAddress.uniqueID;

                                            //Add list item to list box

                                            //Mark result added

                                //Check if only 1 learnt address was found
                                if (vNumberOfLearntAddresses == 1) {
                                    //Auto select this address
                                    //Set hidden value to the selected items code

                                    //Create postback

                                //Add list box to div

                                //Check if any results exist in div
                                if (vNumberOfResults != 0) {
                                    //Append div to page

                                    //Auto select first item
                                    vListBox.find(".AddressOption:first").attr("selected", "true");

                            //Hide loading image
                            vJQElement.css("backgroundImage", "none");
                        error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                            //Inform user of error
                            alert("An error occured, please try again");

                            //Hide loading image
                            vJQElement.css("backgroundImage", "none");



setTimeout(function() { fDelayedFunc(); }, 0);

我从addEventListener("load", () => {code})取出了setTimeout(function () {function1();}, 1500) addEventListener("load", () => {code})

它在 Firefox 中对我有用

试试这个: setTimeout('fDelayedFunc()', 0);


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