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[英]Finding the index of the outer FROM clause in a SQL statement string

我需要在SQL字符串中找到实际外部'from'的索引。 以下是我将寻找实际FROM的SQL字符串的一些示例:

select * from table --easy  
select *, (select top 1 col1 from anothertable) as col1 from table
select * from table,  (select col1 from anothertable) as anothertable 
select * from table where col1=(select top 1 col1 from anothertable) 

我确信有更多有效的SQL语句利用子选择。 我认为我需要的是一个正则表达式或解析器,它知道最外层'from'和跳过任何sub'froms'之间的区别。 当然,我可能不会考虑其他陷阱来找到外部'从',所以任何输入都会受到赞赏。

您可以使用Microsoft.Data.Schema.ScriptDom 边缘粗糙概念应用的概述如下。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Data.Schema.ScriptDom;
using Microsoft.Data.Schema.ScriptDom.Sql;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    internal class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] queries =
                    @"select * from table1;",
                    /*Test multiline*/
                    @"select *, 
                              (select top 1 col1 from anothertable) as col1 from table1;"
                    @"select * from table1,  (select col1 from anothertable) as anothertable;",
                    @"select * from table1 where col1=(select top 1 col1 from anothertable)",
                    /*Test invalid syntax ("table" is a reserved word)*/
                    @"select * from table where col1=(select top 1 col1 from anothertable)"

            foreach (string query in queries)


        private static void Parse(string query)
            Console.WriteLine(@"Parsing statement ""{0}""", query);

            var parser = new TSql100Parser(false);

            IList<ParseError> errors;
            IScriptFragment result = parser.Parse(new StringReader(query), out errors);

            if (errors.Count > 0)
                Console.WriteLine(@"Errors encountered: ""{0}""", errors[0].Message);

            TSqlStatement statement = ((TSqlScript) result).Batches[0].Statements[0];

            if (statement is SelectStatement)
                TableSource tableSource = (((QuerySpecification)((SelectStatement)statement).QueryExpression).FromClauses[0]);

                Console.WriteLine(@"Top level FROM clause at Line {0}, Column {1} (Character Offset {2})",
                                  tableSource.StartLine, tableSource.StartColumn, tableSource.StartOffset);



Parsing statement "select * from table1;"
Top level FROM clause at Line 1, Column 15 (Character Offset 14)

Parsing statement "select *,
                              (select top 1 col1 from anothertable) as col1 from
Top level FROM clause at Line 2, Column 82 (Character Offset 93)

Parsing statement "select * from table1,  (select col1 from anothertable) as ano
Top level FROM clause at Line 1, Column 15 (Character Offset 14)

Parsing statement "select * from table1 where col1=(select top 1 col1 from anoth
Top level FROM clause at Line 1, Column 15 (Character Offset 14)

Parsing statement "select * from table where col1=(select top 1 col1 from anothe
Errors encountered: "Incorrect syntax near table."

考虑到,select from子句中可能会出现SP的字段名,别名或名称。 例如,如果TABLE包含字段,则从select中选择TABLE是有效的。

假设您要查找的“from”是任何括号外的唯一一个,您可以逐个字母地查看字符串并计算括号(打开时为+1,关闭时为-1)。 当您的支架计数器为0时,如果找到“从”,则它应该是正确的。


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