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[英]No emacs package on rpmforge (RHEL)

尝试在RHEL 5.5上安装emacs时,出现以下错误:

 $ sudo yum install emacs
 Loaded plugins: rhnplugin, security
 This system is not registered with RHN.
 RHN support will be disabled.
 Setting up Install Process
 No package emacs available.
 Nothing to do

我已经安装了rpmforge。 当我尝试搜索emacs时,得到以下信息:

================================================= Matched: emacs ==================================================
crm114-emacs.x86_64 : Emacs mode for CRM114
ed.x86_64 : The GNU line editor.
emacs-git.x86_64 : Git version control system support for Emacs
emacs-ocaml.x86_64 : Emacs mode for Objective Caml
gpm.i386 : A mouse server for the Linux console.
gpm.x86_64 : A mouse server for the Linux console.
ne.x86_64 : Nice editor
perl-Games-Dissociate.noarch : Dissociated Press algorithm and filter
ratpoison.x86_64 : Ratpoison window manager
readline.i386 : A library for editing typed command lines.
readline.x86_64 : A library for editing typed command lines.
sylpheed.x86_64 : Full-featured GTK+ based fast e-mail client
texmacs.x86_64 : Structured WYSIWYG scientific text editor

在哪里可以找到emacs? (或者我是否必须从源代码下载并编译?)谢谢

由于您正在运行RHEL,因此需要通过rhn_register命令向RedHat注册系统。 有关如何执行此操作的更多详细信息,请参见http://docs.redhat.com/docs/zh-CN/Red_Hat_Network_Satellite/5.4/html/Reference_Guide/ch-register.html

完成此操作后,您可以成功使用yum updateyum install ...等。


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