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[英]Best way to validate drag/drop operations for a TreeView in C#

我想验证是否允许拖放操作。 有效项可以来自我们的另一个“控件”,也可以来自内部自定义树视图。 目前我有这个:

bool CanDrop(DragEventArgs e)
    bool allow = false;
    Point point = tree.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
    TreeNode target = tree.GetNodeAt(point);
    if (target != null)
        if (CanWrite(target)) //user permissions
            if (e.Data.GetData(typeof(DataInfoObject)) != null) //from internal application
                DataInfoObject info = (DataInfoObject)e.Data.GetData(typeof(DataInfoObject));
                DragDataCollection data = info.GetData(typeof(DragDataCollection)) as DragDataCollection;
                if (data != null)
                    allow = true;
            else if (tree.SelectedNode.Tag.GetType() != typeof(TreeRow)) //node belongs to this & not a root node
                if (TargetExistsInNode(tree.SelectedNode, target) == false)
                    if (e.Effect == DragDropEffects.Copy)
                        allow = true;
                    else if (e.Effect == DragDropEffects.Move)
                        allow = true;
    return allow;


如此多的逻辑,以及如此多的逻辑可以做我希望树状视图完成的事情(例如,“ TargetExistsInNode”检查被拖动的节点是否被拖动到其子节点之一)。


我使用TreeNode.Tag属性存储构成逻辑的小型“控制器”对象。 例如:

class TreeNodeController {
  Entity data; 

  virtual bool IsReadOnly { get; }
  virtual bool CanDrop(TreeNodeController source, DragDropEffects effect);
  virtual bool CanDrop(DataInfoObject info, DragDropEffects effect);
  virtual bool CanRename();

class ParentNodeController : TreeNodeController {
  override bool IsReadOnly { get { return data.IsReadOnly; } } 
  override bool CanDrop(TreeNodeController source, DragDropEffect effect) {
    return !IsReadOnly && !data.IsChildOf(source.data) && effect == DragDropEffect.Move;
  virtual bool CanDrop(DataInfoObject info, DragDropEffects effect) {
    return info.DragDataCollection != null;
  override bool CanRename() { 
    return !data.IsReadOnly && data.HasName;

class LeafNodeController : TreeNodeController {
  override bool CanDrop(TreeNodeController source, DragDropEffect effect) {
    return false;


bool CanDrop(DragDropEventArgs args) {
  Point point = tree.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
  TreeNode target = tree.GetNodeAt(point);
  TreeNodeController targetController = target.Tag as TreeNodeController;

  DataInfoObject info = args.GetData(typeof(DataInfoObject)) as DataInfoObject;
  TreeNodeController sourceController = args.GetData(typeof(TreeNodeController)) as TreeNodeController;

  if (info != null) return targetController.CanDrop(info, e.Effect);
  if (sourceController != null) return targetController.CanDrop(sourceController, e.Effect);
  return false;


没有严格回答您的问题,但是我发现您的代码中存在错误。 DragDropEffects设置了flags属性,因此您可以将e.Effect作为复制和移动的按位组合。 在这种情况下,您的代码将错误地返回false。


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